Due to historical reason analysis date and time values are currently encoded incorrectly in MACC_GFAS file and directory names:
- Dates in directory names do not match dates in file names.
- Also, step value is incorrectly encoded in GRIB files.
Here is an example of the location and the file name of a latest analysis as of this morning:
/DATA/MACC_GFAS/20170913> ls *frpfire.grib -rw-r--r-- 1 anonymou ec 25920120 Sep 13 05:30 z_macc_c_ecmf_20170912120000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib /DATA/MACC_GFAS/20170913> grib_ls -p date,time,step z_macc_c_ecmf_20170912120000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib date time step 20170912 1200 0
This file contains 00:00 - 23:59 analysis from the 12 Sep.
To make directory and file names more compliant with ECMWF practices, we've created a new parallel stream called CAMS_GFAS with exactly the same GFAS data but using a more consistent naming and date convention.
The same data is available in this file in the new stream:
/DATA/CAMS_GFAS/20170912> ls *frpfire.grib -rw-r--r-- 1 anonymou ec 25920120 Sep 13 05:29 z_cams_c_ecmf_20170912000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib /DATA/CAMS_GFAS/20170912> grib_ls -p date,time,step z_cams_c_ecmf_20170912000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib date time step 20170912 0 0-24
The data will become available in the new stream at the same time as in the existing MACC_GFAS stream until December 2017, when MACC_GFAS stream will be phased out.