The Global Flood Awareness System has a wide product portfolio covering the forecast of large-scale riverine floods by computing hazard as well as impact predictions, for the latter considering location specific vulnerability data. This is complemented through the embedding of the GFM (Global Flood Monitoring), which maps in an automatic manner floods in near real-time and computes associated impact estimations.
Overview on existing GloFAS and GFM product portfolio.
GloFAS Products derive from flood forecast simulations. Users receive products as a set of easily readable maps aimed at offering users a fast and dynamic situational awareness about possible flood risks. There are five main product categories (see also figure above):
- GloFAS medium-range flood forecasts (1) provide an overview of upcoming flood events for up to 30 days, including possible flood impacts (2). The forecasts are updated once a day and are run at 00:00 UTC each day. The forecasts are accessible in the Map viewer around 8:00 UTC. GloFAS seasonal hydrological outlooks (3) summarise the hydrological situation over the next four months, and predict changes with respect to the hydrological extremes (high and low flows). Outlooks can be used to support various water-related applications such as reservoir management, navigation, irrigation or drought risk management. The seasonal hydrological outlook is issued monthly. Both the medium-range and seasonal flood forecasts are complemented by information on the forecast skill and model performance (4).
- The Global Flood Monitoring Product provides an automatic monitoring of floods in near real-time (5) independent of weather conditions and daytime.
GloFAS Products are accessible through the Map Viewer, but also via web services and direct download. All registered users can access the complete product family of GloFAS and GFM, no restrictions apply to who can register as a user.
More general information on the various GloFAS products can be found on the GloFAS website:
- Medium-range flood forecasts (GloFAS)
- Seasonal outlook (GloFAS Seasonal)
- GloFAS Rapid Risk Assessment (Impact forecasts)
- GloFAS Global Flood Monitoring (GFM)
- GloFAS Skill
A technical documentation of each GloFAS layer is available in the GloFAS and GFM wikis:
Overall GloFAS Products Summary
- GloFAS Initial Conditions Products Overview
- GloFAS Meteorological Products Overview
- GloFAS Hydrological Products Overview
- GloFAS Flood Risk Products Overview
- GloFAS Evaluation Products Overview
- GloFAS Static Layers Overview
- GloFAS Global Flood Monitoring Products Overview
GFM products overview and additional information