This page describes some aspects of the effect of the the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on Europe in winter, which manifest via atmospheric circulation teleconnections. The positive phase of the oscillation, El Niño events, usually lasts 9 to 12 months, reaching a peak intensity between November and January (although the events can sometimes last years). The negative phase of the oscillation, La Niña events, also typically peaks during the northern hemisphere winter. At the end of the page, some global effects are also quantified in charts available for all months.

Circulation teleconnections 

ENSO events are characterised by large-scale anomalies in sea temperatures and atmospheric winds taking hold in the equatorial Pacific. These are associated with shifts in large-scale patterns of atmospheric circulation which result in effects a very long way from the centres of action (for example, changes to the Walker circulation 'propagate' the effects in a zonal direction, across the tropics). However, away from the tropics other factors, independent of ENSO or, more generally, of perturbations in the tropics, can affect the climate at certain times of year. They come into competition with the ENSO teleconnections, modulating the latter in a variety of ways. The 'average' behaviour - often determined by calculating statistics conditioned on a phase of the oscillation - is by no means a guarantee of outcomes in a single instance (year). This is particularly the case for the North Atlantic/European sector, where influences from polar regions, or the stratosphere, can play a significant role in winter, as well as in summer.

The following plots are ERA5 mean sea level pressure (MSLP) composites for the northern hemisphere, constructed from El Niño and La Niña events. They show the average circulation patterns which have occurred during these events during winter (Dec-Feb), separately for Nov-Dec and Jan-Feb. The European/North Atlantic region (70W-30E, 25N-80N) is highlighted on these maps in black.

Nov-Dec and Jan-Feb MSLP anomalies for ENSO events

In these charts composite MSLP anomalies in units of hPa are shown for El Niño (left) and La Niña (right), for Nov-Dec (ND, top) and Jan-Feb (JF, bottom). 

  • The ENSO state is characterised here using NINO3.4 - an index defined as the area-average sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the region (170W-120W, 5S-5N). The period used as reference for the analysis is 1970 - 2022; the selection of ENSO years is based on average SST anomalies in December-February (DJF).

  • Data used in this analysis is from ERA5 (ERA5, Hersbach et al., 2020).
  • Here, the thresholds for selection of El Niño and la Niña years are, respectively, the upper or lower quartile of the sample of years in the reference period. These correspond to, approximately, for winter (DJF, shown for ND & JA): El Niño (n34 > 0.6), La Niña (n34 < - 0.7)

  • The selected ENSO years for ND and JF (labelled by the year in which January falls) are:

    • El Niño  :   1973, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019

    • La Niña :   1971, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2021

  • The composites above are a weighted average of the MSLP fields in the years above, where the weights are the strength of the NINO3.4 SST anomalies.
  • The regression and composite calculation to obtain the MSLP composites is performed as follows:

    • If Z’ (x, t) is the anomaly of a meteorological field defined at spatial coordinates x and time t, and s3.4 (t) is the SST anomaly in the NINO3.4 region, the regression pattern of Z’ against s3.4 is defined by:

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      \begin{equation*} R(\underline{x}) = \frac{\sum_{t} s3.4(t)\cdot Z'(\underline{x},t)}{\sum_{t} s3.4(t)^2} \end{equation*}
    • The regression pattern is computed separately for two sub-samples including periods when the s3.4 seasonal-mean value is either in upper third (El Niño years) or lower third (La Niña years) of the distribution. The following two-month periods are used for the regression analysis: November-December (ND) and January-February (JF); for the selection of ENSO years, average SST anomalies in DJF are used, as described above.

    • For both El Niño and La Niña years, composite anomalies are defined by: 

      \begin{equation*} C(\underline{x}) = \mu3.4\cdot R(\underline{x}) \end{equation*}

      where μ3.4 is the average value of the Nino3.4 anomaly s3.4 over the selected years.

This method is further discussed in Molteni & Brookshaw 2023.

Average effects

ENSO events tend to peak at the end of the calendar year; accordingly, impacts over Europe tend to be stronger in winter than at other times of year.

The composites above reveal differences in the response in North Atlantic-European (NAE) atmospheric circulation between early winter and late winter. For early winter (November-December), the response shows a strong 'symmetry' (high spatial correlation) between El Niño and La Niña composites but the amplitude is larger during the El Niño phase, when a strong negative anomaly is located over the North Atlantic and positive anomalies are found to the south and east. The late-winter (January-February) teleconnection is visibly different from the early-winter equivalent; the spatial correlation between El Niño and La Niña composites decreases.

These circulation anomalies would be associated with anomalies in temperature and precipitation patterns (not shown). 

Diversity of outcomes

As mentioned above, the average behaviour shown in composites is not guaranteed to occur during each ENSO event.

This can be illustrated by looking at past European winters during ENSO events, specifically at MSLP, near-surface air temperature (t2m), precipitation and 10m windspeed. The 'postage stamp' charts below show early- and late-winter (November-December and January-February) anomalies for El Niño/La Niña years. Here, El Niño/La Niña years are selected based on the December-February (DJF) NINO3.4 SST anomalies, calculated using ERA5 data from 1970 to 2022, using the upper/lower quartiles as thresholds (so these are the same years which contributed to the composites above). The anomalies are calculated using the entire period as the reference. 

These  'postage stamp' charts highlight that, despite the typical behaviour described above, there is a large diversity of outcomes associated with the effect of the oscillation in the North-Atlantic and Europe, in both atmospheric circulation and surface conditions. The plots are labelled by the year in which January falls (so 2019 is winter 2018/2019), and with the NINO3.4 index for the period used to make the selection, Dec-Feb. Each set of charts can be expanded by clicking the links below.

These MSLP anomalies are in units of hPa.

The NINO3.4 anomalies printed above each map are DJF means, which were used for the selection. 

El Niño years, ND anomaly, MSLP

La Niña years, ND anomaly, MSLP

El Niño years, JF anomaly, MSLP

La Niña years, JF anomaly, MSLP

These temperature anomalies, relative to the reference-period mean, are in degrees Celsius.

The NINO3.4 anomalies printed above each map are DJF means, which were used for the selection. 

El Niño years, ND anomaly, t2m

La Niña years, ND anomaly, t2m

El Niño years, JF anomaly, t2m

La Niña years, JF anomaly, t2m

These precipitation anomalies are percentages of the reference-period mean.

The NINO3.4 anomalies printed above each map are DJF means, which were used for the selection. 

El Niño years, ND anomaly, precip

La Niña years, ND anomaly, precip

El Niño years, JF anomaly, precip

La Niña years, JF anomaly, precip

These windspeed anomalies are percentages of the reference-period mean.

The NINO3.4 anomalies printed above each map are DJF means, which were used for the selection. 

El Niño years, ND anomaly, windspeed

La Niña years, ND anomaly, windspeed

El Niño years, JF anomaly, windspeed

La Niña years, JF anomaly, windspeed

Global effects - temperature and precipitation

Using the ENSO years selection approach outlined above (here with a choice between the period 1940-2022 and 1970-2022), typical effects on temperature and precipitation are illustrated, by displaying the number of years falling into the upper or lower tercile category of the distribution of the respective variable. Colours are only shown when the number of years is statistically significant. This concept and methodology is similar to that used in Davey et al. 2014.

These charts can be used to identify regions where, according to this analysis method, there is a statistically significant ENSO teleconnection for temperature or precipitation for each calendar month. Due to the variability seen within the postage stamp charts shown above for Europe, there is not a strong signature in the composites below. 

In the table below ENSO events are indicated by the shading of the cells corresponding to the three-month means centred on the time used as 'label' (the title of each column is the numerical value of the month at the centre of the three-month period - e.g, '2', denoting February, represents January-March averages): red indicates El Niño and blue La Niña.

Only the table for the 1970-2022 period is shown:


  • Molteni, F., Brookshaw, A. Early- and late-winter ENSO teleconnections to the Euro-Atlantic region in state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting systems. Clim Dyn 61, 2673–2692 (2023).
  • Hersbach, H, Bell, B, Berrisford, P, et al. The ERA5 global reanalysis. Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2020; 146: 19992049.
  • Davey, M.K., Brookshaw, A. and Ineson, S., 2014. The probability of the impact of ENSO on precipitation and near-surface temperature. Climate Risk Management, 1, pp.5-24.