EFAS Web Layers
For more information on how to access web layers via API visit this page. Note not all layers are available.
LAYER NAME [Mapserver layer name] | DESCRIPTION |
Det. DWD [alDWD] | Return period exceedance map showing the highest return period exceedance within the forecast range based on the deterministic DWD forecast. |
Det. ECMWF [alEUD] | Return period exceedance map showing the highest return period exceedance within the forecast range based on the deterministic ECMWF forecast. |
COSMO > 20-year RP [sumALECOS] | Number of COSMO-LEPS based forecasts exceeding the EFAS 20-year return period threshold. |
ECMWF-ENS > 5-year RP [sumALHEUE] | Number of ECMWF-ENS based forecasts exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period threshold. |
COSMO > 5-year RP [sumALHCOS] | Number of COSMO-LEPS based forecasts exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period threshold. |
ECMWF-ENS > 20-year RP [sumALEEUE] | Number of ECMWF-ENS based forecasts exceeding the EFAS 20-year return period threshold. |
COSMO Prob. Pr > 150mm [COS_probRgt150] | Probability [%] of exceeding 150 mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (5 days) for COSMO-LEPS forecast. |
COSMO Prob. Pr > 50mm [COS_probRgt50] | Probability [%] of exceeding 50 mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (5 days) for COSMO-LEPS forecast. |
Hydrological Skill [HydrologicalSkills] | The hydrological skill of LISFLOOD expressed through the modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency for the calibration, which were used to calibrate LISFLOOD. Layer now discontinued: |
ECMWF-ENS Prob. Pr > 150mm [EUE_probRgt150] | Probability [%] of exceeding 150 mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (10 days) for the ensemble ECMWF forecast |
ECMWF-ENS Prob. Pr > 50mm [EUE_probRgt50] | Probability [%] of exceeding 50 mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (10 days) for the ensemble ECMWF forecast. |
ERIC Reporting Points [Eric_v2] | Reporting points showing the furthest downstream locations where the forecasted probability [%] of extreme runoff accumulations exceeds a 5 (red) or 20 (purple) year return period magnitude. |
Catchments [Catchments] | Layer showing the world's main catchments. |
Country Borders [Countries] | Layer showing the country borders. |
EFAS Partner Regions [DissCentres] | Layer showing the river basins/administrative regions being EFAS partners. |
Flood Protection Levels [FloodProtectionLevels] | The level of flood protection is given as the estimated design return period of flood defences, that is, the return period of the maximum flood event which can be beard by the defence measures (e.g. dikes). It is assumed that any flood event above the protection level will cause flooding. |
Landslide Susceptibility [LandSlide] | This European landslide susceptibility map presents the spatial likelihood of landslide occurrence in 5 classes as a 1 km raster data set. Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of a landslide to occur in an area controlled by local terrain conditions. Susceptibility does not consider the temporal probability of failure or the magnitude of the expected events. |
Administrative regions [GlobalNuts] | Administrative regions merged using NUTS-2 or NUTS-3 classification from EUROSTAT 2016 and the region classification from GADM to obtain an approximately equally sized administrative regions map for Europe. Note:The designation of Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status, and it is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence |
National Flood Links [EUCapitals] | Layer showing the national provider of information. Clicking on the point representing the Region capital it will open a pop-up with the list of national providers and the link to their website. |
Major Rivers [MajorRivers[1-6]] | Layer showing the major rivers. Static layer showing major rivers at variable widths for each river level. Smaller rivers can be seen when zoomed in The layer is rendered on 6 different levels, specified by adding 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 in the request layer name. |
LISFLOOD Drainage Network [ec_ldd] | Drainage network of LISFLOOD model: rivers are shown as they are represented in the model. Lines show connections between model's pixels. |
LISFLOOD Reservoirs and Lakes [ec_res_and_lakes] | Location of reservoirs (green) and lakes (purple) on LISFLOOD model drainage network. Lakes and reservoirs are always centred over LISFLOOD drainage network and are represented using one model pixel. |
LISFLOOD Fixed reporting points [ec_fixed_rep_points] | Location of river gauges on LISFLOOD model drainage network. River gauges are displayed on the model pixel that better represents their real location. |
Threshold level exceedance ongoing [MIC1] | Reporting points where maximum discharge is expected today. Colour denotes the highest alert level exceeded by a certain forecast. |
Threshold level exceedance 1-2 days [MIC2] | Reporting points where maximum discharge is expected within the next 1-2 days. Roman numbers denote when exactly maximum discharge is expected. Colour denotes the highest alert level exceeded by a certain forecast. |
Threshold level exceedance 3-5 days [MIC3] | Reporting points where maximum discharge is expected within the next 3-5 days. Roman numbers denote when exactly maximum discharge is expected. Colour denotes the highest alert level exceeded by a certain forecast. |
Threshold level exceedance > 5 days [MIC4] | Reporting points where maximum discharge is expected within the next 5 days or more. Roman numbers denote when exactly maximum discharge is expected. Colour denotes the highest alert level exceeded by a certain forecast. |
Rapid Flood Mapping [RapidFloodMapping] | Estimated flood extent at 100m resolution based on forecasted flood magnitude. |
Rapid Impact Assessment [RapidImpactAssessment] | Potential impact of floods on population, land use (agriculture, urban) and infrastructures (major roads). |
ReportingPoints [ReportingPoints] | New layer that is combining the Real-time Hydrographs and the Reporting points. |
Water Balance [RepWB] | Comparison of the EFAS initial conditions against measured discharge. |
Flood Probability > 48h [probLT48h] | Probability of ECMWF-ENS forecasts exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period threshold. Forecasting range of 2-10 days. |
Flood Probability < 48h [probGT48h] | Probability of ECMWF-ENS forecasts exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period threshold. Forecasting range of 0-48 hours. |
National Flood Monitoring [Elimco] | This layer is a wms layer loaded from a service hosted by EFAS Hydro. |
Real-time hydrographs [RealTimeHydrographs] | Post-processed forecast hydrographs where near-real-time discharge observations are available. On the right, the probability of exceeding two thresholds (MHQ and MQ) versus lead-time is shown. The MHQ (shown on the top) is defined as the average yearly maximum value (peak discharges which occur every one or two years on average), whereas the MQ is the average of all the discharge values (normal condition). |
Reporting Points 5yr RP [RepPoints_High] | Reporting point where the forecasted probability to exceed the EFAS 5-year return period is > 10 %. Numbers denote the percentage of ECMWF-ENS members (left) and COSMO-LEPS members (right), respectively, exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period threshold. |
Reporting Points 2yr RP [RepPoints_Med] | Reporting point where the forecasted probability to exceed the EFAS 2-year return period threshold is > 50 %. |
ERICHA hourly accumulated precipitation [eccharts:efas_radar_acc] | Hourly rainfall accumulations estimated from the European radar composite and including a nowcast of the following 8 hours. Hourly rainfall accumulations are updated every 15 minutes. The red part in the time slider denotes the start of the nowcast. Nowcasts are generated by accumulating the instantaneous maps obtained for up to 8 hours with a nowcasting algorithm based on Lagrangian persistence. project. |
ERICHA 24-h accumulations [eccharts:efas_radar_acc24h] | Daily rainfall accumulations estimated from the European radar composite for the last 24 hours finishing at the time stamp of the selected forecast date. |
ERICHA - FF hazard levels forecasts [eccharts:efas_radar_haz1h] | Flash flood hazard level: Flash flood hazard level estimated from the European reflectivity composite. Estimation of the hazard level is based on the rainfall aggregated on the drainage network (defined with a resolution of 1km), which is used as the variable that characterizes the flash flood potential. The thresholds used for the different hazard levels depend on the regional climatic characteristics and the size of the catchment defined upstream of each point of the drainage network. The flash flood hazard level is updated every 15 mins in line with the rainfall accumulation (1h) layer. |
ERIC Affected Area [affectedDrainageArea] | Drainage area affected by the forecasted heavy precipitation and potential flash floods. |
ERIC - Reporting Points [Eric] | Reporting points showing the furthest downstream locations where the forecasted probability [%] of extreme runoff accumulations exceeds a 5 (red) or 20 (purple) year return period magnitude. |
Acc. Precip. Det. DWD [rainDWD] | Accumulated rainfall [mm] over the entire forecast range (7 days) of the deterministic DWD forecast. |
Acc. Precip. Det. ECMWF [rainEUD] | Accumulated rainfall [mm] over the entire forecast range (10 days) of the deterministic ECMWF forecast. |
Seasonal outlook [SeasonalOutlook] | River flow anomaly and its probability of occurrence for the next 8 weeks, aggregated over regions. The anomaly is calculated from the current seasonal forecast (produced by forcing the LISFLOOD model with the 51 members ensemble from the ECMWF System 5 seasonal forecast) with respect to the 90th and 10th percentiles of the simulated discharge from a 24-year model climatology run (1990 - 2013). The seasonal forecast outlook plots are updated on a weekly basis with the latest weekly averaged water balance. A new seasonal forecast outlook (map and plots) is generated at the beginning of each month when the new forecast becomes available (usually on the 8th of the month). |
Sub-seasonal outlook [s2s] | River flow anomaly and its probability of occurrence for the next six weeks, aggregated over regions. The anomaly is calculated from the current sub-seasonal hydrometeorological forecast, which is produced by forcing the LISFLOOD model with the 51 members ensemble of the ECMWF extended-range ensemble forecast up to 46 days. The thresholds for high and low probability are with respect to the 90th and 10th percentiles of the simulated discharge from a 29-year model climatology run (1991 - 2019). A new sub-seasonal forecast outlook (map and plots) is generated twice weekly, each Monday and Thursday. |
Snow Water Eq. [scWB] | LISFLOOD simulated amount of snow [mm water equivalent] based on observed meteorological input. |
Satellite Snow Water Eq. [satSnowWaterEq] | Snow Water Equivalent [mm] as derived from satellite measurements (AMSR-E microwave radiometer on EOS-Aqua) with assimilated ground observations. This is an operational H-SAF product. |
Satellite Soil Moisture [satSoilMoisture] | Relative soil moisture for soil depths 0 1.0m as derived from the advanced scatterometer (ASCAT) on board the METOP satellite. Relative soil moisture is calculated using a weighted average of the three different soil moisture layers provided by ASCAT. This is an operational H-SAF product. |
Obs. Average Temp. [obsAverageTemp] | Average daily temperature [degree C] based on interpolated temperature observations. |
Obs. Precipitation [obsPrecip] | Accumulated daily rainfall [mm] from 06UTC of the specified day until 06UTC of the following day based on interpolated precipitation observations. |
Soil Moisture [soilMoisture] | LISFLOOD simulated relative soil moisture of the upper soil layer based on observed meteorological input. |
Soil Moisture Anomaly [soilMoistureAnomaly] | Deviation of the LISFLOOD simulated daily soil moisture from normal conditions. The normal conditions have been derived using the simulated soil moisture from a 26-year model climatology (1990 2016). |
Synop 24 hour precip [synopStation24Hours] | 24-hour accumulated observed precipitation [mm] based on SYNOP stations. It is valid for the 24-hour period ending at 06 UTC for the 00 UTC products and at 18 UTC for the 12 UTC products (on the same day). |
10d Snow Anomaly [10dSnowAnomaly] | Deviation of the LISFLOOD simulated past 10-day average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) from normal conditions. The normal conditions have been derived using the simulated SWE from a 26-year model climatology (1990 2016). |
Medium-range forecast skill [mr_forecast_skil] | Maximum lead time (in days) when EFAS medium-range river discharge forecast skill (CRPSS) is greater than 0.5, evaluated against a persistence benchmark forecast (6hr river discharge value persisted from previous time step). Detailed results are shown when clicking on individual stations. |
Model Performance - Catchments [CatchmentsKGE] | Modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) for calibration stations |
Model Performance - Points [ReportingpointsKGE] | Modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) for calibration stations.
Flood probability persistence [persistence] | Categorical probability map, combining the 2-year (yellow), 5-year (red) and 20-year (purple) total (combining all models) exceedence probabilities, averaged from the two most recent forecast runs |
Social Media Activity Analysis [SMFR] | The layer aggregates tweets about floods in a specific area. Data collection is triggered on the basis of weather forecasts. |
Social Media Activity Analysis - Tweets [SMFR_tweets] | The collected Twitter data for the area |
Affected Landcover [gfm:affected_landcover_group_layer] | Land cover type flooded. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Affected-Landcover |
Affected population [gfm:affected_population_group_layer] | Number of people in flooded areas, mapped by a spatial overlay of observed flood extent and gridded population. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Affected-Population |
Exclusion Mask [gfm:exclusion_mask_group_layer] | Unclassified areas (e.g., urban areas; dense vegetation, flat and impervious areas, sandy surfaces, topographic effects). For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Exclusion-Mask |
Observed Flood Extent [gfm:observed_flood_extent_group_layer] | Flooded areas mapped using S-1 SAR backscatter intensity. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Observed-Flood-Extent |
Observed Water Extent [gfm:observed_water_extent_group_layer] | Open and calm water mapped as the union of the output layers S-1 Observed Flood Extent and S-1 Reference Water Mask. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Observed-Water-Extent |
Reference Water Mask [gfm:reference_water_mask_group_layer] | Normal (i.e. permanent, seasonal) water mapped using S-1 SAR backscatter intensity. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Reference-Water-Mask |
Likelihood Values [gfm:uncertainty_values_group_layer] | Estimated uncertainty of flood mapping, for all areas outside exclusion mask. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Likelihood-Values |
Advisory Flags [gfm:advisory_flags_group_layer] | Flags indicating potential reduced quality of flood mapping, due to meteorological conditions or degraded input data quality. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Advisory-Flags |
Sentinel1 Footprint [gfm:sentinel_1_footprint] | Image boundaries of the S-1 data used. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Footprint |
Sentinel1 Metadata [gfm:sentinel_1_metadata] | Information on the acquisition parameters of the S-1 data used. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Metadata |
Sentinel1 Schedule [gfm:sentinel_1_schedule] | Next scheduled S-1 data acquisition. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Schedule |
GloFAS Web Layers
LAYER NAME [Mapserver layer] | DESCRIPTION | |
Accumulated Precipitation [AccRainEGE] | Amount of accumulated precipitation (mm) over the the first 10 days of the forecast period as the mean of the ECMWF ensemble forecast. | |
Precipitation Prob. > 50mm [EGE_probRgt50] | Probability [%] of exceeding 50 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the ECMWF ensemble forecast. | |
Precipitation Prob. > 150mm [EGE_probRgt150] | Probability [%] of exceeding 150 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the ECMWF ensemble forecast. | |
Precipitation Prob. > 300mm [EGE_probRgt300] | Probability [%] of exceeding 300 mm of accumulated precipitation over the first 10 days of the ECMWF ensemble forecast. | |
Reporting Points [reportingPoints] | Reporting points where more forecast information is available. Purple/red/yellow points denote expected floods to exceed 20-year (purple), 5-year (red) or 2-year (yellow) return period by at least 30%, according to the highest probability of exceedance over the 30-day forecast horizon as shown in the 'Flood summary for days 1-30' layer. Flood peaks expected within the first 3 (beyond the first 10) days of forecasts are highlighted with black contour (greyed colours) respectively. Numbers denote the percentage of ensemble members exceeding the specific return period. The shape denotes rising (upward triangle), decreasing (downward triangle), or stagnant (circle) trend of the ensemble median discharge within the forecast horizon. The grey squares represent reporting points with no forecasted flood (i.e. less than 30% probability for the river discharge to exceed the 2-year return period flood threshold). | |
5 Year Return Period Exceedance [sumALHEGE] | Probability of ensemble river discharge predictions [%] to exceed the 5-year return period over the 30-day forecast horizon. | |
20 Year Return Period Exceedance [sumALEEGE] | Probability of ensemble river discharge predictions [%] to exceed the 20-year return period over the 30-day forecast horizon. | |
Flood summary for days 1-30 [sumAL43EGE] | Map showing the 2- (yellow), 5- (red) and 20-year (purple) exceedance probabilities, with colour tone defined according to the maximum exceedance probability within the 30-day forecast horizon (30-50%, 50-75% and 75-100%). | |
Flood summary for days 1-3 [sumAL41EGE] | Map showing the 2- (yellow), 5- (red) and 20-year (purple) exceedance probabilities, with colour tone defined according to the maximum exceedance probability within the 1-3 day forecast horizon (30-50%, 50-75% and 75-100%). | |
Flood summary for days 4-10 [sumAL42EGE] | Map showing the 2- (yellow), 5- (red) and 20-year (purple) exceedance probabilities, with colour tone defined according to the maximum exceedance probability within the 4-10 day forecast horizon (30-50%, 50-75% and 75-100%). | |
Flood summary for days 11-30 [sumAL43EGE] | Map showing the 2- (yellow), 5- (red) and 20-year (purple) exceedance probabilities, with colour tone defined according to the maximum exceedance probability within the 11-30 day forecast horizon (30-50%, 50-75% and 75-100%). | |
Seasonal Outlook - Reporting Points [RPG80] | Reporting points where ensemble hydrographs, displaying the river flow forecast out to 4 months, are available. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application. | |
Seasonal Outlook - River Network [rivermap_4mon] | Maximum probability [%] of high (> 80th percentile) or low (< 20th percentile) river flow during the 4-month forecast horizon for each GloFAS river cell. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application. | |
Seasonal Outlook - Basin Overview [areamap_4mon] | Maximum probability [%] of high (> 80th percentile) or low (< 20th percentile) river flow during the 4-month forecast horizon, aggregated into large basins. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application. | |
Rapid Impact Assessment [RapidImpactAssessment] | Potential impact of floods on population and land use (agriculture, urban) based on their intersection with the 1km resolution rapid flood mapping layer. Results are aggregated over administration regions. Colours represent the location within an impact matrix based on the time to peak GloFAS streamflow and how many people live within the footprint of the flood inundation. Data are only generated for basins greater than 5,000 km2 and where the maximum forecasted return period in the 30-day period is greater than 10 years. The role of flood defences is not considered. | |
Rapid Flood Mapping [RapidFloodMapping] | Estimated flood extent at 1km resolution based on the matching of return periods from the GloFAS streamflow forecast and a catalogue of modelled inundation extents. Data are only generated for basins greater than 5,000 km2 and where the maximum forecasted return period in the 30-day period is greater than 10 years. The role of flood defences is not considered. | |
GloFAS lakes and reservoirs [GlofasLakesReservoirs] | Lakes and reservoirs as included in the GloFAS model set-up. Selection criteria are (1) lake surface area > 100km2; (2) significant impact on river discharge; (3) reservoir capacity > 0.5 km3. Source: Global Lakes and Wetlands Database - Global Reservoir and Dams Database | |
Major river basins [MajorRiverBasins] | Major river basins of the world. Source: Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). For more technical details see www.bafg.de | |
Flood hazard 100 year return period [FloodHazard100y] | Inundated areas for flood events with a return period of 100 years, based on GloFAS climatology. Permanent water bodies are derived from the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database and from the Natural Earth lakes map (naturalearthdata.com). | |
LISFLOOD Drainage Network [UpstreamArea] | Drainage network of the LISFLOOD model. Rivers are shown as they are represented in the model. Lines show connections between the model pixels above 500 km2 drainage area. The larger drainage area is represented by both darkening colours and increasing line widths. Warning: Until GloFAS version 3.4, this layer appeared with the name: 'Upstream Area' and with description of: 'The GloFAS river network is plotted with river pixels above 1000 km2, represented by the upstream area (in km2).' | |
Reservoir impact [GlofasReservoirImpact] | The map illustrates the potential impact of reservoirs included in GloFAS on river discharge at a global scale. To provide a continuous estimate of the potential reservoir effect along river reaches, the ratio of reservoir volume to mean annual discharge was calculated for each grid cell. This ratio makes use of the upstream cumulative reservoir capacity [m3] and the cell-specific total volume of annual natural river discharge [m3]. | |
Major Rivers [MajorRivers6] | Layer showing the major rivers. | |
Administrative Regions [AdministrativeRegions] | Administrative regions merged using NUTS-2 or NUTS-3 classification from EUROSTAT and the region classification from GADM. | |
Social Media Activity Analysis [SMFR] | The layer aggregates tweets about floods in a specific area. Data collection is triggered on the basis of weather forecasts. | |
Affected Landcover [gfm:affected_landcover_group_layer] | Land cover type flooded. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Affected-Landcover | |
Affected population [gfm:affected_population_group_layer] | Number of people in flooded areas, mapped by a spatial overlay of observed flood extent and gridded population. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Affected-Population | |
Exclusion Mask [gfm:exclusion_mask_group_layer] | Unclassified areas (e.g., urban areas; dense vegetation, flat and impervious areas, sandy surfaces, topographic effects). For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Exclusion-Mask | |
Observed Flood Extent [gfm:observed_flood_extent_group_layer] | Flooded areas mapped using S-1 SAR backscatter intensity. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Observed-Flood-Extent | |
Observed Water Extent [gfm:observed_water_extent_group_layer] | Open and calm water mapped as the union of the output layers S-1 Observed Flood Extent and S-1 Reference Water Mask. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Observed-Water-Extent | |
Reference Water Mask [gfm:reference_water_mask_group_layer] | Normal (i.e. permanent, seasonal) water mapped using S-1 SAR backscatter intensity. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Reference-Water-Mask | |
Likelihood Values [gfm:uncertainty_values_group_layer] | Estimated uncertainty of flood mapping, for all areas outside exclusion mask. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Likelihood-Values | |
Advisory Flags [gfm:advisory_flags_group_layer] | Flags indicating potential reduced quality of flood mapping, due to meteorological conditions or degraded input data quality. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/Advisory-Flags | |
Sentinel1 Footprint [gfm:sentinel_1_footprint] | Image boundaries of the S-1 data used. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Footprint | |
Sentinel1 Metadata [gfm:sentinel_1_metadata] | Information on the acquisition parameters of the S-1 data used. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Metadata | |
Sentinel1 Schedule [gfm:sentinel_1_schedule] | Next scheduled S-1 data acquisition. For more information: https://extwiki.eodc.eu/GFM/PUM/Products/S-1-Schedule |