By default, I think the input file name must be Is this correct? Is there any namelist option to change this? Or anyway to have the input data in a different directory to where you run the model?

Also is the default namelist file called fort.4?

Finally for the output files, is there any way to change the default name of these?



1 Comment

  1. Yes, the name "" is hard coded default being used in around seven different routines of the SCM driver. Indeed no problem to make the code more flexible in this respect.

    The default namelist location in fort.4 is the feature inherited from the full IFS code. It seems to be the default name for namelist from the times of Fortran77 there. Apparently there was no need to change this convection so far. (Do you really find it practical to run model with an ambiguous name of its configuration file? To me this sounds like rather insecure feature.)

    Finally the output file names are once again hard coded in the SCM driver code to be "" and "".

    None of these is carved to stone. It could be easily modified through the code. Especially the input and output file names are features of few routines from the SCM driver. I would not however suggest to touch this. Is it really a problem? Why not to bypass it by some intelligent scripting renaming/linking your files with generic names to the default?