Contributors: L. Carrea (University of Reading), C.J. Merchant (University of Reading), B. Calmettes (CLS),  N. Taburet (CLS)

Issued by: L. Carrea, C.J. Merchant


Official reference number service contract: 2021/C3S2_312a_Lot4_EODC/SC1

Ref: C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP2-FDDP-LK-v1_202212_LSWT_PUGS-v4_i1.1

Table of Contents

History of modifications



Description of modification

Chapters / Sections



The v3 document was updated for CDR v4.0




Document finalization




Document amended in response to independent review and finalised for publication.


List of datasets covered by this document

Deliverable ID

Product title

Product type (CDR, ICDR)

C3S Version Number

Public Version Number

Delivery date


Lake Surface Water Temperature



LSWT v4.5


Related documents

Reference ID



Carrea, L. et al. (2022) C3S Lakes Service: Target Requirement and Gap Analysis Document. Document ref. C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP3-TRGAD-LK-v1_202204_LK_TR_GA_i1.1


Carrea, L. et al. (2023) C3S Lake Surface Water Temperature version 4.5: System Quality Assurance Document. Document ref. C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP3-SQAD-LK-v1_202301_LSWT_SQAD-v4_i1.1


Carrea, L. et al. (2023) C3S Lake Surface Water Temperature version 4.5: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Document ref. C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP2-FDDP-LK-v1_202212_LSWT_ATBD-v4_i1.1


Carrea, L. et al. (2022) C3S Lake Surface Water Temperature version 4.5: Product Quality Assurance Document. Document ref. C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP1-PDDP-LK-v1_202206_LSWT_PQAD-v4_i1.1


Carrea, L. et al. (2023) C3S Lake Surface Water Temperature version 4.5: Product Quality Assessment Report. Document ref. C3S2_312a_Lot4.WP2-FDDP-LK-v1_202212_LSWT_PQAR-v4_i1.1


Group for High Resolution Seas Surface Temperature (GRHSST) Data Specification (GDS) v2, Casey and Donlon (eds.), 2012,


Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions and Metadata;





Along Track Scanning Radiometer


Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer


Advanced Very-High Resolution Radiometer


Copernicus Climate Change Service


C3S Lake production system


Climate Change Initiative


Climate Data Records


Climate and Forecast


European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts


Essential Climate Variable


Earth Observation Data Center


European Remote Sensing


European Space Agency


Generalised Bayesian Cloud Screening


Global Climate Observing System


GHRSST Data Specification


Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature


Global lakes and Wetland Database


Level 3 Collated


Level 3 Super-collated


Level 3 Un-collated




Lake Surface Water Temperature


Maximum A-posteriori Probability


Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer


Natural Environment Research Council




Numerical Weather Prediction


Optimal Estimation


Product User Guide and Specification


Regional Data Assembly Centre


Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer


Science and Technology Facility Council




Total Column Water Vapour


Universal Time Coordinate



General definitions

L2P – Geophysical variables derived from Level 1 source data on the Level 1 grid (typically the satellite swath projection). Ancillary data and metadata added following Group for High Resolution Seas Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Data Specification.

L3U – Level 3 Un-collated data are L2 data granules remapped to a regular latitude/longitude grid without combining observations from multiple source files. L3U files will typically be "sparse", corresponding to a single satellite orbit.

L3C – Level 3 Collated data are observations from a single instrument combined into a space-time grid. A typical L3C file may contain all the observations from a single instrument in a 24-hour period.

L3S – Level 3 Super-collated data are observations from more than one satellite that have been gridded together into a single grid-cell estimate, for those periods where more than one satellite data stream delivering the geophysical quantity has been available.

Brokered dataset – Dataset provided by another institution/initiative and not produced within this service.

Scope of the document

This document is the user guide for the Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT) v4.5 product in the Hydrology service of Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). This document is applicable to both components of this dataset: the brokered timeseries from the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Lakes project and the C3S extension in time produced within the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The brokered and extended Climate Data Records (CDRs) are intended to be used seamlessly together by users.

The main aim of the document is to enable the users to read and use the data and to aid them in understanding its features and limitations. Details of the data format are provided including: data and flag variables, metadata, and naming conventions. The Appendix A - Specifications contains the specification of the product, based on the statements of the lake Essential Climate Variable (ECV) from Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). The Appendix B - List of lakes, contains the list of the 2024 lakes in the LSWT v4.5.

Note that internally to C3S, the product referred to is contractually "CDR V4.0". In this document, the versioning and product name relevant to users is employed ("LSWT v4.5").

Executive summary

The C3S Lake production system (C3S ECV LK) provides an operational service, generating lake surface water temperature and lake water level climate datasets for a wide variety of users within the climate change community. The present document covers the CDR for lake water temperature product, LSWT v4.5. This product includes a static, brokered timeseries from 1995 through end-2020 produced within the ESA CCI Lakes project [Carrea et al, 2023], and an ongoing extension in time of the record from Jan-2021 onwards, generated within the Hydrology service of C3S, providing an operational annual update to the LSWT record in line with user needs.
The LSWT product has been attempted for the 2024 lakes selected within the ESA CCI Lakes project. For 12 of the 2024 lakes, no LSWT could be retrieved at all. The list of the lakes is available at and in a browsable table:   accessible at  

This document describes the key points about the data set generation and product contents and format needed by users intending to apply the CDR. In particular, Chapter 1 contains a description of the  data in the CDR and a brief description of the water surface height estimation process. A detailed description of the algorithm is included in the Algorithm Technical Basis Document (ATBD). Chapter 2 contains a description of the C3S lake surface water temperature product including the description of the data in the NetCDF files and the product characteristics in terms of temporal and spatial coverage and resolution. Chapter 3 recalls the requirements as defined by the GCOS and the results obtained in the C3S Climate Data Record V4.0. The last chapter includes information on the use of the data, with examples of metadata and figures.

The Product User Guide and Specification (PUGS) is a self-contained document which gathers all necessary information to use the Lake Surface Water Temperature products in an efficient and reliable way.

Product Change Log

The following Table 1, provides an overview of the differences between different versions of the product up-to, and including, the current version, with algorithmic versions being provided in Table 2.

Table 1: Changes in the product between versions.

Product Version (delivery version)

Product Changes

V4.5 (CDR v4.0)

CDR produced until 2022-09-30. This contains LWST measurement for 2012 (of 2024) Lakes. The dataset is brokered from the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT dataset until 31/12/2020.

V4.2 (CDR v3.0)

CDR produced until 2020-10-31 and consists of a temporal extension of CDR v2.0 for the 979 (of 1000) lakes.

V4.0 (CDR v2.0)

CDR produced until 31-08-2019 and it consists of a temporal extension of CDR v1.0 for 979 (of 1000) lakes. The validation of the full CDR is improved by the acquisition/quality control of new in situ measurements.

V4.0 (CDR v1.0)

First release of the dataset. CDR produced until 2018-10-31. This contains LWST measurement for 979 (of 1000) Lakes. The dataset is brokered from GloboLakes LSWT dataset until end of 2016.

Table 2: Algorithmic versions and temporal coverage of the CDR v4.0

Temporal coverage

Algorithm version


Jan 1995 to Dec 2020

LSWT v4.5 [D3]


Jan 2021 to Sep 2022

LSWT v4.5 [D3]


Data description

Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT) is the surface expression of the thermal structure of lakes and is changing in response to climatic trends. LSWT is a very important variable for climate change studies, water budget analysis (due to its link to evaporation), lake physical and ecological modelling, and numerical weather prediction (NWP).

The retrieval methodology

Below, the retrieval methodology of this product is shortly summarized. For full details of the basis of the data, refer to the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) [D3].

The algorithm to derive LSWT products from imagery of visible and infrared radiometers consists of many components which aim to retrieve the LSWT from the observed reflectance and brightness temperature for only-water pixels. The core of the algorithm is the retrieval using Optimal Estimation (OE) of LSWT given the observations and prior simulations. The other components of the algorithm prepare the inputs for the retrieval part, namely simulate the brightness temperatures and classify a pixel as water or non-water. Finally, the observations are gridded in a regular 0.05o resolution grid and subsequently a cross-sensor adjustment is estimated and applied in order to obtain a harmonized product.


Preparatory processing: This includes orbit file reading, validity checks, association of auxiliary information to the orbit file being processed (including prior fields from NWP, where relevant), and any pre-processing adjustment to the data themselves.

Classification:  Within this step, valid pixels for LSWT retrieval are identified. Although this step is sometimes referred to as cloud detection, it also involves identifying which image pixels cover only lake water (no coast or islands within the pixel), and exclusion of pixels affected by ice (for which LSWT cannot be obtained). Valid LSWT values are estimated only for pixels that are fully covered by water and free of cloud. The algorithm for the discrimination of water and non-water pixels in the presence of clouds is based on threshold tests on the Visible (VIS), Near-InfraRed (NIR), and Short-Wave-InfraRed (SWIR) channels of the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) and Advanced Very-High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instruments. The water detection algorithm is applied only to candidate pixels which have been identified as potential inland water by the water-bodies identifier mask [Carrea et al., 2015], built from the ESA CCI Land Cover Project for the 2024 ESA CCI LAKES lakes [Carrea et al., 2022].

Retrieval of LSWT (geophysical inversion): For pixels classified as water, LSWT is calculated dynamically given prior information with the Optimal Estimation technique [MacCallum and Merchant, 2012, Carrea et al., 2023]. The prior information comprises NWP fields as inputs to a radiative transfer model, whose simulations in comparison to the observations are used in the retrieval. The LSWT is estimated for each (cloud-free) water pixel using joint optimal estimation of surface temperature and Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV), given the simulations and observations. The form of OE used is to return the Maximum A-posteriori Probability (MAP) assuming Gaussian error characteristics. OE also gives an uncertainty estimate for each retrieval. Quality levels are also estimated which reflects the degree of confidence in the validity of the uncertainty estimate (not the magnitude of data uncertainty). We refer the readers to the ATBD [D3] for more detailed description.

Gridding/averaging: The algorithm grids the full resolution imagery (L2P) into a L3U product on a 0.05o grid.

Daily collation: The output of the previous step (L3U product) is comprised of 14 to 15 orbits each day per sensor. These are collated to produce one file for each 24-hour period, corresponding to day-time observations. The average of the best quality L3U observations from all available sensors is used as LSWT for each cell in the L3S.

Inter-sensor adjustment: To stabilise the record with respect to changes in satellite sensor, an adjustment using overlaps of sensors is made, using the LSWTs from the AVHRR onboard the MetOp A satellite as the (unadjusted) reference. This is valid for all input data except data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the TERRA satellite, in which case fixed adjustments of 0.19 K and 0.11 K has been applied for LSWTs of quality level 4 and 5 respectively for all the lakes. MODIS LSWTs of quality level less than 4 have not been utilised for this dataset [Carrea et al., 2023].

Input data

Input data are shown in Figure 1 and briefly described below.

Figure 1: Input data for the ESA CCI LAKES brokered CDR (blue) and for the C3S extension CDR (red).

  • ATSR L1b:

For the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT v4.5, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT:

    • ATSR2 on the ESR-2 platform from 1995 to 2003
    • Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on the Envisat platform from 2002 to 2012

  • MODIS L1b:

For the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT v4.5, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT:

    • MODIS on the Terra platform from 2000 to 2020

For the LSWT v4.5 C3S extension, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT:

    • MODIS on the Terra platform from 2021 to 2022

  • AVHRR L1b:

For the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT v4.5, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT:

    • AVHRR on the MetOp A platform from 2007 to 2019
    • AVHRR on the MetOp B platform from 2012 to 2019

  • SLSTR L1b:

For the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT v4.5, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT:

    • Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on the Sentinel-3A platform from 2016 to 2020
    • SLSTR on the Sentinel-3B platform for the year 2020

For the LSWT v4.5 C3S extension, L1b data from the following sensors have been processed to produce LSWT

    • SLSTR on the Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B platform from 2021 to Sep 2022

In addition to the L1b data, the auxiliary data inputs are NWP data and a lake mask as described in the Overview and in [Carrea et al., 2023].

Limitations of the product

In the following, the known limitations of the LSWT v4.5 product are listed.

The water/no-water classification algorithm relies on threshold tests, which ideally would be tuned to individual lakes (since lakes may have different reflectivities). Presently, the water detection algorithm uses one generic set of thresholds for all the lakes. For any classification scheme, some water pixels may have not been detected as water and some non-water pixels may have been included in the set of pixel where the retrieval has been applied. The classification scheme is fuzzy-like: the confidence of the water detection is captured in a water detection score which is used (together with other parameters) to set the value of the LSWT quality levels.

The LSWT quality levels range from 2 (suspect/marginal quality) to 5 (best quality). For most applications, we recommend use of quality levels 5 only, or 4 and 5. However, LSWT with quality levels = 2 and 3 are present in the product, and users can assess their usefulness for their own application.

The emissivity assumed in the LSWT retrieval is always set to that of fresh water, and for highly saline lakes, this may introduce some bias (whose magnitude is yet to be assessed, but is likely to be relatively small).

The retrieved LSWT reflects the skin temperature of the lake (the radiating layer of surface water), and a cool offset of ~ 0.2 K should be expected relative to sub-surface water temperature measurements.

The temporal density of observations of any particular quality varies greatly between lakes. Lakes that are narrow (only a couple of kilometres across) generally obtain few water-only pixels with these sensors (whose best resolution is 1 km), even if the lake is extensive and its overall area is large. Some lakes that are targeted in the products, but whose geometry is unfavourable, may have few or no high quality LSWTs associated with them. Some targeted lakes (such as lake 799, i.e., the Hawizeh Marshes in Iran) do not seem to contain pixels of pure water, at least since 1995. Furthermore, prior to the availability of global MODIS (Terra) observations (year 2000), the temporal density of observations is generally lower because of the narrower swath of the ATSR series instruments.

Product description

The product provides an estimation of lake surface water temperature at the time when a given satellite overpasses the lake and no clouds are present. It also contains the uncertainty and the quality level associated with this measurement and the lake mask with the lake identifiers as listed in Appendix B [Carrea et al, 2022]. The product also contains the metadata necessary for the correct use of the data.

Product content

The product contains all the descriptive metadata in the global attributes of the netCDF file (Table 3):

Table 3: Metadata (global attribute) included in the product files




Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Lake Surface Water Temperature L3S product


L3S product from the ESA CCI project, produced using the LSWT 4.5  algorithm.


Carrea, L., Crétaux, J.-F., Liu, X., Wu, Y., Bergé-Nguyen, M., Calmettes, B., Duguay, C., Jiang, D., Merchant, C.J., Mueller, D., Selmes, N., Simis, S., Spyrakos, E., Stelzer, K., Warren, M., Yesou, H., Zhang, D. (2022): ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 2.0.2. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 06 July 2022.;

Carrea, L., Crétaux, JF., Liu, X. et al. Satellite-derived multivariate world-wide lake physical variable timeseries for climate studies. Sci Data 10, 30 (2023).


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0,



C3S, University of Reading


University of Reading LSWT v4.5, created with using GBCS library v2.6.1-146-gfe50b81






universally unique identifier


same as uuid




id of L1b and auxiliary data files


the platform of the sensor used to create the product


the sensor used to create the product


Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0




inland water; temperature; climate; seasonal variations; hydrology; limnology; environmental data; environmental monitoring; monitoring; remote sensing




Environment; Inland water; Geoscientific Information


NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention


Funded by Copernicus Climate Change Service. Use of these data should acknowledge the Copernicus Climate Change Service.


University of Reading




These data were produced on the JASMIN infrastructure at STFC as part of the C3S Hydrology project.


Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Hydrology


Copernicus Climate data Store




date in which the file was created YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ






1 day
































name of the file used as input in the last step of the processing chain

The data are global per-day files in netCDF-4 format and are guided by the standard specification defined by the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) [D6]. The file names have the following format:


where <Date> is in the form YYYYMMDD; <Time> is HHMMSS; <RDAC> indicates which project generated the dataset (either ESACCI_LAKES or C3S); <Level> is the processing level; <Dataset> indicates the scientific version number, which is v4.5. Finally, fv01.0 indicates the file version. An example of filename is:

A summary of the key data fields within the files is given below.

Table 4:  Variables in the Lake Surface Water Temperature product

Variable name





The latitudes of the grid cell centres



The longitudes of the grid cell centres



Best estimate of LSWTskin as observed by the satellite



Uncertainty in the LSWT at each location



Quality level of the LSWT: 0 for no data; 1 for bad data; 2 marginal/suspect data; 3 for low quality; 4 for good quality; 5 for best quality



Lake mask with ESA CCI LAKES identifiers

The level 3 data are provided as global per-day files, on a 0.05° regular latitude-longitude grid and hence the dimension of the data fields is 7200 in longitude and 3600 in latitude. The fields also have a time dimension, which always has a length of one.

Product characteristics

Projection and grid information

Longitude and latitude values are expressed with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Spatial information

The level 3 data are provided on a 0.05° regular latitude-longitude grid and hence the dimension of the data fields is 7200 in longitude and 3600 in latitude. LSWT retrieval has been attempted for the 2024 lakes selected in the ESA CCI LAKES project and only for 12 lakes LSWT could not be retrieved at all.

Temporal information

The fields have a time dimension, which always has a length of one.

Lake Surface Water Temperature product consists of daily files. Note these do not (and are not expected to) contain spatially complete temperatures for all the targeted lakes each day, because of limitations of satellite swaths and obscuring cloud cover.

Target requirements

The target requirements and the gap with the current product characteristics are described in the Target Requirement and Gap Analysis Document [D1]. Table 5 summarizes the characteristics of the C3S LSWT product and their contrast with target requirements based on GCOS. See the Product Quality Assessment Report (PQAR) [D5] for an assessment of product quality.

Table 5 : Target and Threshold user requirements compared to the characteristics of the LSWT v4.5 product.





Spatial Coverage




Spatial Resolution



0.05 o

Temporal Coverage

More than 30 years

10 years

28 years

Temporal Resolution



Daily files, but effective temporal resolution is less than daily and varies through the dataset and between lakes.

Standard uncertainty

0.25 K

1 K

Variable, typically ~0.6 K


0.01 K/yr

0.01 K/yr

The stability achieved is not yet well quantified.

Data usage information

File naming convention

The data files are in netCDF-4 classic format and are adapted for C3S from the ESA CCI LAKES LSWT product. The file names have the format:



  • fv01.0 refers to the file version.

Table 6: Filenaming convention components






The identifying date for this file in ISO8601 basic format



The identifying time for this file in ISO8601 basic format



The RDAC where the file was created



The data processing level



Indicates the scientific version number


The identifying date for this file, using the ISO8601 basic format: YYYYMMDD.


The identifying time for this file in Universal Time Coordinate (UTC), using the ISO8601 basic format: HHMMSS. The time used depends on the processing level of the dataset:

L3S: centre time of collation window (120000 for daily files)


GHRSST Regional Data Assembly Centre (RDAC) where the dataset was generated. Two codes are used for C3S products:

C3S: Copernicus Climate Change Service

ESACCI_LAKES: European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative LAKES


The GHRSST processing level for this product will be L3S.


Indicates the scientific version number of the product. The current string in use is:


Data format

The data files are in netCDF-4 format and are CF-compliant [D7], following the ESA CCI LAKES data format.

All L3S are on a global regular latitude/longitude grid.

netCDF Variable attributes

Variables in the netCDF files will include the standard metadata attributes listed in Table 7. These are recognised by most tools and utilities for working with netCDF files.

Table 7: Standard variable attributes.

Attribute name



The number put into the data arrays where there are no valid data (before applying the scale_factor and add_offset attributes).


A descriptive name for the data.


A unique descriptive name for the data, taken from the CF conventions [D7], if available.


The units of the data after applying the scale_factor and add_offset conversion.


After applying scale_factor below, add this to obtain the data in the units specified in the units attribute.


Multiply the data stored in the netCDF file by this number.


The minimum valid value of the data (before applying scale_factor and add_offset).


The maximum valid value of the data (before applying scale_factor and add_offset).


Miscellaneous information.

Coordinate grid

The coordinate variables are listed in Table 8 and discussed in the following sections.

Table 8: Coordinate variables

Variable name



Central latitude of each grid cell


Central longitude of each grid cell


Reference time of LSWT file

Time coordinate

All LSWT files include time as a dimension and coordinate variable to represent the reference time of the LSWT data array. The reference time used follows GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) [D6]:

L3S: centre time of collation window (midday for daily files)

Regular latitude/longitude grid (L3S)

Level 3 files are stored on a global regular latitude/longitude grid and variables have the following dimensions:

time: UNLIMITED (1)

lat:Number of latitude points (3600)

lon:Number of longitude points (7200)

The resolution used for the products is 0.05° hence the full size of the arrays is 7200x3600. The time dimension is specified as unlimited, allowing standard netCDF tools to easily concatenate and manipulate multiple files, but each L3 file will be distributed with a single time slice (corresponding to a day).

LSWT Data Variable

The data files contain one LSWT variable, the primary satellite measurement which is the temperature of the skin at the time the satellite observes it.

Table 9: LSWT data variable

Variable name



Best estimate of LSWTskin as observed by the satellite

Quality indicator

Each pixel also has an associated quality_level which indicates the general quality of that pixel – higher values being better. Quantitative analyses should use the higher quality levels (4 or 5). Quality levels 2 and 3 may be useful for qualitative analyses, but the pixels have an increased chance of being cloud contaminated.

Table 10: Quality indicator

Variable name



Quality level of the LSWT:
0: no data
1: bad data
2: worst usable data
3: low quality
4: good quality
5: best quality

Auxiliary variables and uncertainties

There are auxiliary variables and the total LSWT uncertainty listed in Table 11.

Table 11: Auxiliary variables and uncertainty

Variable name



Total uncertainty in LSWTskin


The instruments used for the correspondent observation:
ATSR2: 1


It indicates for which sensors the inter-sensor adjustment has been applied:
No adjustment: 0
ATSR2: 1


Lake mask with ESA CCI LAKES identifiers for the 2024 lakes.


Lake mask with GloboLakes identifiers for the 1000 GloboLakes lakes.

Product contents

Examples of the data contained in one L3S product are shown for lake Vattern in Sweden (lakeid=96). Figure 2 shows the LSWT on the 15-Sep-2022, Figure 3 shows the quality levels, Figure 4 shows the LSWT uncertainty and Figure 5 shows the instruments used to create the product. In each of the plots the lake mask [Carrea et al, 2022] is plotted in white to indicate which are the pixels where the LSWT has been attempted. These pixels define the lake extent.

Figure 2: LSWT for lake Vattern in Sweden on the 15-Sep-2022.

Figure 3: Quality levels for lake Vattern in Sweden on the 15-Sep-2022.

Figure 4: LSWT uncertainty for lake Vattern in Sweden on the 15-Sep-2022.

Figure 5: Instruments used for each pixel to create the C3S product for lake Vattern in Sweden on the 15-Sep-2022.

Although the uncertainty is quite low in coastal areas, not all the pixels have high quality levels. Around coastal areas where the distance to land is lower than 1.5km, lower quality levels can be found in general. In Figure 4, an area of higher uncertainty can be seen with high uncertainty levels with values close to 1 while the LSWT quality level in the same area is 5 (best quality level). This demonstrates that the two variables have to be used together for a better understanding of the data. The uncertainty expresses the interval within which the result can be found and the quality level expresses the confidence in the estimate.

An example of the content of one of the file (header and variables) is reported in Table 12.

Table 12: Header and variable metadata for the file for the 01-Jun-1995.

Example file structure (ncdump output):
netcdf \ {
lat = 3600 ;
lon = 7200 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
variables: float lat(lat) ;
		lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
		lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
		lat:valid_min = -90.f ;
		lat:valid_max = 90.f ;
		lat:axis = "Y" ;
		lat:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	float lon(lon) ;
		lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
		lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
		lon:valid_min = -180.f ;
		lon:valid_max = 180.f ;
		lon:axis = "X" ;
		lon:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	int time(time) ;
		time:long_name = "reference time of the lswt file" ;
		time:standard_name = "time" ;
		time:units = "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00" ;
		time:calendar = "gregorian" ;short lake_surface_water_temperature(time, lat, lon) ; short lake_surface_water_temperature(time, lat, lon) ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:_FillValue = -32768s ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:units = "kelvin" ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:add_offset = 273.15f ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:long_name = "lake surface skin water temperature" ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:valid_min = -200s ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:valid_max = 5000s ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:comment = "The observations from different instruments have been combined." ;
		lake_surface_water_temperature:ancillary_variables = "lswt_uncertainty lswt_quality_level lswt_obs_instr lswt_flag_bias_correction" ;
	short lswt_uncertainty(time, lat, lon) ;
		lswt_uncertainty:_FillValue = -32768s ;
		lswt_uncertainty:units = "kelvin" ;
		lswt_uncertainty:long_name = "lake surface water temperature total uncertainty" ;
		lswt_uncertainty:scale_factor = 0.001f ;
		lswt_uncertainty:add_offset = 0.f ;
		lswt_uncertainty:valid_min = 0s ;
		lswt_uncertainty:valid_max = 10000s ;
		lswt_uncertainty:comment = "Total uncertainty was computed with LSWT uncertainties from the Optimal Estimation and bias correction uncertainty." ;
	byte lswt_quality_level(time, lat, lon) ;
		lswt_quality_level:_FillValue = 0b ;
		lswt_quality_level:flag_meanings = "bad_data worst_quality low_quality acceptable_quality best_quality" ;
		lswt_quality_level:flag_masks = 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b ;
		lswt_quality_level:long_name = "lake surface water temperature quality levels" ;
		lswt_quality_level:valid_min = 1b ;
		lswt_quality_level:valid_max = 5b ;
		lswt_quality_level:comment = "These are overall quality indicators and they are important to properly use the data." ;
	byte lswt_obs_instr(time, lat, lon) ;
		lswt_obs_instr:_FillValue = 0b ;
		lswt_obs_instr:long_name = "lake surface water temperature observation instruments" ;
		lswt_obs_instr:flag_meanings = "ATSR2 AATSR MODIS_T AVHRRA AVHRRB SLSTRA SLSTRB" ;
		lswt_obs_instr:flag_masks = 1b, 2b, 4b, 8b, 16b, 32b, 64b ;
		lswt_obs_instr:comment = "If the bit is set to 1 an observation from the correspondent instrument has been used to generate the LSWT." ;
	byte lswt_flag_bias_correction(time, lat, lon) ;
		lswt_flag_bias_correction:_FillValue = 0b ;
		lswt_flag_bias_correction:long_name = "lake surface water temperature bias correction flag" ;
		lswt_flag_bias_correction:flag_meanings = "ATSR2 AATSR ATSR2-AATSR MODIS_T MODIS_T-ATSR2 MODIS_T-AATSR MODIS_T-ATSR2-AATSR" ;
		lswt_flag_bias_correction:flag_masks = 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b ;
		lswt_flag_bias_correction:comment = "The reference instrument for the bias correction was the AVHRRMTA, consequently no bias correction has been applied to observations from the AVHRR instruments. For ATSR2 and AATSR the bias correction was estimated per lake.                                  For MODIS an overall bias correction of +0.11 kelvin and +0.19 kelvin has been applied to the LSWT of QL=5 and QL=4 respectively for all the lakes." ;
	int lakeid_CCI(lat, lon) ;
		lakeid_CCI:_FillValue = -2147483648 ;
		lakeid_CCI:units = "1" ;
		lakeid_CCI:long_name = "CCI lake identifier" ;
		lakeid_CCI:valid_min = 2 ;
		lakeid_CCI:valid_max = 999999999 ;
		lakeid_CCI:comment = "CCI lake ID as defined in Carrea L., Merchant C.J., Simis S. (2022) Lake mask and distance to land dataset of 2024 lakes for the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Lakes v2 (Version 2.0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo." ;
	int lakeid_GloboLakes(lat, lon) ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:_FillValue = -2147483648 ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:units = "1" ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:long_name = "GloboLakes lake identifier" ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:valid_min = 2 ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:valid_max = 999999999 ;
		lakeid_GloboLakes:comment = "GLWD (Global Lakes and Wetlands Database) lake ID of GloboLakes lakes as defined in Carrea L. et al. (2015)  Datasets related to in-land water for limnology and remote sensing applications: distance-to-land, distance-to-water, water-body identifier and lake-centre co-ordinates. Geoscience Data Journal, 2 (2) pp. 83-97." ; 

// global attributes:
		:title = "Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Lake Surface Water Temperature L3S product" ;
		:summary = "L3S product from the ESA CCI project, produced using the LSWT 4.5 algorithm." ;
		:citation = "Carrea, L., Crétaux, J.-F., Liu, X., Wu, Y., Bergé-Nguyen, M., Calmettes, B., Duguay, C., Jiang, D., Merchant, C.J., Mueller, D., Selmes, N., Simis, S., Spyrakos, E., Stelzer, K., Warren, M., Yesou, H., Zhang, D. (2022): ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 2.0.2. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 06 July 2022.; Carrea, L., Crétaux, JF., Liu, X. et al. Satellite-derived multivariate world-wide lake physical variable timeseries for climate studies. Sci Data 10, 30 (2023)." ;
		:licence = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0," ;
		:reference = "" ;
		:institution = "C3S, University of Reading" ;
		:history = "University of Reading LSWT v4.5, created with using GBCS library v2.6.1-146-gfe50b81_RES20" ;
		:id = "C3S-L3S-CDR" ;
		:product_version = "4.5" ;
		:uuid = "17dbb188-98aa-11ed-84fa-149ecf94399a" ;
		:tracking_id = "17dbb188-98aa-11ed-84fa-149ecf94399a" ;
		:netcdf_version_id = "4.6.1" ;
		:platform = "ERS-2" ;
		:sensor = "ATSR2" ;
		:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.8" ;
		:gemet_keywords = "inland water; temperature; climate; seasonal variations; hydrology; limnology; environmental data; environmental  monitoring; monitoring; remote sensing" ;
		:gcmd_keywords = "LAKES/RESERVOIRS" ;
		:iso19115_topic_categories = "Environment; Inland water; GeoscientificInformation" ;
		:standard_name_vocabulary = "NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention" ;
		:acknowledgment = "Funded by Copernicus Climate Change Service. Use of these data should acknowledge the Copernicus Climate Change Service" ;
		:creator_name = "University of Reading" ;
		:creator_url = ";" ;
		:creator_email = "" ;
		:creator_processing_institution = "These data were produced on the JASMIN infrastructure at STFC as part of the C3S Hydrology project" ;
		:project = "Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Hydrology" ;
		:publisher_name = "Copernicus Climate data Store" ;
		:publisher_url = "" ;
		:publisher_support = "!/usersupport" ;
		:date_created = "2023-01-20T10:06:23Z" ;
		:time_coverage_start = "19840531T000000Z" ;
		:time_coverage_end = "19840531T235959Z" ;
		:time_coverage_duration = "1 day" ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
		:geospatial_lat_resolution = 0.05f ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
		:geospatial_lon_resolution = 0.05f ;
		:geospatial_vertical_min = -1.e-05f ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = -90.f ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = 90.f ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = -180.f ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = 180.f ;
		:northernmost_latitude = 90. ;
		:southernmost_latitude = -90. ;
		:easternmost_longitude = 180. ;
		:westernmost_longitude = -180. ;
		:processing_level = "L3S" ;
		:cdm_data_type = "grid" ;
		:source_file = "" ;

Appendix A – Specifications for L3S CDR: GCOS User Requierements for LSWT

Content of the dataset

Content of the main file

The data file shall contain the following information on separate layers:

  • Lake surface water temeprature value
  • A measure of the uncertainty

Spatial and temporal features

Spatial coverage

The product shall be distributed globally based on a harmonized identification of the products. The area of the lakes must be at least 1 km x 1 km

Temporal coverage

Times series of 10 years minimum are required

Temporal resolution

A product with measurements with frequency up to 10 days

Data uncertainties


1.0 K


Between 0.1 K and 0.6 K

Format requirements


NetCDF, CF Convention

Appendix B – List of the 2024 ESA CCI LAKES lakes for LSWT v4.5

The table contains the list of the 2024 lakes selected within the ESA CCI LAKES project and for which the LSWT v4.5 are availble. In the table, the CCI ID is the lake identifier used in the variable lakeid_CCI which is the ESA CCI LAKES lake mask [Carrea et al, 2022], the MAX DISTANCE TO LAND is the distance to the nearest land of the point on the lake which is the furthest from land. We define this point as the lake centre [Carrea et al, 2015], and LAT CENTRE and LON CENTRE are the coordinate of the centre. The string 'Zzzz' in the NAME field refers to lakes without a name.

2 lake SuperiorUnited States;Canada73.547.9625-87.0431
3 lake VictoriaTanzania United Republic of;Uganda;Kenya84.1-0.876433.1431
4 Aral seaUzbekistan;Kazakhstan5144.648659.8347
5 lake HuronCanada;United States73.344.7208-82.3458
6 lake MichiganUnited States63.842.6042-87.0153
7 lake TanganyikaZambia;Congo The Democratic Republic of the;Burundi;Tanzania United Republic of34.1-6.801430.0375
8 lake Baykal/BaikalRussian Federation33.754.1736108.9736
9 Great Bear lakeCanada39.466.0125-120.3764
10 lake Malawi/Nyasa/NiassaMalawi;Tanzania United Republic of;Mozambique34.8-11.604234.6375
11 Great Slave lakeCanada44.661.3347-114.7958
12 lake ErieUnited States;Canada45.642.2514-81.1292
13 lake WinnipegCanada40.153.4153-98.4236
14 lake ChadNigeria;Niger;Chad6.413.131914.4653
15 lake OntarioCanada;United States36.143.6653-77.7625
16 lake LadogaRussian Federation56.360.765331.6486
17 lake BalqhashKazakhstan25.446.290374.4764
18 lake OnegaRussian Federation25.161.662535.5319
19 lago de SobradinhoBrazil8.8-9.9042-42.1986
20 lago TiticacaBolivia Plurinational State of;Peru23.4-15.7681-69.4569
21 lago Nicaragua/Cocibolca/GranadaNicaragua25.111.3569-85.2431
22 lake TurkanaKenya;Ethiopia21.93.776436.0486
23 lake AthabascaCanada20.659.3319-109.4181
24 lake VoltaGhana10.46.55970.0292
25 Issyk KulKyrgyzstan26.942.423677.3653
26 Great Salt lakeUnited States1541.2847-112.6875
27 Michikamau lakeCanada10.154.0153-63.9986
28 Reindeer lakeCanada8.257.5542-102.2014
29 VanernSweden20.359.051413.5931
30 lake AlbertUganda;Congo The Democratic Republic of the20.91.776431.0819
31 lake WinnipegosisCanada11.252.6986-99.9014
32 Netilling lake/Foxe BasinCanada16.366.6181-70.9931
33 Kuybyshevskoye reservoirRussian Federation11.654.551448.5931
34 Urmia lakeIran Islamic Republic of14.137.918145.2542
35 lake KaribaZimbabwe;Zambia12.2-17.015327.8347
36 lake MweruCongo The Democratic Republic of the;Zambia22.4-8.993128.7319
37 lake ManitobaCanada18.150.3958-98.2681
38 lake NipigonCanada8.349.7264-88.6903
39 Bratskoye reservoirRussian Federation955.6375101.9486
40 lake ZaysanKazakhstan15.347.901484.2597
41 Qinghai lakeChina18.137.0208100.2014
42 lago de Cahora BassaMozambique;Zimbabwe;Zambia8.2-15.618132.3069
43 ozero TaymyrRussian Federation10.474.5625100.9764
44 lake of the WoodsUnited States;Canada11.849.0847-94.9458
45 ozero KhankaRussian Federation;China2845.0792132.4514
46 lagoa MirimBrazil;Uruguay18-32.6125-52.8125
47 Rybinkskoye reservoirRussian Federation17.758.401438.5208
48 lake NasserSudan;Egypt8.223.206932.7986
49 Dubawnt lakeCanada14.363.1625-101.4431
50 lake Peipus/PeipsiRussian Federation;Estonia20.658.820827.4208
51 lake VanTurkey17.738.629242.7292
52 represa de TucuruiBrazil6.4-4.1347-49.6208
53 Uvs lakeMongolia;Russian Federation27.550.306992.7181
54 La Grande Riviere reservoirCanada4.653.8736-76.7069
55 lake TanaEthiopia19.412.070837.4014
56 Amadjuak lakeCanada16.764.9486-71.0431
57 Cedar lakeCanada10.153.2181-100.1875
58 lake AlakolKazakhstan15.245.976481.8097
59 Khuvsgul lakeMongolia15.451.2181100.5125
61 Volgogradskoye reservoirRussian Federation5.350.343145.8569
62 Iliamna lakeUnited States15.259.4653-155.5903
63 La Grande Riviere reservoirCanada7.853.8403-75.3847
64 Tonle Sap lakeCambodia16.813.0486103.9264
65 lago ItaipuBrazil;Paraguay3.8-25.2042-54.4486
66 Taihu lakeChina1631.2319120.0764
67 lac KivuRwanda;Congo The Democratic Republic of the13-1.793129.1542
68 Wollaston lakeCanada5.958.2125-103.4347
69 lake EdwardCongo The Democratic Republic of the;Uganda17.8-0.304229.6181
71 Tsimlyanskoye reservoirRussian Federation10.347.715342.3708
72 Southern Indian lakeCanada657.3319-98.3403
75 Hulun lakeChina14.448.8931117.3458
76 lake MistassiniCanada5.451.0042-73.6181
77 Therthar lakeIraq14.833.893143.3014
78 Poyang lake and Jinxi lakeChina8.329.1319116.1708
79 Kakhovs'ke reservoirUkraine8.347.495834.0597
80 Vilyuy damRussian Federation5.262.7097111.2847
81 lake Bangweulu and lake Walilupe and lake ChifunabuliZambia9.7-10.979229.9042
82 lac ManicouaganCanada4.351.2764-68.2986
83 Nueltin lakeCanada4.260.4097-99.6069
84 lago Mar ChiquitaArgentina25.7-30.4931-62.4819
85 Sivash lakeUkraine845.420835.1625
87 Kremenchuk/Kremenchuts'ke reservoirUkraine9.949.234732.7819
88 Zeyskoye reservoirRussian Federation10.954.4347127.7042
90 lac Mai-NdombeCongo The Democratic Republic of the7.8-1.684718.2764
91 Nam lakeChina15.230.695890.4514
92 ozero ChanyRussian Federation7.254.951477.9653
93 Krasnoyarskoye reservoirRussian Federation4.754.226491.4625
94 General Carrera lake/lago Buenos AiresChile;Argentina9.6-46.4819-71.5153
95 VatternSweden9.958.545814.7069
96 lago de Serra da MesaBrazil4-14.1097-48.2903
97 Baker lakeCanada9.964.2097-95.3819
98 lake ArgyleAustralia6.2-16.2931128.8264
100 lac la  MartreCanada9.763.4569-118.1903
101 laguna MadreMexico9.625.1958-97.5819
102 Ust-ilimskoye reservoirRussian Federation557.3236102.3347
103 Williston lakeCanada6.255.9847-123.9181
104 Kamskoye/Kama reservoirRussian Federation5.858.862556.2847
105 Siling lakeChina14.731.801489.0903
106 BrokopondoSuriname9.24.8625-55.0625
107 lac SeulCanada3.250.3153-92.5542
108 lac de KossouCôte d'Ivoire3.57.1625-5.6181
109 Hung-tse lakeChina9.633.2847118.7236
110 lake SakakaweaUnited States447.8069-102.3125
112 Khantayskoye reservoirRussian Federation8.967.826487.5986
113 Saratovskoye reservoirRussian Federation5.452.848648.4792
114 lake OkeechobeeUnited States17.326.9403-80.7903
116 Kainji reservoirNigeria10.810.40974.5653
117 Argentino lakeChile;Argentina9.1-50.2458-72.5014
118 Gouin reservoirCanada2.148.5375-74.5347
119 lake Mweru wantipaZambia10.6-8.656929.7236
120 lake TengizKazakhstan9.750.312568.8597
121 Khyargas lakeMongolia10.249.204293.2208
122 lake OaheUnited States2.744.7375-100.6375
124 Kasba lakeCanada9.260.3208-102.1208
125 lake ClaireCanada9.658.5931-112.0792
126 Yathkyed lakeCanada6.762.7431-98.1431
127 lac la RongeCanada855.0181-105.0931
128 lac a l'Eau ClaireCanada8.356.0681-74.1069
129 represa de Ilha SolteiraBrazil3.9-20.2236-51.0486
130 Rainy lakeUnited States;Canada3.248.5736-92.8014
131 Kapshagay reservoirKazakhstan8.943.854277.3542
132 lago de Rincon del boneteUruguay6.5-32.6875-56.0181
133 Poopo lakeBolivia Plurinational State of12.1-18.9903-66.9625
134 rio XinguBrazil7.1-1.9347-52.2431
135 Sevan lakeArmenia13.440.295845.3792
136 ozero VygozeroRussian Federation7.763.654234.6597
137 Cree lakeCanada3.657.3431-106.9625
139 represa de FurnasBrazil2-20.7431-45.7347
140 LimfjordenDenmark6.556.96259.1069
141 Baird inlet and Kaghasuk lakeUnited States9.260.7125-163.6097
142 Khar-us lakeMongolia11.347.948692.1514
143 Sherman basinCanada967.8042-97.5264
144 ZzzzFinland;Russian Federation4.169.048627.7681
145 Becharof lakeUnited States11.357.9736-156.6208
146 lake Saint ClairCanada;United States1342.4125-82.7181
147 Lesser Slave lakeCanada955.4514-115.0403
149 Eskimo lakesCanada6.869.7569-130.2069
150 lake TobaIndonesia8.42.790398.6458
151 Red (upper & lower) lakeUnited States10.347.9681-95.0875
152 Aberdeen lakeCanada8.264.4875-98.7292
153 laguna de ChapalaMexico8.420.2486-102.9903
154 embalse de GuriVenezuela Bolivarian Republic of10.67.0847-62.9125
155 lac BienvilleCanada3.755.1431-72.5931
156 lake EyasiVenezuela Bolivarian Republic of9.3-3.573635.1542
157 PaijanneFinland3.861.495825.3986
158 lac Saint JeanCanada12.848.5597-71.9597
159 Petit lac Opinaca and lac Low and reservoir Opinaca and lac Mischechun and lac Mistatikamekw and lac Mistamiskwas and lac Menouow and lac Wapakusi and lac UskawanisCanada3.952.3764-76.6708
160 lake BeloyeRussian Federation1660.181937.6375
161 Salto Grande damArgentina;Uruguay3.4-30.9375-57.9097
162 Contwoyto lakeCanada3.965.4431-110.2958
163 MalarenSweden2.759.493116.7625
165 lake ChamplainUnited States;Canada5.844.4653-73.3153
166 Abaya lakeEthiopia8.66.495837.9014
167 lago O'Higgins/lago San Martin and lago Ciervo and lago Cisnes and lago Gabriel Quiroz and lago Brazo Chacabuco and lago Brazo Maipu and lago ChicoArgentina;Chile3.8-49.1292-72.3542
168 Caniapiscau reservoirCanada5.454.5014-69.8097
169 Wholdaia lake and Anaunethaa lakeCanada3.160.8069-104.3125
170 Selawik lakeUnited States12.366.4764-160.6569
171 lago ViedmaArgentina9-49.6958-72.2014
172 God's lakeCanada6.254.7514-94.1708
173 Razazza lakeIraq10.832.820843.5708
174 Island lakeCanada2.253.7903-94.5014
175 Songkhla lake et alThailand9.57.6847100.2319
176 lake Managua/lago XolotlanNicaragua10.412.3847-86.3653
177 lake Imandra et alRussian Federation3.667.565332.8792
178 Takijuq lakeCanada5.966.2375-113.1514
179 Zhari NamcoChina1030.940385.4903
181 Bosten lakeChina10.141.995886.9653
182 lac de BuyoCôte d'Ivoire2.56.2764-7.1208
184 Warburton bay and MacKay lakeCanada3.963.9569-111.2792
186 Kumskoye reservoirRussian Federation7.865.770831.7903
188 represa Tres MariasBrazil2.3-18.2458-45.2625
189 Hottah lakeCanada6.965.1208-118.5375
190 Novosibirskoye reservoirRussian Federation854.734782.8347
191 Bras d'Or lakeCanada8.745.8542-60.8181
192 lake IlmenRussian Federation11.458.254231.2514
193 Gorky reservoirRussian Federation6.357.215343.0931
194 Salton seaUnited States11.933.2458-115.7236
195 PielinenFinland4.163.209729.8764
197 Garabogazkol basinTurkmenistan53.241.359753.4681
198 lake NipissingCanada946.2569-79.5958
199 Capivara dam/rio ParanapanemaBrazil2.2-22.7208-51.2153
200 lake AbitibiCanada3.748.6625-79.8569
201 Fort Peck lakeUnited States3.547.9625-106.4375
202 OulujarviFinland664.298627.2153
203 represa de Sao SimaoBrazil2.5-18.7958-50.3681
204 Chilika lakeIndia8.119.773685.4014
205 Laguna lakePhilippines8.114.4181121.1264
207 Omullyakhskaya gubaRussian Federation9.472.3236144.9569
209 lago LlanquihueChile11.6-41.1236-72.7819
210 lake Alexandrina and lake AlbertAustralia8.6-35.4181139.2264
211 Nonacho lakeCanada3.461.6681-109.5597
212 Teshekpuk lakeUnited States10.670.5819-153.5875
215 Tangra YumcoChina7.631.187586.7042
216 Itaparica dam/Luiz Gonzaga damBrazil3.2-8.8319-38.4875
217 rrepresa MarimbondoBrazil2.3-20.3958-48.9625
218 ozero KhantayskoyeRussian Federation6.368.279289.9958
219 lago Colhue HuapiArgentina5.7-45.5792-68.7069
220 embalse Ezequiel Ramos MejiaArgentina6.6-39.5264-69.0847
221 lash Wa JuwayanIran Islamic Republic of;Afghanistan5.931.506961.2875
222 Peter Pond lakeCanada1056.0208-108.9458
223 lac PipmuacanCanada349.5875-70.4403
224 lac MintoCanada1.957.2514-74.8542
225 South Moose lake AND Lamb lakeCanada753.7986-100.2569
226 Clinton-Colden lakeCanada3.864.1097-108.5181
227 Garry lake and Upper Macdougall lakeCanada5.465.8847-99.8542
228 ozero SegozerskoyeRussian Federation9.663.284733.6403
229 Zuun Tooroi lakeRussian Federation;Mongolia8.650.0764115.8014
231 Mangueira lagoonBrazil5.3-33.0792-52.7347
232 Point lake and Redrock lake and Rocknest lakeCanada2.665.1847-112.3708
233 Chaohu lakeChina7.831.5097117.5458
234 Belisario Dominguez/La AngosturaMexico4.316.0431-92.3986
235 laguna TamiahuaMexico7.321.6347-97.5764
236 lake SimcoeCanada8.444.4625-79.3569
237 Votkinsk reservoirRussian Federation4.156.854254.1403
238 lago das BrisasBrazil3-18.2986-48.9097
239 Ulungur lakeChina11.647.243187.2097
240 ozero PyasinoRussian Federation6.170.015387.7792
241 Sarygamysh lakeTurkmenistan;Uzbekistan23.741.954257.3514
242 ozero KovdozeroRussian Federation3.266.681932.1708
243 Toledo Bend reservoirUnited States4.131.2958-93.6542
244 Dead seaJordan;Israel;Palestine State of831.459735.4819
245 lago de IzabalGuatemala9.115.4903-89.1847
246 Kaminak lakeCanada3.862.1431-95.1708
247 SasyqkolKazakhstan8.346.570881.0208
248  reservoir aux Outardes 4Canada2.550.1847-69.2208
249 Hirakud reservoirIndia5.621.576483.8153
250 Proletarskoye reservoirRussian Federation4.646.365342.7042
251 Cross lakeCanada2.954.6736-97.8181
252 lac de GrasCanada5.764.4653-110.5097
253 lac Guillaume-DelisleCanada4.956.2153-76.3264
254 Ennadai lakeCanada4.160.8958-101.1569
255 lac TumbaCongo The Democratic Republic of the9-0.706918.0319
256 lake ChilwaMalawi;Mozambique11.6-15.370835.7347
257 laguna de Caratasca and laguna WaruntaHonduras615.2958-83.7236
258 Verkhnetulomskoye reservoirRussian Federation3.568.584731.1931
259 represa de Tres IrmaosBrazil2.7-20.6931-51.0958
261 Yang Zhuo Yong lake/Yamzho YumcoChina3.128.837590.6042
262 lake KulundinskoyeRussian Federation10.553.018179.5347
264 Kamilukuak lakeCanada6.762.3486-101.5097
265 bahia de CaxiuanaBrazil4.4-1.7181-51.3097
266 InfiernilloMexico4.118.6069-101.7319
267 lake BeysehirTurkey8.137.706931.5486
268 lake BiwaJapan8.235.3264136.1681
269 Tulemalu lakeCanada8.662.8931-99.4764
270 lac EvansCanada4.150.8681-77.0097
271 SeletytenizKazakhstan10.953.293173.2569
273 Kumskoye reservoirRussian Federation5.466.104231.0375
274 Roseires reservoirSudan2.611.629234.3764
275 Clinton-Colden lakeCanada3.163.9542-107.4653
276 lake PowellUnited States2.537.0625-111.2958
277 lago de CoariBrazil4.9-4.0931-63.3597
278 lake MeadUnited States3.836.1264-114.4819
279 lake AssadSyrian Arab Republic5.235.923638.2931
280 Big Trout lakeCanada6.153.7181-89.9819
281 Dore lakeCanada7.254.7764-107.2764
282 lac SakamiCanada3.853.4014-76.5958
283 lagoa Araca et alBrazil1.8-1.7625-55.8986
285 lake St JosephCanada351.0903-90.5986
286 lake MurrayPapua New Guinea2.8-7.1431141.5042
287 Gaoyou lake and Shaobo lakeChina6.932.8458119.3458
288 Highrock lakeCanada1.655.8986-100.4208
289 Srisailam Dam reservoirIndia3.415.979278.3736
290 Michikamau lakeCanada2.853.6653-65.2597
291 Buir lakeMongolia;China10.447.8181117.7125
292 Selwyn lakeCanada3.460.0514-104.3681
293 Banana riverUnited States3.828.7208-80.7986
294 Khar lakeMongolia9.148.129293.2597
295 lake TaupoNew Zealand9.6-38.7958175.9292
296 Shardara reservoirUzbekistan;Kazakhstan8.641.131968.1903
297 Ebinur lakeChina9.244.865383.0125
298 Kentucky lakeUnited States2.136.4208-88.0625
299 Buffalo lakeCanada6.560.2264-115.3292
300 Eling lake/Ngoring lakeChina8.334.893197.7069
301 Cross lakeCanada3.954.9931-97.7958
302 Hala lake/Har lakeChina10.638.301497.5875
303 North Moose lakeCanada6.354.1569-100.1431
304 Fagnano lake/Cami lakeArgentina;Chile4.3-54.5486-67.7375
305 lagune EbrieCôte d'Ivoire3.25.2903-4.2875
306 lac LagdoCameroon58.931913.8597
308 ZzzzEcuador2.2-0.8875-79.6958
309 ZzzzUnited States7.641.0236-113.5208
310 lake BalatonHungary646.979218.0736
311 Atlin lakeCanada459.3625-133.6875
312 Ayakkum lakeChina8.737.548689.4292
313 Scott lake and Wignes lakeCanada2.460.1375-105.8931
314 lake UpembaCongo The Democratic Republic of the10.3-8.618126.4125
315 Ferguson lakeCanada4.669.3875-104.8403
316 Tathlina lakeCanada10.160.5542-117.4931
317 Kuskokwim riverUnited States6.560.0375-162.3625
318 Keban damTurkey3.938.656939.5069
319 South Henik lakeCanada6.261.5347-97.4069
320 Kaminuriak lakeCanada4.262.8069-95.7708
321 laguna LargaBolivia Plurinational State of2.4-12.7958-65.7569
322 lake NatronTanzania United Republic of;Kenya9.6-2.415336.0014
323 Churchill lakeCanada7.556.0625-108.2986
324 Angikuni lakeCanada2.662.3903-99.7681
326 Deschambault lakeCanada6.654.6569-103.5903
327 lake Geneva/lac LemanSwitzerland6.246.45696.5847
328 Mingachevir reservoirAzerbaijan5.340.965346.6569
329 lago Salines GrandesArgentina2.5-29.9681-64.7181
330 SinakharinThailand3.614.584799.0514
331 ozero LobazRussian Federation9.972.287599.7069
332 lake TowutiIndonesia5.8-2.7097121.4958
333 Black lakeCanada5.559.2208-105.2764
334 Artillery lakeCanada4.563.2403-107.7486
335 reservoir La Grande 4Canada3.653.8986-73.2681
336 Gyaring lake/Zhaling lakeChina9.634.918197.2792
337 Stephens lakeCanada2.856.3931-94.8736
338 Kamchatka riverRussian Federation6.356.4236162.7264
339 lake HazenCanada5.681.7569-71.5903
340 lake WinnebagoUnited States7.844.0208-88.4181
341 represa EmborcacaoBrazil3.1-18.4431-47.8458
342 represa de XavantesBrazil3.1-23.3542-49.6347
343 Nahuel Huapi lakeArgentina3.7-41.0986-71.3125
344 Anadyr' riverRussian Federation8.164.4681174.3792
345 Ashuanipi lake/Shabogamo lakeCanada2.552.5819-66.1208
346 ZzzzFinland2.262.876425.9875
347 Gandhi sagarIndia524.529275.5847
348 lake BankimCameroon1.86.054211.3097
349 Laguna de PerlasNicaragua5.912.5014-83.6931
350 Malheur lakeUnited States5.343.3292-118.7903
351 Dauphin lakeCanada8.751.1903-99.7125
352 Constance lake/BodenseeAustria;Switzerland;Germany647.54319.5097
353 lac Payne and lac TunusukCanada3.459.4819-74.3569
354 Ngangla RingcoChina4.631.540382.9403
356 Sandy lakeCanada353.0069-93.0431
357 lacs des Loups MarinsCanada1.956.5042-73.5014
358 lacul RazimRomania6.644.906928.9486
359 rio UatumaBrazil3.1-2.6208-58.0014
360 represa do JurumirimBrazil3.6-23.2542-49.0625
361 Dniprodzerzhyns'ke reservoirUkraine448.840334.0236
362 lake Sam RayburnUnited States331.1403-94.2153
363 Granville lakeCanada3.456.2625-100.6153
364 Kureyka riverRussian Federation3.767.020888.6931
365 Snowbird lakeCanada5.460.6681-102.9736
366 Mille Lacs lakeUnited States9.946.2681-93.6625
367 Trout lakeCanada5.760.5097-121.2764
368 lac ManouaneCanada2.250.7792-70.9847
369 ZzzzFinland2.961.579223.7403
370 Upper Arrow lakeCanada2.250.6347-117.8958
371 Tehek lakeCanada2.964.9458-95.5847
372 Kaptai lakeBangladesh3.122.595892.2042
373 Tebesjuak lakeCanada4.463.7458-98.8681
374 Whitesail lake and Nechako reservoirCanada2.853.7847-126.1375
375 Flathead lakeUnited States5.947.8653-114.1181
376 Lokka reservoirFinland4.467.943127.5708
377 Naknek lake United States5.158.6653-156.2597
378 Sevier lakeUnited States5.538.9792-113.1486
379 Cerros Colorados Complex/embalse los Barrales and embalse Mari MenucoArgentina8.7-38.5375-68.8208
380 lake TahoeUnited States8.239.1181-120.0542
382 Qyaring lakeChina6.131.068188.4319
383 Taro lakeChina7.131.143184.0181
384 Babine lakeCanada3.254.7819-126.0319
385 ZzzzMexico5.316.0458-93.9625
386 lake ManantaliMali4.913.0403-10.3514
387 HjalmarenSweden4.759.231915.8681
388 Nkomi lagoonGabon2.8-1.61819.3681
389 Hall lakeCanada5.168.6458-82.3514
390 lake EgirdirTurkey6.637.993130.8875
391 lac Ile-a-la-CrosseCanada2.755.5542-107.7486
392 Cabonga reservoirCanada1.747.3236-76.5153
393 StorsjonSweden5.663.223614.2764
394 Dozois reservoir and Grand lac VictoriaCanada1.747.3819-77.1931
395 Princess Mary lakeCanada4.663.9542-97.5319
396 MacAlpine lakeCanada3.766.6569-102.8819
397 lake ManyaraTanzania United Republic of7.1-3.620835.8097
398 lake WoodsAustralia7.7-17.8014133.5042
399 Grand lakeCanada3.249.1375-57.2208
400 lac des BoisCanada7.566.8208-125.2514
401 lago BayanoPanama3.99.1153-78.7792
402 Diefenbaker lakeCanada2.150.9903-106.4681
403 lake MarkakolKazakhstan9.148.740385.7569
404 Churchill lakeCanada1.656.4542-108.4875
405 Montreal lakeCanada5.554.3569-105.6431
406 Tagish lakeCanada1.960.1736-134.3153
407 Sayram lakeChina9.944.598681.1653
408 HammarIraq2.130.706947.5375
409 Primrose lakeCanada7.654.9236-109.7125
411 Pyramid lakeUnited States7.940.1069-119.5986
412 Franklin lakeCanada3.266.9542-95.3125
413 Mallery lakeCanada5.563.9625-98.4458
414 cienaga Grande de Santa Marta and cienaga de PajaralColombia8.610.8875-74.4042
415 Nam Ngum reservoirLao People's Democratic Republic6.218.5681102.6681
416 lago RancoChile6.1-40.2319-72.4681
417 Bluenose lakeCanada5.168.3708-119.7042
418 lagune AbyC‚àö¬•te d'Ivoire;Ghana55.3097-3.2153
419 Atikonak lake and lac AticonacCanada2.352.7097-64.6125
420 Mills lakeCanada7.161.4847-118.2625
421 lac Joseph and Kepimits lakeCanada2.452.8292-65.1792
422 ZzzzFinland2.462.843127.8181
423 lac Saint Pierre/Saint Peter lakeCanada6.546.2014-72.8236
424 Erichsen lakeCanada3.870.6681-80.6792
425 ozero UbinskoyeRussian Federation7.655.465380.0653
426 Colville lakeCanada867.1819-125.9847
427 ozero VozheRussian Federation5.160.718138.9097
429 Kenyir lakeMalaysia2.25.0125102.6236
430 Faber lakeCanada4.663.8986-117.3514
431 laguna Neskynpil'gynRussian Federation6.166.9625-172.9181
432 lac AlbanelCanada2.950.9042-73.3097
433 ozero KetaRussian Federation4.868.762590.0264
434 lake KubenskoyeRussian Federation4.859.618139.4958
435 ozero PekulneyskoyeRussian Federation7.162.6347177.1958
436 Kyivs'ke reservoirUkraine6.350.784730.4597
437 Kinbasket lakeCanada3.152.1347-118.4347
438 Schultz lakeCanada4.964.7708-97.4542
439 Mapam Yumco lakeChina9.430.695881.4708
440 rio AndiraBrazil2.3-2.8375-57.0014
441 Eufaula lakeUnited States2.435.3125-95.5597
442 Govind Ballabh Pant sagarIndia5.624.131982.8375
443 lago CardielArgentina8-48.9264-71.2125
444 Ngangze lakeChina6.531.068187.1764
445 Ziway lakeEthiopia7.18.006938.8181
446 rio Maues-Acu and rio Marau and rio ParauariBrazil2.5-3.4292-57.7181
447 Kluane lakeCanada3.361.0903-138.4736
448 lago MustersArgentina6.1-45.4153-69.1819
449 Wharton lakeCanada4.464.0931-99.8625
450 Leech lakeUnited States5.747.1458-94.3875
451 Mirond lake and Pelican lake and Jan lakeCanada2.655.1514-102.9708
452 Miguel AlemanMexico3.118.2458-96.5403
454 Molson lakeCanada5.454.2181-96.7597
455 White NileSudan2.715.168132.4486
456 Wulanwula lakeChina5.934.865390.3569
457 lago GatunPanama2.69.1181-79.9458
458 Bistcho lakeCanada559.7403-118.7319
459 laguna VankaremRussian Federation6.167.8069-175.9625
460 Gariep damSouth Africa3-30.690325.6875
461 Kayrakkumskoye/Kairakum reservoirTajikistan6.340.315370.1764
462 Itezhi Tezhi damZambia4.6-15.793125.9431
463 Pulicat lakeIndia6.113.543180.2069
464 Goose lakeUnited States6.942.0097-120.4097
465 Keller lakeCanada8.363.9236-121.5597
466 Xinanjiang reservoirChina3.229.5569118.9208
467 lac CoutureCanada5.160.1347-75.3153
468 Kootenay lakeCanada2.749.3958-116.7764
469 Netsilik lakeCanada5.569.3653-93.0403
470 ozero KarakulTajikistan539.043173.3486
471 Kanivs'ke reservoirUkraine5.249.909731.4875
472 ozero Nizhnee KuytoRussian Federation3.565.134731.4347
473 Shishmaref inlet and Ikpek lagoon and  Cowpack inlet and Arctic lagoonUnited States7.166.1736-165.9792
474 Pinehouse lakeCanada355.4125-106.6264
475 Tiga damNigeria2.911.41538.4069
477 NezahualcoyotlMexico2.617.1847-93.7431
478 Ndogo lagoonGabon2.8-2.52929.8958
480 RatchapraphaThailand29.043198.6597
481 lough NeaghUnited Kingdom6.654.5931-6.4153
482 Karsakuwigamak lake and Notigi lakeCanada256.2764-99.5625
483 lake ChukchagirskoyeRussian Federation4.552.0069136.6153
484 Hadithah dam lakeIraq4.634.248642.3375
485 Lagos lagoonNigeria4.96.51813.4458
486 Trout lakeCanada3.251.2014-93.3208
487 lake PosoIndonesia6.3-1.8819120.5931
488 Scutari/Skadarsko lakeAlbania;Montenegro6.342.193119.2931
489 Dorsoidong lakeChina6.233.426489.8931
490 Teslin lakeCanada2.159.8736-132.3236
491 lake AubryCanada5.167.3014-126.3986
492 Manukau harbourNew Zealand5.5-37.0542174.7292
493 lac Matagami and lac SoscumicaCanada2.749.8986-77.6903
494 represa de Agua VermelhaBrazil3.6-19.8486-50.1014
495 ozero PortnyaginoRussian Federation7.874.1403107.1458
496 Volta Grande damBrazil1.7-20.1153-48.1514
498 Nagarjuna sagarIndia2.816.576479.2819
499 Congo riverCongo The Democratic Republic of the;Congo3.1-4.309715.4653
500 ozero Udyl'Russian Federation4.152.1903140.0292
501 Stuart lakeCanada4.454.5181-124.5069
502 ozero Bolon'Russian Federation5.149.8097136.3097
503 Nejanilini lakeCanada359.6264-97.6653
505 lago di GardaItaly5.245.531910.6542
506 lake JebaNigeria2.69.24584.7458
507 St John riverUnited States2.430.1125-81.6653
508 Cold lakeCanada7.754.5542-110.0958
509 Dniester estuaryUkraine;Moldova Republic of4.946.334730.1708
510 represa da Boa EsperancaBrazil1.8-6.7486-43.5986
511 Aqqikkol lakeChina7.637.093188.4014
512 Whitefish lakeCanada3.762.7542-106.7792
513 lago CanacariBrazil5.1-2.9181-58.2069
514 Tazin lakeCanada3.959.8153-109.2125
515 lago ValenciaVenezuela Bolivarian Republic of5.910.1736-67.7931
516 North Caribou lakeCanada2.252.7181-90.5569
517 lake PletipiCanada2.851.7486-70.0736
518 MjosaNorway3.860.681911.0431
519 Yamba lakeCanada2.764.9069-111.5597
520 Chibzhang lakeChina5.433.481990.3625
521 Stanwell-Fletcher lakeCanada5.972.7264-94.7681
522 lake VodlozeroRussian Federation3.762.387536.8542
523 Utah lakeUnited States6.140.2042-111.8014
524 lake LanaoPhilippines6.87.8486124.2486
526 lake OhridAlbania;North Macedonia7.141.026420.7208
527 lake AbheEthiopia;Djibouti8.511.170841.7819
528 Tungabhadra reservoirIndia415.240376.2986
529 Oxford lakeCanada2.654.9319-95.3819
530 ZzzzFinland2.161.837526.6792
531 Liangzi lakeChina330.2458114.5181
532 lake Te AnauNew Zealand3.7-45.2125167.7542
533 lake LachaRussian Federation6.261.245838.7569
534 lake LivingstonUnited States430.7375-95.1458
535 ZzzzMexico5.324.4319-107.5569
536 Bangong lakeChina5.633.518179.8042
537 Chew BahirEthiopia7.24.695836.9319
538 lake St MartinCanada5.251.6764-98.4819
539 Longgan/Longhu lakeChina5.129.9375116.1986
540 lac MaunoirCanada7.267.4819-125.0125
541 lake BamendjingCameroon2.45.815310.6153
542 Karakaya reservoirTurkey2.738.506938.4181
543 Urru lakeChina6.631.718187.9597
544 lac de la PointeCanada1.653.1681-70.9431
545 Cormorant lakeCanada4.454.1681-100.7514
546 lake Pend OreilleUnited States4.448.1681-116.3292
547 ZzzzSri Lanka5.39.512580.3236
548 lake UmbozeroRussian Federation5.267.648634.4347
549 Durgun lakeMongolia7.447.645893.4903
550 ozero QusmurynKazakhstan5.952.701464.8458
551 laguna Tenkergynpil'gynRussian Federation8.168.5847-178.5125
552 lake AksehirTurkey6.438.506931.4181
553 represa de Jupia/Engineer Souza Dias damBrazil3.1-20.6653-51.6042
554 lake ClarkUnited States3.460.3153-154.0903
555 lac des Quinze and lac SimardCanada3.347.6375-78.7069
556 lake MarionUnited States4.133.4681-80.2125
557 Lynx lakeCanada2.262.5069-106.2819
558 Old Wives lakeCanada750.0958-105.9569
559 Upper Klamath lake and Agency lakeUnited States442.4569-122.0069
560 lago PioriniBrazil2.8-3.5181-63.2736
561 ozero LamaRussian Federation4.869.370889.3375
562 Vaal damSouth Africa2.5-27.023628.3236
563 Vembanad lakeIndia3.49.598676.3931
564 Sudoche Ko'lUzbekistan2.743.487558.3681
565 Okanagan lakeCanada2.549.8208-119.5431
566 Amisk lakeCanada454.5236-102.2542
567 Falcon reservoirMexico;United States3.126.6542-99.2042
568 Rennie lakeCanada2.961.4903-105.5292
569 Kakisa lakeCanada660.8986-117.5208
570 Seagull lakeCanada3.849.8347-76.8514
571 lake Francis Case and  lake SharpeUnited States2.244.2014-99.6764
572 Yellowstone lakeUnited States5.144.4764-110.3486
573 Meelpaeg reservoirCanada548.2486-56.6069
574 lake MbakaouCameroon3.56.381912.8042
575 Lady Melville lakeCanada569.1819-92.2903
576 Mosul dam lakeIraq3.936.659742.9097
579 Chamo lakeEthiopia6.65.845837.5736
581 Split lakeCanada2.556.2236-96.1486
586 lake MalombeMalawi7.3-14.634735.2542
588 lago Cochrane/lago PueyrredonArgentina;Chile3.1-47.3347-71.9431
590 lago de CuitzeoMexico3.919.9319-101.1931
592 Lumajangdong lakeChina5.734.031981.6458
594 TornetraskSweden;Norway3.668.412518.7847
596 Danjiangkou reservoirChina5.232.7292111.5708
601 Krasnodarskoye reservoirRussian Federation5.644.962539.1986
603 UbolratanaThailand416.7569102.5792
604 Shala lakeEthiopia6.97.462538.5458
608 ozero Orel'Russian Federation5.753.4597139.7181
609 Kekexili lakeChina5.335.593191.0736
612 Bolshiye Kizi ozeroRussian Federation3.851.6542140.2569
613 lac TshangaleleCongo The Democratic Republic of the3.7-10.937527.0514
616 Chomen lakeEthiopia4.19.531937.2236
618 lake St LuciaSouth Africa3.7-27.990332.4764
620 Dongting lake and Luhu lakeChina6.829.2292112.8569
622 Maharana Pratap sagarIndia4.631.984776.0542
623 Daguan lake and Huanghu lakeChina5.329.9931116.4569
624 Swan lakeCanada452.4125-100.6569
627 Dianchi poolChina5.424.8681102.7181
629 Dabuxun lakeChina4.337.045895.0514
630 Achit lakeMongolia6.149.487590.5236
632 Tustumena lakeUnited States5.160.2153-150.9125
633 lake TimiskamingCanada2.847.5375-79.5458
634 Iznik lakeTurkey5.640.437529.5125
635 lac BelotCanada5.966.9458-126.2931
637 embalse rio HondoArgentina6-27.5431-64.9931
639 Xijir Ulan lakeChina5.735.206990.3125
645 Buuntsagaan lakeMongolia7.345.590399.1597
646 Clearwater lakeCanada7.254.0569-101.0653
648 lago RogaguadoBolivia Plurinational State of6.5-13.0069-65.9458
649 Puma yumco lakeChina5.928.568190.4264
654 SiljanSweden5.460.865314.7597
657 HoytiainenFinland3.262.734729.7181
667 Sitidgi lakeCanada6.568.5486-132.6903
669 Utikuma lakeCanada5.855.8542-115.4236
672 Smoothstone lakeCanada6.154.6431-106.8625
674 lake KisaleCongo The Democratic Republic of the6.3-8.248626.5125
676 Rakshastal/La'nga lakeChina5.730.659781.2458
677 Bear lakeUnited States5.742.0181-111.3292
679 VortsjarvEstonia6.258.304226.0347
681 lake NgoinChina3.831.579288.7708
684 Kiskittogisu lakeCanada6.154.1486-98.3958
685 Paiku lakeChina5.628.837585.6042
687 lake GeorgeUganda5.80.006930.2292
688 Song-KulKyrgyzstan7.241.845875.1264
690 Great Prespa lakeAlbania;North Macedonia;Greece4.840.887521.0375
699 ozero Pavylon et alRussian Federation4.668.4375151.8681
702 St Lawrence riverUnited States;Canada3.645.2208-74.2097
706 Beysugskiy limanRussian Federation5.646.095838.4764
708 Honghu lakeChina4.629.8097113.3292
710 UddjaureSweden2.866.026417.7264
713 Tobin lakeCanada4.853.6014-103.4653
718 Gozha lakeChina5.435.018180.9931
723 lago EnriquilloDominican Republic5.118.4542-71.5819
725 Dogai Coring lakeChina6.134.554288.9986
728 Red Deer lakeCanada6.752.9625-101.3542
729 Toktogul reservoirKyrgyzstan5.541.804272.8431
730 Quill lakes WestCanada7.551.8486-104.3625
731 ZapatosaColombia5.69.0653-73.8486
732 Zhuonai lakeChina7.335.556991.8931
733 Kiskitto lakeCanada4.354.2625-98.6125
736 Kusai lakeChina5.335.690392.9208
738 Habbaniyah lakeIraq5.733.279243.5153
744 Dagze lakeChina7.431.904287.5486
746 lake MaurepasUnited States7.130.2514-90.5042
748 Calcasieu lakeUnited States529.8819-93.2903
754 Cumberland lakeCanada4.154.0125-102.2986
755 Chabyer lakeChina4.731.443184.0486
756 ozero KronotskoyeRussian Federation5.754.7903160.2153
758 HornavanSweden2.666.176417.7153
761 lake WinnibigoshishUnited States5.947.4125-94.2264
767 Erhai lakeChina3.925.8042100.1819
770 Vicente Guerrero reservoirMexico4.423.9625-98.7514
771 Wasekamio lakeCanada3.456.5347-108.6569
773 Uureg lakeMongolia7.550.159791.0181
779 Wapawekka lakeCanada554.9181-104.6764
782 Pasfield lakeCanada6.258.3847-105.3236
790 Ulansu lake/Wuliangsu lakeChina1.440.9986108.8625
791 Shijiu lakeChina5.531.4847118.9181
792 ozero NerpichyeRussian Federation4.769.3125160.0014
794 ozero SartlanRussian Federation7.654.984778.5847
797 Red Sucker lakeCanada2.854.1431-93.8097
799 Hawizeh marshesIraq;Iran Islamic Republic of131.379247.7236
800 lake Corangamite and lake GnarpurtAustralia3.7-38.0986143.4542
801 lagoa FeiaBrazil4.5-21.9931-41.3875
804 Sachigo lakeCanada453.8292-92.1375
805 lac la BicheCanada4.154.8986-112.2042
806 lake QarounEgypt4.329.456930.5847
810 lac la PlongeCanada655.1014-107.2819
811 Stora LulevattenSweden2.267.218119.1931
812 Lexie Wudan lakeChina5.335.743190.2181
817 Great Bitter lakeEgypt4.930.331932.3736
818 Taal lakePhilippines4.313.9486120.9986
819 Donggei Cuona lakeChina4.435.265398.6431
824 lake MoultrieUnited States5.633.3181-80.0625
825 ozero TishkeRussian Federation4.466.259731.9069
827 Dali Nuo'erChina643.2847116.6514
829 Langano lakeEthiopia6.97.598638.7597
831 Rupanco lakeChile3.4-40.8014-72.5736
833 SirindhornThailand315.1569105.3875
836 lake SalvadorUnited States5.629.7125-90.2625
837 Waterhen lakeCanada4.252.0819-99.5736
840 Yalpuh lakeUkraine3.745.298628.6653
849 Blackwater lakeCanada3.563.9375-123.1625
851 ozero TenisRussian Federation4.556.151471.7236
870 Aralsor koliKazakhstan4.149.062548.1875
872 White lakeUnited States5.229.7625-92.5569
876 Weishan lake/Nansi lakeChina5.334.5986117.2319
879 AlakolKazakhstan2.244.870874.1958
881 Burdur lakeTurkey4.337.726430.1653
882 Upper Ugashik lakeUnited States4.857.6458-156.7486
883 Mono lakeUnited States538.0181-118.9681
892 Fuxian lakeChina5.324.5847102.8986
893 lake NeuchatelSwitzerland3.646.95696.9375
894 Molochnyi lakeUkraine4.246.504235.3514
902 ozero TekeKazakhstan753.837572.9347
904 Waswanipi lakeCanada349.5319-76.3931
905 Oneida lakeUnited States4.243.1931-75.8875
907 ShalkarKazakhstan7.850.556951.6792
908 lac la LocheCanada456.5208-109.5875
910 Canoe lakeCanada5.855.1764-108.2653
913 Xuru lakeChina5.930.318186.4069
915 lago CabalianaBrazil3.9-3.3125-60.8236
917 lac ZimbamboCongo The Democratic Republic of the3.7-8.034726.9208
920 Telmen lakeMongolia5.148.848697.3514
924 CuorendejiaChina4.635.218192.1347
929 lake GeorgeUnited States5.129.2986-81.5958
931 Robert S. Kerr reservoirUnited States2.935.3542-94.8597
934 lake PukakiNew Zealand3.4-44.0597170.1736
936 ozero YanisyarviRussian Federation5.261.979230.9708
937 Rana Pratap sagar damIndia3.424.815375.5986
940 lake LabergeCanada2.861.0625-135.1153
944 ozero Bolshoye MorskoyeRussian Federation6.870.0597158.7319
945 Hanhowuz Howdany reservoirTurkmenistan6.137.198661.3153
948 lago MaggioreItaly;Switzerland2.445.99038.6819
949 Namew lakeCanada3.354.2319-101.8653
953 lago UruaBrazil2.9-2.1931-56.4958
954 Inland lakeUnited States5.966.4819-159.8486
957 lake AlaotraMadagascar3.1-17.404248.5597
960 ozero Malye ChanyRussian Federation5.754.548677.9958
962 lago del ToroChile3.3-51.2097-72.7042
970 Baitu lake and Caizi lake and Xizi lake and Daisai lakeChina2.430.7903117.1042
975 lac de Guiers and  Vallee du FerloSenegal316.2708-15.8319
976 Bartlett lakeCanada3.163.0931-118.4486
977 Reed lakeCanada354.6125-100.3736
982 Sangiin Dalay lakeMongolia3.449.273698.9458
983 Rinqin Xub lakeChina6.231.284783.4597
985 ozero Ulakh Ulyung et alRussian Federation3.268.2625151.0792
989 Zige Tang lakeChina6.332.087590.8792
990 Gehu lakeChina4.831.6181119.8347
1003 Talbot lakeCanada4.354.0903-99.8375
1007 embalse de GuaricoVenezuela Bolivarian Republic of5.39.0458-67.3847
1009 Missisa lakeCanada5.152.2986-85.1931
1010 Lower Ugashik lakeUnited States657.5153-156.9069
1011 ozero Bolshoy UvatRussian Federation4.957.526470.3875
1013 RossvatnetNorway3.565.768114.0097
1016 Coipasa lakeBolivia Plurinational State of9.1-19.2597-68.1403
1019 Mahoney lakeCanada4.565.5042-125.3653
1026 American Falls reservoirUnited States442.9736-112.6958
1028 BolmenSweden2.756.865313.6986
1029 ozero EvoronRussian Federation5.251.4792136.5153
1031 Chagan lakeChina5.845.2181124.3153
1035 KyzylkakKazakhstan6.653.423673.7764
1044 Jingyu lakeChina5.236.340389.4292
1046 lake KabambaCongo The Democratic Republic of the4.3-7.881927.0319
1050 ozero KuchukskoyeRussian Federation5.652.715379.7625
1053 Athapapuskow lakeCanada3.654.5236-101.6875
1054 Chambri lakePapua New Guinea4-4.2292143.1292
1057 lough CorribIreland2.653.4653-9.2903
1058 MamawiCanada3.758.6125-111.4569
1059 Ukai reservoirIndia4.121.237573.7014
1061 NilakkaFinland2.363.140326.5597
1062 Wekusko/Wekisko lakeCanada3.754.7792-99.8486
1063 Hada NaihaolaiChina549.0708117.9736
1066 Bam lakeChina4.831.204290.5708
1071 Kesagami lakeCanada3.350.3875-80.2181
1075 Last Mountain lakeCanada2.551.1931-105.2764
1076 Dukan lakeIraq4.336.134744.9125
1079 Cuona lakeChina5.632.056991.4764
1083 ozero EltonRussian Federation6.849.148646.6708
1096 Aksayquin lakeChina4.735.234779.8514
1099 ZzzzGreenland1.865.0875-50.0403
1107 Junshan lakeChina2.928.5986116.3097
1109 lago VillarricaChile4.9-39.2542-72.0764
1110 Hirfanli reservoirTurkey439.193133.5569
1111 lago Uru UruBolivia Plurinational State of2-18.1403-67.0986
1115 lake NeusiedlHungary;Austria3.647.879216.7875
1116 lake RossignolCanada2.644.1764-65.0958
1121 laguna NegraUruguay6.1-34.0292-53.6875
1128 Walker lakeUnited States4.338.7264-118.7153
1129 Grand lake et alUnited States4.129.8792-92.7569
1130 Tousu lakeChina4.237.123696.9153
1137 lago AiapuaBrazil4.3-4.3986-62.1208
1145 Kus lakeTurkey5.140.195827.9958
1146 Abijata lakeEthiopia5.17.620838.6042
1148 lake MattamuskeetUnited States4.435.4986-76.1819
1149 Rann of Kutch lakeIndia;Pakistan22.624.145870.3486
1154 lake AbertUnited States4.442.6875-120.2181
1157 Koka lakeEthiopia4.48.379239.0708
1169 Wabigoon lakeCanada2.849.7458-92.7847
1170 Great lakeAustralia3-41.9319146.7403
1174 Jili lakeChina5.946.923687.4486
1184 ozero GusinoyeRussian Federation4.251.2292106.4403
1187 ozero OzhoginoRussian Federation5.269.2542146.7042
1188 Clear lakeUnited States4.739.0736-122.8486
1190 lago Grande de Monte AlegreBrazil9.3-2.2569-54.2264
1192 Kyebxang lakeChina5.332.454290.0097
1193 Canyon Ferry lakeUnited States3.546.4125-111.5264
1195 lago BlancoChile4.2-54.0069-68.9958
1196 sea of GalileeIsrael;Syrian Arab Republic5.632.829235.5847
1199 Devils lake and Pelican lakeUnited States3.648.0736-99.1903
1201 VanajavesiFinland3.461.154224.2375
1203 Aras Dam lakeIran Islamic Republic of;Azerbaijan2.239.187545.3125
1204 Kasumigaura lakeJapan3.736.0375140.3958
1205 Daihai seaChina440.5819112.6903
1206 Dushan lakeChina435.0792116.8069
1207 lago PuyehueChile4.1-40.6736-72.4903
1208 ozero ChlyaRussian Federation3.753.4431140.0625
1213 Chatyr KolKyrgyzstan4.640.623675.2903
1216 Etang de Berre and Etang de BolmonFrance3.943.44035.1042
1218 Nyumba Ya Mungu reservoirTanzania United Republic of2.8-3.668137.4125
1219 Jayakwadi Dam reservoir/Nath sagarIndia419.501475.2569
1221 Pelican lakeCanada452.4819-100.3264
1222 Beaverhill lakeCanada4.553.4542-112.5292
1236 Ulubat lakeTurkey3.740.154228.6292
1237 Finger lakeCanada2.253.1292-93.5681
1239 Tazlina lakeUnited States3.461.9042-146.4958
1240 PyhajarviFinland3.960.993122.3097
1241 rio TefeBrazil3.7-3.3347-64.7736
1246 LappajarviFinland3.563.123623.7014
1248 lake BaringoKenya3.80.656936.0625
1249 Walker lakeCanada2.354.6958-96.9542
1257 Tage lakeIndonesia4.7-3.8903136.3125
1259 lago StrobelArgentina3.9-48.4347-71.1847
1264 Chinchayqucha lakePeru5.3-11.0181-76.1014
1266 lake WellingtonAustralia4.3-38.0819147.3569
1270 Bohu lakeChina3.530.1542116.4681
1273 lago ArapaPeru3.3-15.1569-70.0569
1282 Tepouma/Lagoa de SapucuaBrazil3.7-1.8208-55.9986
1283 Mucuo BingniChina430.662586.2236
1286 KarasorKazakhstan3.149.831975.2569
1293 ZzzzIraq3.734.215345.0069
1294 Airag lakeMongolia5.848.895893.4486
1295 Llancanelo lakeArgentina6.3-35.5514-69.1292
1302 Tso MoririIndia3.232.920878.3125
1307 lake MainitPhilippines4.69.4931125.5181
1319 Svir riverRussian Federation361.156934.8819
1321 barrage Al MassiraMorocco3.532.4431-7.5569
1323 Palung lakeChina4.430.909783.5875
1327 Tudakul lakeUzbekistan5.639.868164.8681
1336 Bong lakeChina3.631.187591.2208
1344 Oolagah lakeUnited States2.236.6347-95.5597
1354 Memar lakeChina3.434.259782.2653
1355 General Vintter/lago PalenaChile;Argentina3.6-43.9319-71.5097
1357 lac FitriChad3.212.840317.4736
1358 Futou lakeChina3.330.0069114.2042
1359 Wanapitei lakeCanada4.546.7486-80.7458
1360 lake QamystybasKazakhstan3.746.212561.8625
1361 El huizacheMexico4.922.9486-106.0569
1368 lake KissimmeeUnited States2.927.9014-81.2819
1370 Calling lakeCanada555.2458-113.3042
1375 Candle lakeCanada453.8514-105.3319
1377 danau RombebaiIndonesia4.4-1.8653137.9153
1381 ozero SoluntakhRussian Federation471.7153143.2597
1382 Dung lakeChina3.931.720891.1736
1392 TyrifjordenNorway2.760.026410.2097
1409 Tandure lake and Pamamaroo lake and lake Wetherell and Bijijie lakeAustralia4-32.2792142.4653
1417 Beihuo Luxun lakeChina4.136.923695.9347
1421 Nanhu lakeChina431.1236118.9847
1422 lake HindmarshAustralia4.5-36.0486141.9069
1423 SkagernSweden4.158.965314.2931
1424 Goose lakeCanada3.454.4597-101.4875
1425 Wasekamio lakeCanada3.256.7736-108.7569
1430 Luoma lakeChina734.0792118.1958
1431 Orog lakeMongolia2.945.0569100.8542
1432 Pung lakeChina4.531.473690.9514
1434 Alvaro ObregonMexico3.927.8653-109.8625
1437 laguna de TansinHonduras4.315.2708-83.9181
1445 Bairab lakeChina3.335.026483.1292
1467 Ross R. Barnett reservoirUnited States2.732.4458-90.0264
1479 lake AtitlanGuatemala414.7069-91.1986
1482 ZzzzIraq2.630.684746.6236
1489 Winefred lakeCanada3.855.4875-110.5514
1493 lake ApopkaUnited States4.928.6347-81.6347
1498 Sebago lakeUnited States4.243.8708-70.5792
1501 Matatila Dam reservoirIndia3.425.084778.3403
1503 Changhu lakeChina330.4403112.4597
1504 Zhelin reservoirChina2.729.2569115.4681
1505 SniardwyPoland3.653.756921.6958
1509 Summer lakeUnited States4.342.7875-120.7319
1510 Quill lakesCanada5.451.9181-104.0903
1511 lago PellegriniArgentina3.6-38.6931-67.9847
1516 ozero BauntRussian Federation4.455.1847113.0181
1518 Cildir lakeTurkey4.441.059743.2458
1519 lough DergIreland1.952.9125-8.4319
1524 Gordon lakeCanada3.656.4819-110.3986
1526 Lower lough ErneUnited Kingdom2.554.4875-7.8097
1529 lago TrasimenoItaly4.343.151412.0986
1534 Dawa lakeChina4.531.245884.9569
1537 lake VictoriaAustralia4.8-33.9792141.2681
1540 Dunedelatue lakeCanada2.667.5236-127.1153
1547 Crean lakeCanada3.654.0736-106.1681
1551 ozero ChukochyeRussian Federation4.369.4514160.2847
1555 Indawngyi Natural lakeMyanmar3.725.120896.3292
1557 Gasi Kule lakeChina4.638.131990.7931
1560 lago do Rei and lago MarimbaBrazil3.3-3.1431-59.7153
1562 embalse de AlmendraSpain1.941.2569-6.2819
1567 Choke Canyon reservoirUnited States3.128.4819-98.3042
1569 ozero NediliRussian Federation2.363.6153125.0986
1573 ozero Unarba 2-yaRussian Federation2.668.3931155.1625
1576 Lac Ste ThereseCanada3.964.6292-121.5542
1582 Night Hawk lakeCanada2.648.4764-80.9431
1583 lago CalafquemChile3.1-39.5208-72.1736
1584 lake AfreraEthiopia3.713.273640.8931
1594 Suggi lakeCanada454.3625-102.7764
1596 lago di BolsenaItaly5.242.604211.9292
1597 Yangcheng lake and Yangcheng West lakeChina2.531.4292120.8097
1608 Kirpilskiy liman and  Bolshoy Orlinyy liman and Zolotoy liman et alRussian Federation2.345.870838.1708
1609 QoshqarkolKazakhstan4.946.423681.2764
1613 ozero Keppetekh et alRussian Federation3.868.1792154.9931
1616 lagoa PoelelaMozambique3.8-24.526435.0653
1618 Miyun reservoirChina2.540.5375116.9403
1619 Chem lakeChina3.834.181979.7792
1623 William lakeCanada2.453.8097-99.4125
1627 lake AzueiHaiti;Dominican Republic4.118.5792-72.0069
1629 Bulmer lakeCanada4.262.7958-120.7625
1632 Narvskoye reservoirRussian Federation;Estonia3.159.298628.1764
1640 Davy lakeCanada3.358.8514-108.3264
1649 MuritzGermany3.553.406912.7292
1652 Daggyai lakeChina3.329.820885.7264
1653 Xi Aohaizi reservoirChina439.737578.7375
1656 lagoa dos OuadrosBrazil5.2-29.6931-50.0792
1658 Dongping lakeChina4.735.9625116.1986
1659 lake NaivashaKenya4.6-0.768136.3514
1666 Travaillant lakeCanada4.967.6958-131.7958
1676 Egg lakeCanada3.555.1153-105.5153
1679 Ekoln and MalarenSweden1.659.745817.6097
1684 Suqian lakeChina3.438.865393.8958
1703 Kistigan lakeCanada3.654.6458-92.5347
1706 Rocky lakeCanada2.854.1569-101.4792
1714 lake Poygan and lake Butte des MortsUnited States2.744.1486-88.8403
1726 Terewah/Narran lakeAustralia3.5-29.8486147.3319
1730 Ringco Kongma lake and Ringco Ogma lakeChina3.930.948689.6486
1734 ozero Omuk-Kyuel'Russian Federation4.471.0153147.1847
1735 lac MalarticCanada2.648.2514-78.1014
1740 laguna MarfilBolivia Plurinational State of;Brazil4.3-15.5125-60.2431
1745 Skilak lakeUnited States3.160.4347-150.4347
1748 lake AlmanorUnited States3.140.2708-121.1931
1749 laguna de PozueloArgentina4.2-22.3597-66.0014
1756 Great Sacandaga lakeUnited States3.243.1319-74.1903
1761 lake CascadeUnited States3.144.5792-116.1069
1771 lac RweruBurundi;Rwanda4.3-2.395830.3153
1774 lac KabeleCongo The Democratic Republic of the3.5-8.912525.9597
1785 East Tsaiji Nai'er lakeChina4.837.490393.9514
1787 Bolshoye Yeravnoye lakeRussian Federation4.852.6181111.4986
1789 DengizkulUzbekistan4.339.151464.0903
1790 Yaggain lakeChina433.048689.7875
1793 ozero Shalkar-EgakaraRussian Federation5.550.751460.8931
1801lac  KabweCongo The Democratic Republic of the4.3-9.181926.0181
1802 laguna San PedroArgentina2.3-31.3958-60.5458
1806 Aru lakeChina333.943182.4319
1807 Jieze lakeChina4.533.956980.9014
1812 Taiyang lakeChina435.929290.5931
1815 Little Sachigo lakeCanada3.554.1653-92.2347
1818 lake ManitouCanada3.145.7486-81.9486
1827 Lagkor lakeChina432.031984.1431
1831 GlafsfjordenSweden2.259.548612.6597
1832 North Wabasca lakeCanada2.856.0542-113.9292
1835 West Taiji Nai'er lakeChina3.437.712593.3819
1840 Ercek lakeTurkey4.338.684743.5764
1841 Inawashiro lakeJapan4.337.4708140.1014
1853 laguna MandioreBolivia Plurinational State of;Brazil3.7-18.1708-57.5458
1869 lake IhotryMadagascar5.8-21.937543.6958
1871 Lungmu lakeChina3.934.626480.4903
1872 lago RogaguaBolivia Plurinational State of4.7-13.9653-66.9819
1887 ozero KadibekKazakhstan3.553.837570.6264
1891 Dogaicoring Quangco lakeChina5.935.329289.2458
1893 RoxenSweden2.958.512515.6236
1902 Lake ManinjauIndonesia3.5-0.2958100.1931
1904 ZzzzIndonesia4.3-0.2319116.4458
1908 Sled lakeCanada3.354.4569-107.4264
1910 Pigeon lakeCanada3.453.0181-114.0347
1913 Trichonis/Trichonida lakeGreece2.938.573621.5625
1917 Xiangyang lakeChina335.826489.4542
1928 Heishi North lakeChina3.735.579282.7847
1941 Valli di ComacchioItaly3.844.620812.1681
1943 lake Chiuta and lake AmarambaMalawi;Mozambique2.8-14.820835.8458
1945 Keeley lakeCanada4.754.9014-108.1347
1951 laguna GuachunaBolivia Plurinational State of3.4-13.1625-65.7708
1954 laguna UberabaBrazil;Bolivia Plurinational State of6.6-17.4931-57.8014
1955 lago do AcaraBrazil3.1-3.6542-62.6903
1958 Argazinskoye reservoirRussian Federation3.155.387560.3958
1967 Burog lakeChina3.434.429285.7819
1969 Aqkol lakeKazakhstan3.748.829263.7403
1970 Mugqu lakeChina3.631.040389.0208
1971 Gomang lakeChina3.731.229289.2042
1975 laguna de EpecuenArgentina4.7-37.1181-62.8986
1979 Zhangdu lakeChina2.930.6458114.6958
1984 UndenSweden3.858.793114.4458
1989 Dog lakeCanada2.851.0375-98.5514
1993 Xiashan reservoirChina3.336.4431119.4819
1997 ozero SyrkovoyeRussian Federation3.360.637565.0236
2012 Pueblo ViejoMexico3.222.1792-97.8931
2015 lagoa dos BarrosBrazil4.6-29.9319-50.3708
2018 Yueliang lakeChina3.145.7264123.8986
2019 ozero Tursunskiy TumanRussian Federation3.760.562563.9181
2021 Lawford lakeCanada2.754.5097-96.6819
2027 Kostromskoye reservoirRussian Federation2.957.915340.7069
2032 Eagle lakeUnited States2.340.7014-120.6986
2048 Linggo lakeChina4.333.845888.5931
2054 VuohijarviFinland1.961.215326.6736
2057 Ulken Azhbolat lakeKazakhstan3.453.259777.4542
2064 Kaweenakumik lakeCanada352.8681-99.5097
2073 lago SarmientoChile2.8-51.0208-72.6625
2092 laguna de CastillosUruguay3.6-34.3069-53.9319
2097 Pakwash lakeCanada2.650.7597-93.4875
2099 laguna del MonteArgentina4.3-36.9903-62.5042
2102 Mawdesley lakeCanada3.754.0264-100.6625
2104 Datong lakeChina3.929.2097112.5097
2107 ozero OroktoRussian Federation2.770.8736138.3069
2109 lac a JacquesCanada2.266.2319-127.3764
2111 Cienaga ChilloaColombia2.89.1569-74.0792
2113 ozero TenizKazakhstan2.354.120864.5569
2116 Qagoi lakeChina331.820888.2208
2117 Birch lakeCanada2.862.0653-116.5597
2124 lake AwasaEthiopia3.47.034738.4264
2129 Kahul lakeUkraine;Moldova Republic of3.545.368128.3986
2130 Tadenet lakeCanada3.868.6542-126.0819
2132 Spring lake and Mississippi riverUnited States2.441.9431-90.1542
2138 Quemo lakeChina3.233.868191.1903
2148 Kishi Qaraoy koliKazakhstan4.654.026471.3236
2156 Changdang lakeChina3.731.6292119.5542
2157 AtastaMexico3.418.5764-92.1903
2162 Gull lakeCanada2.652.5597-114.0236
2167 LubansLatvia3.856.776426.8847
2168 Millwood lakeUnited States3.433.7292-93.9653
2179 Semmens lakeCanada2.855.0569-94.1653
2186 PingvallavatnIceland2.764.2097-21.1486
2190 laguna de ChilaMexico3.922.2181-98.0903
2192 Buffalo lakeCanada3.252.4875-112.8597
2199 TasersuaqGreenland1.866.7542-50.9375
2201 BilikolKazakhstan3.143.018170.6903
2202 Cam lakeChina4.232.129283.5347
2203 Sengli lakeChina2.830.429284.0681
2226 Khanskoye ozeroRussian Federation3.846.262538.3458
2228 lago Anibal PintoChile3.3-52.0208-72.4653
2232 Mokoan swamp (Seven Mile swamp)Australia2.3-36.4486146.0847
2238 Barkol lakeChina443.676492.7903
2239 ozero UryumRussian Federation2.854.556978.4903
2243 lagoa ParuBrazil5.6-1.9125-55.7958
2245 Oak lakeCanada2.449.6653-100.7514
2246 ozero AnolgytgynRussian Federation3.560.0069163.7097
2253 Clear Lake reservoirUnited States2.741.8792-121.1792
2259 Baril lakeCanada2.658.7764-111.6597
2262 Dezadeash lakeCanada2.860.4819-136.9958
2263 Kazan lakeCanada2.755.5625-108.3347
2264 ozero KurilskoyeRussian Federation3.451.4542157.0986
2270 Bayan lakeMongolia3.148.456995.1347
2271 KinkonyMadagascar3-16.145845.8319
2273 ozero ChonduyaRussian Federation4.168.5819152.2819
2276 Kotcho lakeCanada359.0653-121.1097
2280 Ibera wetlands (part of)/lago Esteros del IberaArgentina4.2-28.0931-56.7819
2285 ozero EbeytyRussian Federation4.554.651471.7319
2304 Yanghu lakeChina3.635.429284.6458
2305 Salt Water lakeChina4.135.293183.1153
2313 lac IhemaRwanda;Tanzania United Republic of3.2-1.845830.7875
2314 Khukh lakeMongolia3.949.4986115.5847
2315 Beidagang reservoirChina238.7208117.3764
2316 Suyahu reservoirChina3.733.0458114.2431
2317 ChiemseeGermany3.247.890312.4681
2323 Peerless lakeCanada3.356.6514-114.6514
2326 Chip lakeCanada2.453.6542-115.3792
2330 Hargrave lakeCanada354.4653-99.6958
2331 ozero AndreevskoyeRussian Federation2.858.901466.8625
2335 Birch lakeCanada3.264.3597-121.9236
2336 Norra DellenSweden2.961.893116.6931
2345 Houghton lakeUnited States3.644.3403-84.7292
2351 Copp lakeCanada2.160.2597-114.7347
2358 GlanSweden3.358.620815.9653
2361 Margog lakeChina3.233.845886.9958
2364 Djorf TorbaAlgeria2.331.5375-2.7486
2365 Hawizeh marshesIran Islamic Republic of;Iraq4.131.598647.6292
2367 Assean lakeCanada1.856.2014-96.5819
2368 Big Sandy lakeCanada3.254.4208-104.1069
2369 Black lake and Starks North canalUnited States2.630.0319-93.4319
2371 Bering lake and Starodubtsov lakeUnited States1.460.2903-144.3153
2388 ozero BaskunchakRussian Federation3.948.184746.8986
2395 lake CaddabassaEthiopia3.710.201440.4708
2403 lake BrooksUnited States2.358.5236-155.8375
2408 ozero SasykUkraine3.345.195833.4958
2415 Cuoda Rima lakeChina3.435.334791.8486
2418 Turtle lakeCanada2.853.5792-108.6569
2420 Waterhen lakeCanada3.154.4736-108.4681
2421 Chitek lakeCanada2.452.4292-99.4236
2425 Narac lakeBelarus3.754.851426.7764
2427 FatiMali316.2625-3.6819
2436 Weyakwin lakeCanada2.554.5097-105.9792
2447 Margaret lakeCanada2.858.9458-115.3486
2470 Richardson lakeCanada3.958.3875-111.0736
2473 StorsjonSweden2.560.565316.7097
2475 Yuye lakeChina2.736.023688.7986
2477 Wellesley lakeCanada3.562.3653-139.7847
2484 CatemacoMexico3.118.4069-95.0625
2485 ZzzzCanada2.367.3625-126.0153
2495 Clive lakeCanada2.863.2181-118.8819
2497 ozero Leushinskiy TumanRussian Federation3.559.684765.7153
2507 Azhibeksor KoliKazakhstan3.150.145868.3931
2511 MeiriqiecuomariChina3.233.648689.7292
2516 loch LomondUnited Kingdom1.556.0708-4.5792
2517 Guanting reservoirChina2.940.3847115.7792
2518 lago BalmacedaChile3.1-51.8875-72.3514
2528 ozero ChukochyeRussian Federation2.669.3736160.1319
2532 Nissum Fjord and Bovling Fjord and Felsted KogDenmark2.456.34868.1986
2535 ozero Ulakhan-Kyuel'Russian Federation2.567.7764124.2403
2540 ZzzzGreenland1.880.1625-22.0986
2544 Lenore lakeCanada3.252.5097-104.9736
2547 Dayan lakeMongolia3.548.373688.8236
2550 cienaga Zarate and cienaga CeibaColombia3.79.7264-74.7208
2554 LebskoPoland354.709717.3931
2559 laguna GaibaBrazil;Bolivia Plurinational State of3.7-17.7819-57.7236
2560 Witchekan lakeCanada2.453.4236-107.5847
2569 Serbug lakeChina3.432.004288.2097
2594 Jackfish lakeCanada3.753.0708-108.4042
2595 Waskesiu lakeCanada2.953.9431-106.1625
2611 Neri Pun lakeChina3.731.312591.4542
2613 Nyi lakeChina2.834.576487.3181
2616 lake HarrisUnited States2.928.7736-81.8097
2627 ozero IkRussian Federation4.156.056971.5431
2649 Chihu lakeChina2.729.7764115.7042
2655 Tetlin lakeUnited States4.163.0875-142.7653
2663 Oigon lakeMongolia3.249.165396.6181
2673 Whitemouth lakeCanada2.849.2347-95.6708
2682 Uvsiin Khar Us lakeMongolia2.549.098691.9403
2693 lago de IlopangoEl Salvador3.713.6708-89.0458
2695 ozero RuzhnikovaRussian Federation3.967.8597155.9153
2696 ozero Bolshoye YarovoyeRussian Federation4.152.873678.6069
2701 Daxi Haizi reservoirChina2.440.573687.5292
2709 Arsenault lakeCanada2.855.0958-108.5458
2720 Gomo lakeChina433.668185.8125
2724 laguna de LecheCuba2.722.1931-78.6181
2725 ozero KadiRussian Federation351.8681140.4792
2731 Muriel lakeCanada3.354.1431-110.6847
2750 ozero SuturuakaRussian Federation3.669.1542145.4125
2762 laguna CorondaArgentina4-32.0958-60.8819
2779 cienega El Floral and cienaga IguanaColombia4.48.7431-74.4292
2786 ZzzzChina335.698691.3569
2798 RunnSweden1.860.568115.7153
2799 Phelps lakeUnited States3.735.7681-76.4431
2803 Kotlabukh lakeUkraine2.845.426428.9903
2809 Simpson lakeCanada2.168.1097-126.6069
2812 Potholes reservoirUnited States2.647.0097-119.3319
2819 Telashi lakeChina3.634.806992.2181
2877 Margai lakeChina3.235.129286.7514
2881 Chamu lakeChina2.534.356991.6153
2898 Grenada lakeUnited States2.933.8319-89.7375
2907 laguna ParinacochasPeru3.3-15.2931-73.7125
2923 Manchar lakePakistan4.126.423667.6431
2926 ozero OronRussian Federation2.754.8236112.3014
2927 lago di VaranoItaly3.741.879215.7597
2940 ozero TumanRussian Federation2.659.598666.2847
2944 Redberry lakeCanada2.652.6986-107.1597
2946 lake NgoinChina3.231.481991.5014
2955 ozero UdilvyRussian Federation3.155.518160.5125
2960 Caribou lakeCanada2.867.9847-132.9347
2961 Kurchanskiy limanRussian Federation2.345.284737.4736
2965 lac MandjeGabon2.6-2.804210.3597
2970 lake NewellCanada2.850.4153-111.9514
2974 Kelsey lakeCanada2.353.6458-101.0681
2978 Burt lakeUnited States2.745.4569-84.6653
2985 ozero ZhizhitskoyeRussian Federation2.656.220831.2431
2988 lac des AllemandsUnited States329.9264-90.5681
3002 Parsons lakeCanada3.168.9625-133.6403
3007 cienaga de AyapelColombia3.18.3681-75.0764
3020 Keluke lakeChina3.337.284796.8986
3025 lac d'HourtinFrance2.345.1597-1.1042
3040 Katimik lakeCanada2.852.8986-99.3875
3044 Yibug lakeChina3.632.979286.7125
3045 Xuejing lakeChina2.635.984787.3319
3053 Las SalinasPeru2-16.3569-71.1236
3078 Ngoinyar lakeChina3.432.979288.6875
3079 Garson lakeCanada3.256.3292-110.0069
3097 ozero VyshnevolotskoyeRussian Federation2.257.556934.4708
3109 embalse del EbroSpain2.543.0153-3.9181
3111 Luotuo lakeChina2.534.437581.9764
3114 loch NessUnited Kingdom1.257.3792-4.3597
3129 Rorey lakeCanada266.9264-128.3958
3132 cienaga Colorada and cienaga Catalina and naga AlibuColombia2.79.5958-74.7097
3133 Kilekale lakeCanada2.866.6569-123.9153
3135 Wuskwatim lakeCanada2.855.5653-98.5347
3150 lago OfhidroChile2.7-53.9625-69.4042
3156 Yurba lakeChina2.835.740386.6986
3171 Marryat inletUnited States3.668.3764-166.6514
3173 ozero BalymaRussian Federation2.567.8764151.8875
3188 lac Ste AnneCanada2.953.7069-114.3875
3189 lake GeorgeAustralia2.7-37.3875139.9764
3191 lake TowadaJapan2.840.4736140.8681
3196 etang de CazauxFrance3.444.4903-1.1569
3200 Talimardzhan reservoirUzbekistan3.138.368165.5708
3201 Rola lakeChina3.735.409788.3792
3208 ZzzzAzerbaijan3.138.951448.8792
3211 Boye SoGreenland1.570.1097-50.6292
3218 laguna MelincueArgentina4.6-33.7097-61.4625
3219 ZzzzGreenland1.865.6153-50.3181
3231 Frog lakeCanada2.553.9347-110.3403
3238 lake VerretUnited States2.429.8819-91.1597
3243 Kingsmere lakeCanada2.954.1069-106.4514
3258 Bugunskoye wtaer reservoirKazakhstan2.842.734769.0736
3276 ozero Maloye ErovnoyeRussian Federation452.6597111.6375
3281 Orsasjon/OrsaSweden2.561.081914.5486
3307 lago di BraccianoItaly3.942.123612.2292
3309 Kytai lakeUkraine1.845.501429.1431
3312 ozero KubuyRussian Federation2.371.0486137.7681
3343 Pongyin lakeChina2.832.895888.1792
3347 ozero Duvankul'Russian Federation3.554.593161.5653
3350 Dabie lakePoland2.253.454214.6764
3365 ozero ArakhleyRussian Federation3.452.2069112.8792
3373 lac AssalDjibouti3.911.665342.4097
3379 Raznas ezersLatvia3.256.329227.4569
3392 Magiss lakeCanada2.452.9764-91.6875
3394 Dangqiong lakeChina3.631.570886.7403
3397 lac De MontignyCanada2.348.1486-77.9208
3398 ozero Dyryn-EbeRussian Federation2.467.7153154.5042
3421 ozero KoybagarKazakhstan3.652.601465.5792
3446 Rufus lakeCanada3.169.5986-129.9931
3471 laguna del PalmarArgentina2.9-29.5736-60.7069
3476 Shitou Koumen reservoirChina2.443.8431125.8097
3478 lake SorellAustralia1.9-42.0903147.1847
3493 Crater lakeUnited States3.542.9431-122.0986
3500 ozero MaraldyKazakhstan3.652.312577.7736
3523 Wabimeig lakeCanada2.751.4708-85.5875
3529 Brackett lakeCanada3.265.2125-125.3514
3534 Garkung lakeChina2.733.968186.4847
3539 Baidoi lakeChina2.832.776487.8042
3566 Iznajar reservoirSpain1.237.2819-4.3486
3570 Colen (western part of)Canada2.854.5681-95.4403
3586 barrage Bin El-OuidaneMorocco1.932.0986-6.4042
3587 Cardinal lakeCanada2.856.2347-117.7403
3604 Basin lakeCanada2.852.6069-105.2792
3607 BoraphetThailand2.215.7069100.2292
3614 Venustiano CarranzaMexico2.527.5014-100.6375
4292 lacul BrateRomania2.345.484728.0708
4503 lake MendotaUnited States2.543.1069-89.4125
4947Erne loughUnited Kingdom1.254.2458-7.5708
4953Bogoria lakeKenya1.50.254236.0958
5506 Great PondUnited States1.544.5375-69.8431
5729Amanningen lakeSweden1.559.945815.9792
6048 PoinsettUnited States2.244.5542-97.0958
6561Squam lakeUnited States1.143.7625-71.5125
6785 ErkenSweden1.559.845818.5764
7434Norra Barken lakeSweden160.120815.5042
7739 BemidjiUnited States1.947.5208-94.8458
7840Loskop reservoirSouth Africa1-25.429229.3208
7889 lough MelvinIreland;United Kingdom1.354.4208-8.1264
8089 lacul BadabagRomania1.944.923628.7597
8527Cuerda Del Pozo reservoirSpain141.8542-2.7458
9168 lake DranovRomania1.944.870829.1903
9322 Sunapee lakeUnited States1.143.3986-72.0514
10161 Pike BayUnited States2.147.3542-94.5708
10421 HancockUnited States227.9708-81.8375
10679Albufera lagoonSpain1.839.3375-0.3625
10694Hartbeespoort reservoirSouth Africa1.2-25.745827.8625
12200West Okoboji lakeUnited States1.143.3792-95.1542
12262 loch LevenUnited Kingdom1.556.2042-3.3792
12471 Trout lakeUnited States1.446.0319-89.6708
13377 Douglas lakeUnited States1.545.5819-84.7069
13484 BitterUnited States2.445.2792-97.3208
13916 lacul Gorgova and lacul GorgovatRomania1.845.154229.1903
15309 lacul Rosu and lacul RosuletRomania1.245.056929.5681
15600Idro lakeItaly0.945.779210.5125
16662 JijilaRomania1.345.348628.1208
16814 lacul LuminaRomania1.545.087529.4903
17329 lacul MerheiRomania1.445.323629.4542
18089Macnean loughUnited Kingdom0.654.2875-7.8458
18140Rosarito reservoirSpain140.1042-5.3125
164651Portmore loughUnited Kingdom0.554.5625-6.2792
208447 lacul MatitaRomania1.145.301429.3708
208662 lacul FurtunaRomania1.545.215329.1264
208840Mantua lakesItaly0.545.162510.7792
208962 lacul IsacRomania1.345.109729.2819
209099 lacul PuiuRomania1.345.056929.4792
211002 lake AuburnUnited States1.344.1458-70.2486
214687Branched Oak lakeUnited States0.940.9708-96.8625
215215Morse reservoirUnited States0.540.0792-86.0458
215311Geist reservoirUnited States0.539.9375-85.9375
215339Eagle-CreekUnited States0.639.8542-86.3042
100000001CuronianRussian Federation;Lithuania14.955.034720.9792
100000003Theewaterskloof reservoirSouth Africa1.6-34.004219.1542
100000004lough MourveUnited Kingdom0.254.7625-5.8042
100000011RukwaTanzania United Republic of23.9-8.001432.1569
100000014Playgreen lakeCanada4.853.8042-97.9875
100000015Little Playgreen lakeCanada2.454.0042-97.9042
100000033ThomsonUnited States2.544.2875-97.4708
200000013Rio Tapajaos and Rio ArapiunsBrazil9.1-2.7042-55.0875
200000036 West Ngalabalab swampSudan2.24.951434.7486
200000065 ZzzzRussian Federation1.663.362544.6875
200000067 KrasnyyNorway1.563.879211.3375
200000071Patos LagoonBrazil25.2-30.6542-50.9625
200000072MaracaiboVenezuela Bolivarian Republic of46.59.7958-71.5958
300000178 GairdnerAustralia9.9-31.6542136.1125
300000182NN Glacial LakeGreenland2.477.0347-20.3403
300000223 Horton lakeCanada4.967.4958-122.3875
300000250 ZzzzCanada3.865.4931-71.9569
300000274 Mingo lakeCanada4.464.5708-72.2153
300000308 Smart lakeCanada1.563.4986-106.8181
300000311 Fletcher lakeCanada3.863.5764-108.7458
300000328 Beaverhill lakeCanada4.262.8264-104.3681
300000337 Mary lakeCanada2.862.3792-103.4958
300000347 Big Rocky lake and Little Rocky lakeCanada2.862.2875-102.3347
300000349 ZzzzCanada2.462.1847-97.5458
300000369 Aishihik lakeCanada1.961.5653-137.3625
300000428 Riou lakeCanada2.859.0931-106.5097
300000430 Nonvianuk lakeUnited States3.559.0069-155.4347
300000437 Tadoule lakeCanada358.6597-98.3042
300000465 lac NachicapauCanada2.156.7208-67.9597
300000485 lac OtelnukCanada3.156.0958-68.2569
300000525 Bear lakeCanada2.255.1292-95.9847
300000540 Neret Malaval LakesCanada2.254.6208-70.7875
300000541 Trembleur lakeCanada2.654.8542-125.0819
300000566 Pierce lakeCanada354.1625-92.9875
300000579 Francois lakeCanada1.954.0431-125.8542
300000619 Quesnel lakeCanada2.252.5375-121.0542
300000636 Chilko lakeCanada2.751.2875-124.0625
300000651 Adams lakeCanada1.651.2542-119.4958
300000654 Whitewater lakeCanada1.850.7403-89.0958
300000655 WalkerCanada1.550.9542-66.9208
300000659 Savant lakeCanada1.650.4736-90.4319
300000704 Gander lakeCanada1.948.9014-54.9236
300000709 Dog lakeCanada248.7125-89.5681
300000716 lac PreissacCanada1.648.2931-78.3986
300000725 Banks lakeUnited States2.247.8847-119.1569
300000727 lake ChelanUnited States1.547.8653-120.1292
300000767 lake GeorgeUnited States1.843.5431-73.6347
300000771 Harney lakeUnited States4.843.2431-119.1292
300000772 Cayuga lakeUnited States2.842.7458-76.7347
300000773SenecaUnited States2.542.7125-76.9347
300000836 Richland-ChambersUnited States2.531.9625-96.1292
300000850 BabicoraMexico4.729.3125-107.8375
300000853 BustillosMexico3.728.5458-106.7458
300000910 JariBrazil2.3-5.0625-62.4792
300000918 HuaytunasBolivia Plurinational State of4.7-12.9208-65.5208
300000946 represa de PromissaoBrazil3-21.3347-49.7042
300000962 lagoa ItapevaBrazil2.8-29.5708-49.9875
300000972 Tunas GrandesArgentina5.9-35.9792-62.4458
300000977 Casa de PiedraArgentina4-38.1708-67.2125
300000984 Huechulafquen lake and Epulafqu‚Äô¬©n lake and lago PaimunArgentina2.1-39.7736-71.3125
300000985 lago PanguipulliChile2.3-39.6708-72.2458
300000991Todos los SantosChile3.1-41.1014-72.3292
300000993 lago YelchoChile2.2-43.3514-72.2292
300001007 ozero KungasalakhRussian Federation6.174.5958107.1736
300001009 ozero KokoroRussian Federation573.0069101.0653
300001016 ozero YambutoRussian Federation4.871.209779.4625
300001024 ozero YambutoRussian Federation3.769.515369.0125
300001028 ozero GlubokoyeRussian Federation2.469.326489.7375
300001031 ozero Sobach'yeRussian Federation1.869.020891.0042
300001041 ozero EsseyRussian Federation668.4542102.3931
300001048 ozero Yarato 1-eRussian Federation6.867.948671.6486
300001053 Eloygytgyn lakeRussian Federation5.367.4903172.0903
300001055 ozero AgataRussian Federation1.967.212592.8375
300001059 ozero MakovskoyeRussian Federation3.866.840385.2153
300001063 ozero TembenchiRussian Federation1.666.715395.1014
300001083 KunovatRussian Federation3.164.995865.9125
300001087 ZzzzRussian Federation2.264.720865.9375
300001091 ZzzzRussian Federation2.764.443166.1597
300001094 SnasavatnetNorway2.264.198612.1069
300001098 TorronSweden2.163.870812.9931
300001112 ZzzzFinland2.263.031930.7292
300001115 ozero UntorRussian Federation3.462.645865.1653
300001118 ozero PalvozeroRussian Federation2.762.595833.7875
300001123 Kolyma RiverRussian Federation2.262.0292150.0542
300001127 FemundenNorway2.462.106911.7625
300001134 ozero Bol'shoy Sor and ozero AytorRussian Federation261.562567.1819
300001141 ZzzzFinland2.161.287524.1375
300001142 ozero ToremtorRussian Federation3.561.215379.3181
300001153 RandsfjordenNorway1.860.468110.4236
300001174 RingkobingDenmark5.456.03758.2125
300001205 ozero TeletskoyeRussian Federation2.551.379287.7792
300001248 UrnerseeSwitzerland1.947.02088.3764
300001252 DalonghuChina3.846.7042124.3792
300001256 Khadzhybeys'kyy lagoonUkraine1.646.654230.5431
300001257Huoshaohei lake and Tahlag lake and Yamenqi lake and Aobao lake and  Xiaoshang lake and Alqagtai lake and Talahong lake and Delong lake and Yangcaohao lake and Beiqin lake and Amuta lake and Yamenxi lakeChina2.846.5958124.1875
300001274lago di ComoItaly246.00699.2597
300001316 Vpadina AyakalytmaUzbekistan4.540.620864.5208
300001323 YuqiaoChina2.840.0375117.5458
300001382 Bangdag lakeChina4.434.954281.5292
300001398 Tarbela dam HaripurPakistan2.634.137572.7986
300001459 Gyesar lakeChina3.330.151484.8292
300001496 Bargi DamIndia2.622.912579.9375
300001497 Hasdeo BangoIndia1.722.620882.6708
300001503 RengaliIndia3.921.329285.0042
300001508 IndravatiIndia1.519.254282.8458
300001509 Sriram SagarIndia3.918.937578.2958
300001518 Lam PaoThailand1.616.7847103.5986
300001530 Pasak ChonlasitThailand2.815.0042101.0458
300001537 Goronyo DamNigeria3.513.53755.9292
300001545 Barrage de BagreBurkina Faso211.5375-0.6958
300001549 Tri AnViet Nam4.211.2125107.1708
300001551 MagaCameroon3.410.804214.9542
300001589 lake SingkarakIndonesia3.7-0.5903100.5292
300001600 lake MatanoIndonesia3.5-2.4847121.3569
300001609 danau RanauIndonesia3.7-4.8486103.9347
300001611 SulungaTanzania United Republic of11.8-6.112535.1875
300001612 MteraTanzania United Republic of6.2-7.037535.8375
300001619 QuiminhaAngola2.5-8.962513.9458
300001625 lake TenganoSolomon Islands4.6-11.7847160.4958
300001639 GregoryAustralia4.8-20.2208127.4458
300001642 PercivalAustralia2.8-21.3708124.6708
300001643 BuchananAustralia3.8-21.6042145.8792
300001645 DoraAustralia4.3-22.0458122.9375
300001646 AuldAustralia2.7-22.4792123.8042
300001648 DisappointmentAustralia4.2-23.4125122.7042
300001655 CarnegieAustralia5.4-26.1375122.2292
300001656 WellsAustralia3.3-26.6958123.2208
300001664 MalapulaAustralia3-28.3542138.0958
300001665 RasenAustralia2.6-28.7208124.4042
300001666 WaigenAustralia3.1-28.7958120.8625
300001669 BlancheAustralia7.9-29.2375139.6542
300001672 RaesideAustralia3.8-29.4375121.9625
300001674 Yarra YarraAustralia4.3-29.7208115.8125
300001676 RebeccaAustralia3.3-29.8375122.1292
300001681 LefroyAustralia6.6-31.2292121.7458
300001694 lake HumeAustralia2.1-36.1792147.0625
300001695 lake EucumbeneAustralia2.3-36.0958148.7264
300001701 lake PedderAustralia2.3-42.9236146.2625
300001704 lake HaweaNew Zealand2.9-44.5486169.2764
300001720 ZzzzGreenland1.581.7681-47.5375
300001737 ZzzzCanada1.580.9458-75.9875
300001744NN Glacial LakeGreenland1.779.5931-22.5403
300001784 ZzzzCanada1.873.0458-118.2792
300001879 ZzzzCanada2.571.5625-108.7181
300001887 ZzzzCanada2.871.4819-113.9486
300001905 ZzzzCanada1.971.2042-116.6042
300001914 ZzzzCanada1.671.0958-79.8958
300001940 SungovoakUnited States1.971.0542-156.4875
300001994 ZzzzCanada1.970.7764-117.4181
300002057 ZzzzCanada1.970.1986-105.4292
300002066 ZzzzCanada270.1208-109.6708
300002119 Hansteen lakeCanada1.969.7903-94.1208
300002123 ZzzzCanada2.169.7792-105.1792
300002129 Jamesee lakeCanada2.669.7181-103.8736
300002163 Middle lakeCanada2.269.6014-93.4208
300002166 Banning lakeCanada2.269.5875-110.1653
300002202 TasseriukCanada1.969.3875-124.6542
300002212 QikiqtaqtuuqCanada2.169.2625-93.4042
300002317 ZzzzCanada1.668.6875-125.5708
300002332 ZzzzCanada1.668.6958-111.4208
300002480 ZzzzCanada1.967.8458-131.4292
300002493 Giesecke SoGreenland1.667.7792-53.1792
300002545Nassuttuutaata tasiaGreenland1.467.6069-52.4292
300002559 ZzzzCanada3.467.3958-102.7097
300002685NN Glacial LakeGreenland1.266.9986-51.8875
300002718 Manuel lakeCanada1.666.9042-128.8375
300002811 ZzzzCanada1.566.5292-113.7514
300002816 Takijuakataluk lakeCanada1.966.6486-113.5514
300002857 Joe lakeCanada1.566.2514-98.5181
300002883 Bathurst lakeCanada2.466.3042-107.2625
300002892NN Glacial LakeGreenland1.966.2819-49.8597
300002896 ZzzzCanada2.666.2458-93.8042
300002919 Laughland lakeCanada2.166.1208-92.7458
300002949 TatuiCanada2.465.9625-123.0542
300002970 TurtonCanada1.565.8458-126.9792
300003024 ZzzzCanada3.565.6764-71.9403
300003035 YenCanada1.765.5625-118.6125
300003095 QaamasoqGreenland1.965.3875-50.7958
300003191 Zebulon lakeCanada265.0681-117.7931
300003205 ZzzzCanada1.565.0208-111.8014
300003237 ThistleCanada2.264.9458-108.6542
300003251 ZzzzCanada1.564.9208-116.5292
300003271 Little CrapeauCanada1.664.8292-116.4792
300003273 Big lakeCanada2.664.8347-112.9514
300003350 Rebesca lakeCanada1.664.5403-116.3153
300003365 ZzzzCanada2.164.5014-108.1514
300003430 Judge Sissons lakeCanada2.464.3236-97.5597
300003589 ReindeerCanada1.563.8875-113.6042
300003602 Bissett lakeCanada3.363.7708-95.3486
300003605 Kirk lakeCanada1.763.6986-109.1181
300003606 Sarah lakeCanada2.263.7931-117.1736
300003634 ZzzzCanada2.163.7375-100.8986
300003640 ZzzzCanada1.963.6875-98.0625
300003644 Munn lakeCanada1.763.6681-109.9542
300003701 Gibson lakeCanada1.763.4458-93.1431
300003732 Parker lakeCanada2.563.5764-95.3431
300003763 lac Tete d'OursCanada2.863.3625-110.5708
300003809 ZzzzCanada3.163.1375-98.4625
300003811 WilliamsCanada1.863.1208-106.2042
300003835 Greasy lakeCanada2.362.8903-122.2264
300003841 WeyburnCanada262.9875-117.9042
300003861 ZzzzCanada1.862.9514-96.4625
300003890 Duncan lakeCanada2.262.9125-113.9347
300003911 ZzzzCanada1.662.7986-100.6208
300003949 lac LevisCanada2.562.6514-117.9792
300003969Knagaarsuup TasersuaGreenland1.962.5153-49.6125
300003970 ZzzzCanada1.862.5125-100.6764
300004013 Hornell lakeCanada262.3347-119.3819
300004030 Oman lakeCanada1.762.2958-103.2847
300004095 McDonald lakeCanada2.262.1653-111.1208
300004104 Carr lakeCanada2.962.0931-95.7403
300004109 CliCanada2.461.9708-123.3292
300004112 Imikula lakeCanada3.962.0069-97.6681
300004144 Penylan lakeCanada2.661.8458-106.3069
300004151 SibbestonCanada1.561.7292-122.7708
300004287 BelugaUnited States2.461.4042-151.6208
300004337 Mallet lakeCanada261.2208-102.2931
300004357 Quiet lakeCanada1.861.0375-133.0625
300004396 Ray lakeCanada1.961.0375-96.2792
300004419 Puk PalikUnited States361.0375-163.2708
300004433 CormackCanada2.660.9375-121.6208
300004437 TelaquanaUnited States1.960.9458-153.8958
300004477 FitzpatrickCanada2.160.8375-98.6375
300004528 Thuchonilini lakeCanada2.160.6931-96.5153
300004530 Wolf lakeCanada2.260.5903-131.6625
300004580 ZzzzUnited States1.660.4958-164.1625
300004634 UpnukUnited States2.360.3625-158.8625
300004655 lac DuquetCanada2.560.3653-75.3181
300004657 PilotCanada3.260.2875-111.0042
300004666 Poorfish lakeCanada1.560.2819-100.7986
300004769 ZzzzUnited States259.9542-163.2875
300004781 Gladys lakeCanada1.759.8708-132.8653
300004787 MaxhamishCanada3.359.8708-123.3042
300004793 AndrewCanada1.759.9292-110.0875
300004816 KulikUnited States1.559.8042-158.8208
300004882 lake BeverleyUnited States2.459.6736-158.7736
300004897 Beaverlodge Martin Nero LakesCanada1.659.4875-108.5958
300004906 MiltonCanada2.259.5042-103.8792
300004974 lake AleknagikUnited States1.959.3708-158.9014
300004989 Richard lakeCanada2.559.1431-107.2236
300005063 WentzelCanada2.159.0125-114.4708
300005072 BurnieCanada1.658.8958-100.4042
300005104 NicklinCanada1.658.8792-99.7292
300005171 lac BallantyneCanada1.658.6236-69.2208
300005213 QuinnCanada1.858.5542-97.2208
300005316 KakiattuqCanada1.858.0375-75.1625
300005323 Big FlatCanada257.9958-100.2958
300005336 EngemannCanada257.9208-106.9292
300005345 MaysonCanada1.957.9208-107.1625
300005354 Etawney lakeCanada2.657.8236-96.8264
300005364 CloseCanada1.657.8708-104.9708
300005435 lac QullinaaraalukCanada1.557.5542-74.7542
300005460 NamurCanada1.857.4458-112.6375
300005648 Eden lakeCanada2.156.6431-100.2458
300005677 Limestone lakeCanada1.956.5736-96.0069
300005808 Harding lakeCanada1.756.2069-98.4125
300005829 SuwanneeCanada2.356.1375-100.1875
300005839 Orr lakeCanada2.856.1014-97.2097
300005860 Jones BayCanada1.555.9208-107.6792
300005889 South Wabasca lakeCanada2.755.9097-113.7847
300005890 Sango BrookCanada1.955.9042-61.4458
300005962 McIntosh lakeCanada1.555.7875-105.1403
300005999 Whitefish lakeCanada3.255.5681-93.2264
300006003 High HillCanada1.555.5708-95.6458
300006025 Silsby lakeCanada2.255.4708-95.8375
300006033 BarCanada1.555.4458-106.4625
300006162 SturgeonCanada2.955.1042-117.5208
300006171 Red Cross lakeCanada1.655.0875-92.8292
300006275 Carp lakeCanada1.854.7792-123.3708
300006289 JuilletCanada1.554.7708-64.1375
300006293 Tezzeron lakeCanada2.154.6847-124.3931
300006351 NeyCanada1.654.6292-92.3875
300006356 Pinchi lakeCanada1.754.5847-124.3514
300006407 Echoing lakeCanada3.154.5208-92.2431
300006409 Touchwood lake and Vermilyea lakeCanada2.154.4819-94.9486
300006490 Balsam BrookCanada2.554.3708-102.5458
300006495 MoshikopawCanada3.354.3625-87.5375
300006498 lac CravenCanada1.554.3375-76.9292
300006537 lac WawaCanada1.854.2847-76.8347
300006579 Morice lakeCanada1.854.0042-127.6153
300006584 Fraser lakeCanada1.654.0931-124.6958
300006645 Opinnagau lakeCanada2.153.9236-84.4542
300006671 Sims lakeCanada1.554.0514-65.9264
300006797 BrightsandCanada2.753.5875-108.8792
300006864 lac DuncanCanada2.253.4792-77.9708
300007084 Weaver lakeCanada2.152.7542-96.5792
300007173 North Spirit lakeCanada1.652.5181-92.8847
300007237 SylvanCanada1.852.3708-114.1958
300007318 SullivanCanada1.952.0125-111.9958
300007351 Canim lakeCanada1.951.8569-120.7208
300007453 Good SpiritCanada2.451.5542-102.6708
300007494 Fawcett lakeCanada2.151.4181-91.8653
300007563 Little Vermillion lakeCanada1.551.3264-93.8236
300007603 Ten Mile lakeCanada1.751.1458-56.6097
300007621 Kagianagami lakeCanada1.750.9458-87.8347
300007638 Du TastCanada1.850.9958-77.3875
300007706 GoyelleCanada1.650.7625-60.7458
300007718 Lac BerteCanada1.750.7819-68.4986
300007748 OnistaganeCanada1.750.7208-71.3292
300007752 Ara lake and Meta lakeCanada1.750.5375-87.5069
300007773 North ShoalCanada250.4708-97.6458
300007891 Portland Creek PondCanada1.750.1875-57.5292
300007930 Big Vermillion lakeCanada1.750.0208-92.2958
300007960 lac GrassetCanada3.949.9431-78.1597
300008088 Nagagami lakeCanada2.549.4069-85.0125
300008096 lac PusticamicaCanada1.649.3597-76.3625
300008127 Black SturgeonCanada249.3125-88.8375
300008201 HindsCanada2.348.9708-56.9875
300008202 QuevillonCanada1.949.0792-76.9708
300008212 Deer lakeCanada1.949.1208-57.5458
300008244 Cowichan lakeCanada1.748.8903-124.3208
300008270 Frederick HouseCanada1.848.6458-80.9208
300008294 DuparquetCanada1.548.4875-79.2625
300008306 Priest lakeUnited States1.948.5875-116.8708
300008339 Hungry Horse reservoirUnited States1.548.2681-113.8486
300008341 Great Burnt Crooked LakesCanada2.448.3375-56.2125
300008388 Round PondCanada2.148.1875-56.0125
300008393 GraniteCanada1.748.1792-56.9708
300008408 lac GueguenCanada1.648.1097-77.2264
300008411 PelicanUnited States2.248.0625-92.8958
300008481 ManouaneCanada1.947.5625-74.1125
300008633 LongUnited States1.546.7292-100.0958
300008638 Lida Crystal Lizzie LakesUnited States1.846.5792-95.9792
300008645 lake GogebicUnited States1.946.4736-89.5542
300008713 lake AinslieCanada2.846.1375-61.1903
300008718 ChamberlainUnited States1.546.2208-69.3042
300008770 lake KagawongCanada2.645.8181-82.2931
300008783 TraverseUnited States1.545.7042-96.7375
300008804 Grand lakeUnited States;Canada2.145.7042-67.8125
300008819 Mullet lakeUnited States2.945.5292-84.5042
300008848 lake CharlevoixUnited States1.945.2625-85.0958
300008924 Hebgen lakeUnited States1.944.7847-111.2514
300009100 KoshkonongUnited States2.142.8875-88.9375
300009124 Quabbin reservoirUnited States1.842.3597-72.3014
300009129 ChautauquaUnited States1.542.2208-79.4542
300009151 Pymatuning reservoirUnited States1.641.6569-80.4875
300009172 Trinity lakeUnited States1.540.9764-122.6736
300009182 GrandUnited States240.5292-84.4958
300009243 lake Berryessa/MonticelloUnited States2.238.6292-122.2625
300009360MohaveUnited States2.835.4375-114.6514
300009411 HugoUnited States1.834.0542-95.4125
300009430 Ray RobertsUnited States1.933.3792-97.0792
300009432 Jim ChapmanUnited States2.533.3208-95.6625
300009443 Lewisville lakeUnited States2.533.1097-96.9625
300009460 lake Ray HubbardUnited States232.8486-96.5236
300009484 lake PalestineUnited States1.732.1792-95.4819
300009523 lake ConroeUnited States1.630.4125-95.5958
300009528 SomervilleUnited States1.630.3208-96.5542
300009630 ZzzzMexico2.227.4708-114.0208
300009636 lake IstokpogaUnited States2.827.4069-81.2792
300009639 Adolfo Ruiz CortinesMexico1.627.2431-109.0903
300009690 AlacranesCuba2.222.7292-80.1708
300009691 Las AnimasMexico3.122.6208-98.7208
300009692 La TortugaMexico2.222.3375-98.1292
300009704 El ChumbenoMexico2.222.2042-105.3542
300009713 embalse ZazaCuba2.221.8236-79.3764
300009733 SolisMexico1.520.0569-100.6347
300009761 laguna San FranciscoMexico2.118.4014-91.7792
300009784 PenitasMexico1.517.4375-93.4458
300009785 Northern LagoonBelize2.217.3625-88.3292
300009791 laguna de Tres PalosMexico2.816.7903-99.7375
300009799 Laguna Pampa la JoyaMexico1.815.9542-93.6958
300009807 Laguna KohuntaHonduras2.715.1875-83.5875
300009809 lago de YojoaHonduras2.714.8819-87.9764
300009815 laguna PaharaNicaragua3.414.2792-83.2986
300009850 laguna de ArenalCosta Rica2.210.5153-84.8931
300009854 CapoteColombia2.810.3375-75.1125
300009988 PiraruacaBrazil1.7-2.0208-56.3542
300009989 CamapuBrazil4-2.1208-53.8375
300010100 SampaioBrazil2.1-3.8542-59.1708
300010187 Las HabrasBolivia Plurinational State of4.2-12.7542-65.1042
300010196 La PorfiaBolivia Plurinational State of2.6-13.1292-65.8208
300010214 MamornadasBolivia Plurinational State of2.7-13.7958-66.7875
300010231 HuachiBolivia Plurinational State of1.5-14.3375-63.4125
300010233 laguna LanguiPeru2.2-14.4819-71.2181
300010243 MansoBrazil2.5-14.8375-55.6792
300010247 Los AnteojosBolivia Plurinational State of3.3-15.4042-64.6625
300010261 LagunillasPeru2.4-15.7125-70.7625
300010266 San Jorge lakeBolivia Plurinational State of3-15.8264-63.8653
300010271 Nuevo MundoBolivia Plurinational State of3.2-15.8208-64.2708
300010299 ConcepcionBolivia Plurinational State of2.6-17.5042-61.3792
300010368 lago YpacaraiParaguay2.6-25.3014-57.3431
300010381 lago VeraParaguay1.7-26.1486-57.4625
300010423 lagoa do SombrioBrazil1.6-29.1625-49.6931
300010435 ZzzzArgentina3.4-29.6958-62.2708
300010436 lagoa PinguelaBrazil2-29.8181-50.2153
300010470 embalse rio TerceroArgentina1.9-32.2125-64.4819
300010533 laguna del MauleChile2.5-36.0625-70.4958
300010537 AlsinaArgentina2.2-36.8375-62.0292
300010539 CochicoArgentina2.2-36.9208-62.3125
300010540 VenadoArgentina3.3-37.0208-62.6708
300010554 ZzzzArgentina2.1-38.2875-63.7292
300010560 ChasicoArgentina3.1-38.6208-63.0792
300010563 Salinas GrandesArgentina3.1-38.7542-62.9458
300010567 lago AlumineArgentina2.4-38.9236-71.1153
300010573 CaburguaChile1.7-39.1708-71.7875
300010577 lago RinihueChile2.2-39.8097-72.3903
300010583 lago MaihueChile2-40.2764-72.0264
300010590 AlicuraArgentina2.1-40.5958-70.8375
300010593 lago TrafullArgentina1.7-40.6125-71.4847
300010599 ChapoChile1.7-41.4292-72.5292
300010602 lago PueloArgentina1.5-42.1153-71.6375
300010609 lago MenendezArgentina1.6-42.6847-71.8264
300010614 Amutui QuimeyArgentina1.7-43.0708-71.6958
300010626 lago FontanaArgentina2.4-44.9347-71.4875
300010628 lago YultonChile2.4-45.1181-72.9319
300010652 NansenArgentina1.5-47.9625-72.3542
300010656 QuirogaArgentina2.6-48.4125-71.5542
300010690 YehuinArgentina1.7-54.3875-67.7792
300010732 SilyuyeturkuRussian Federation2.274.4375104.4542
300010750 ozero AyaturkuRussian Federation2.473.826492.0264
300010784 ozero SyrutoRussian Federation2.472.962588.8125
300010787 KhelaliturkuRussian Federation2.872.862589.1208
300010794 ozero NyagameRussian Federation2.272.743188.3542
300010835 GusinoyeRussian Federation1.872.004252.0958
300010851 Purinskoye 1-YeRussian Federation271.770888.5792
300010866 DolgoyeRussian Federation2.271.5125149.4542
300010885 BolshoyeRussian Federation3.171.4625149.6042
300010918 KyrbytRussian Federation2.671.2208147.4875
300010974 SymytyrRussian Federation2.471.0208146.3125
300010982 BytynayRussian Federation2.970.9625147.5292
300010987 BakulRussian Federation2.570.9375147.7875
300011006 Laydy-Kyuyel Yaryppyt LakesRussian Federation1.870.7875137.5375
300011025 UkyulyakhRussian Federation2.570.6792137.8292
300011033 KalukenRussian Federation1.870.6458150.7042
300011082 NuchchaRussian Federation370.3292146.3542
300011089  ozero PolovinnoyeRussian Federation3.770.201487.6819
300011120 Ngevak-YasaveytoRussian Federation369.829270.1042
300011134 YandetoRussian Federation3.469.729271.3542
300011151 IesjavriNorway2.569.670824.1986
300011169 ozero Bolshoy OlerRussian Federation3.369.4597156.0819
300011184 Malyy OlerRussian Federation369.4458156.5125
300011226 Ulakhan-KelyuyekyanRussian Federation369.1375152.8292
300011233 ZzzzRussian Federation1.669.1125159.0542
300011237 ozero SokhontoRussian Federation3.469.156970.1292
300011279 BautRussian Federation1.868.9792159.4125
300011357 UnestakhRussian Federation2.768.6708154.9042
300011367 LymbanatoRussian Federation1.568.612552.8625
300011374 Arga-EbeRussian Federation368.5708154.5958
300011444 ozero KalgynRussian Federation3.568.3069149.6736
300011445 TetatoRussian Federation3.668.287571.0958
300011605 LayatoRussian Federation1.567.554256.0958
300011620 EbeRussian Federation3.167.4708151.6625
300011642 ozero UrdyuzhskoyeRussian Federation3.167.226450.1514
300011663 TjaktjajaureSweden1.967.054218.4875
300011666 ozero KanozeroRussian Federation2.367.045834.1236
300011704 KaratjSweden1.566.662518.7653
300011707 NalimyeRussian Federation2.866.604285.3292
300011716 MiekojarviFinland1.566.568124.3931
300011781 VarchatyRussian Federation2.966.112564.0125
300011784 ZzzzRussian Federation2.266.095866.5625
300011804 VarshRussian Federation1.666.070847.9208
300011810 VyzhletskoyeRussian Federation1.565.970846.2292
300011834 KostonjarviFinland2.265.795828.4458
300011866 ozero OnekoRussian Federation265.484791.2069
300011878 ZzzzRussian Federation1.565.420865.8208
300011902 BlondulonIceland1.565.1708-19.6708
300011916 Kem RiverRussian Federation1.565.037533.4708
300011976 KvarnbergsvattnetSweden;Norway1.864.573613.9625
300011991 ShuyezeroRussian Federation264.429234.0375
300012019 ZzzzFinland2.764.165328.0958
300012021 Nizhnevygskoye reservoirRussian Federation1.964.156934.3125
300012023 ZzzzFinland2.164.231929.5681
300012051 JavsjonSweden;Norway1.664.070813.0458
300012060 ozero SumozeroRussian Federation2.563.970835.1597
300012093 PulozeroRussian Federation1.763.762535.4542
300012120 Stor-RensjonSweden2.463.629212.5792
300012150 ozero MaslozeroRussian Federation363.487532.9819
300012163 AlvajarviFinland1.663.404225.4292
300012213 NesjoenNorway1.862.981912.0097
300012234 Verkhneye VolozeroRussian Federation1.962.837535.3542
300012266 PyhajarviFinland1.562.723625.4681
300012284 ozero LizhmozeroRussian Federation2.162.651434.0542
300012287 LabyngkyrRussian Federation1.762.4542143.6292
300012300 ParenskoyeRussian Federation262.5542162.3625
300012316 HolmsjonSweden1.562.412515.3458
300012336 SundozeroRussian Federation2.362.395833.8125
300012341 PyalozeroRussian Federation1.562.304233.7208
300012361 LumRussian Federation1.562.237543.3625
300012394 ozero KenozeroRussian Federation1.862.065338.2208
300012406 NantlorRussian Federation2.762.079272.9125
300012424 KangasjarviFinland1.662.004227.3792
300012455 HornindalsvatnNorway1.561.95426.4125
300012472 ozero ShotozeroRussian Federation3.361.787532.9875
300012482 Sodra DellenSweden2.261.804216.7292
300012491 ozero LekshmozeroRussian Federation2.961.734738.0764
300012507 ozero VedlozeroRussian Federation261.545832.7486
300012591 ozero SamotlorRussian Federation2.161.104276.7375
300012614 PyhajarviFinland1.761.018126.4847
300012628 UrajarviFinland1.560.920826.4292
300012639 KarpauturRussian Federation2.560.854265.2208
300012654 ozero OtradnoyeRussian Federation2.360.801430.1847
300012749 Bolshoy KumikushRussian Federation1.560.329255.2625
300012760 EnetorRussian Federation2.660.212568.3708
300012813 MosvatnNorway1.559.87648.0292
300012874 Ozero TungarRussian Federation2.459.4375143.9208
300012879 JarnsjonSweden1.659.345812.2292
300012886 TemryakRussian Federation2.459.354267.0292
300012946 ChukhlomaRussian Federation3.458.779242.6125
300012969 ozero GalichskoyeRussian Federation2.558.420842.3681
300013003 MjornSweden1.757.909712.4486
300013032 SeremoRussian Federation1.857.445833.3708
300013035 AluksneLatvia1.857.454227.0875
300013091 PleshcheyevoRussian Federation3.256.762538.7875
300013112 CirmaLatvia1.556.562527.6042
300013120 MienSweden256.420814.8625
300013141 ozero AzhabachyeRussian Federation3.456.1458161.7986
300013149 NecheritsaRussian Federation1.556.129228.4375
300013159 OsveyaBelarus2.656.045828.1792
300013161 ozero DvinyeRussian Federation1.956.065331.2708
300013166 SiversLatvia1.556.020827.3292
300013175 HammarsjonSweden1.955.979214.2208
300013176 Bolshiye KasliRussian Federation255.920860.7958
300013178 Vastra RingsjonSweden1.555.895813.4625
300013182Oestra RingsjoenSweden255.862513.5542
300013184 RekyvaLithuania1.655.870823.3042
300013186 Yauzskoye VdkhrRussian Federation2.255.887535.0542
300013193 SennitsaBelarus;Russian Federation1.655.829230.3875
300013196 UyelgiRussian Federation2.955.762561.5458
300013214 Metlinskiy PrudRussian Federation1.755.662561.0542
300013241 TissoDenmark1.655.579211.2875
300013242 BeloyeRussian Federation2.455.562589.5792
300013258 SivergaKazakhstan;Russian Federation2.455.404268.7292
300013263 LosvidaBelarus1.555.379230.0292
300013283 MedvezhyeRussian Federation2.555.187567.9708
300013306 MiadzielBelarus1.654.937526.8458
300013313 IdgildyRussian Federation254.937562.2542
300013361 KandrykulRussian Federation1.954.504254.0625
300013383 SelenterGermany1.754.304210.4542
300013431 KummerowerGermany1.853.804212.8458
300013443 Lough SheelinIreland1.653.8125-7.3125
300013454 SchwerinGermany2.253.720811.4625
300013471 KhorosheyeRussian Federation1.953.529278.5542
300013475 KoelpinseeGermany1.953.504212.5792
300013516 ZharkolKazakhstan2.153.195863.2375
300013521 SurskoyeRussian Federation1.953.012545.3292
300013529 ozero ImantauKazakhstan2.253.031968.2319
300013551 Kotokel' ozeroRussian Federation2.452.7958108.1347
300013575 ZhanshuraKazakhstan3.252.687565.8375
300013582 Zhaksy ZhangyztauKazakhstan2.752.620868.1792
300013595 DuemmerGermany1.552.52088.3375
300013597 TobolKazakhstan2.252.512562.2375
300013601 SteinhuderGermany2.252.47089.3292
300013610 ozero AzasRussian Federation1.652.379296.4625
300013635 ShakshaRussian Federation352.1625112.7375
300013647 KarasorKazakhstan3.651.945875.7208
300013663 Gorkoye-PeresheyechnoyeRussian Federation1.651.795880.8708
300013668 TurskeUkraine1.551.662524.3042
300013676 PulemetskeUkraine1.751.520823.7375
300013705 GilovskoyeRussian Federation1.951.112581.8625
300013715 ZzzzKazakhstan250.887574.0292
300013746 OtmuchowPoland1.750.462517.1208
300013751 IseyKazakhstan350.495869.6375
300013760 KokayKazakhstan1.650.445869.4042
300013762 ozero Khindigtik-Khol'Russian Federation2.450.340389.8208
300013767 KhNPPUkraine1.650.295826.5792
300013778 SamarkandskoeKazakhstan2.250.095873.0042
300013782 ozero Tore-Khol'Mongolia;Russian Federation2.550.081995.1042
300013821 LymanUkraine1.549.570836.5125
300013919 Yakhi lakeMongolia3.148.6431114.4236
300013921 Lipno DamCzechia1.548.687514.0875
300013927 DnistrovskeUkraine1.548.604226.9792
300013943 Ulaagchiin Khar lakeMongolia2.548.343196.1847
300013962 AmmerseeGermany2.147.987511.1292
300013966 Starnberger seeGermany2.147.901411.3069
300013969 AtterseeAustria1.547.820813.5292
300013992 WalchenseeGermany1.547.587511.3458
300013995 ZelenodilskeUkraine1.747.537533.6292
300014041 DaqingChina2.846.8125125.1208
300014052 ThunerseeSwitzerland1.646.68757.7208
300014063 Bolshoye VavayskoyeRussian Federation2.546.6042143.2542
300014150 Boykiyevskiy LimanRussian Federation1.545.904237.9625
300014153 NanyinChina3.245.9125124.4708
300014167 Lac du BourgetFrance1.545.74585.8625
300014180 SolenoyeRussian Federation1.545.679241.6875
300014249 SengileyevskoyeRussian Federation2.245.062541.7625
300014300 KubanskoyeRussian Federation2.844.229242.2625
300014302 SiutghiolRomania1.744.254228.5958
300014305 OltinaRomania244.154227.6375
300014323 Koshkar-AtaKazakhstan2.943.770851.2042
300014331 SorbulaqKazakhstan2.543.662576.5708
300014333 Busko BlatoBosnia and Herzegovina3.143.662517.0208
300014338 lake KussharoJapan2.543.6514144.3458
300014353 etang de ThauFrance2.343.40423.6181
300014354 AkkolKazakhstan3.143.404270.6958
300014357 Huri Chagannao'erChina1.943.4014114.8903
300014360 Tasytkolskoye Water reservoirKazakhstan2.243.359773.9514
300014387 lake ShikotsuJapan3.242.7681141.3486
300014405 lake ToyaJapan2.242.6014140.8958
300014434 BatakBulgaria1.541.962524.1792
300014478 KerkiniGreece2.841.204223.1375
300014495 SemkirAzerbaijan2.240.954246.1042
300014499 KaravastaAlbania2.440.929219.4958
300014510 SapancaTurkey240.720830.2792
300014514 lake VolviGreece2.440.656923.5486
300014556 XiaoerkuleChina2.240.095877.3292
300014572 YonganbaChina2.239.720879.0125
300014629 HongjianChina2.339.0958109.9042
300014651 KarabulakUzbekistan3.138.920864.6625
300014657 NazikTurkey2.538.862542.2958
300014660 UmarTurkmenistan2.838.779264.2542
300014663 SukuqiakeChina1.938.779277.2458
300014682 Hazar lakeTurkey2.738.501439.4375
300014723 Laguna Salada de TorreviejaSpain1.738.0042-0.7292
300014741 SaldaTurkey3.137.554229.6792
300014784 Seyhan BarajiTurkey1.737.081935.2903
300014787 Ga Hai lakeChina337.0125100.5625
300014802 Koycegiz lakeTurkey2.236.937528.6819
300014804 OubeiraAlgeria2.136.84588.3958
300014875 DeyuChina2.135.695887.2792
300014878 Qinma lakeChina2.435.606990.6625
300014882 Sebkha Of MoknineTunisia2.735.570810.9625
300014891 lake ShinjiJapan3.135.4486132.9514
300014900 ChaoyangChina2.135.287587.2958
300014904 DoucuoChina2.235.304299.1792
300014930 PurChina2.434.879281.9625
300014933 Tso TangChina1.634.895879.3375
300014941 ShiliangheChina2.334.7875118.8292
300014943 Dulishi lakeChina3.434.745881.8958
300014944 ChanghuChina1.934.712589.0292
300014948 Surigh YilganingChina334.670879.6958
300014950 barrage Mohamed VMorocco1.534.6514-2.9653
300014959 Orba lakeChina2.234.581981.0347
300014966 Qingche lakeChina2.834.476481.7903
300014984 Laxiong lakeChina3.434.345885.2208
300014998 TuohepingChina2.334.187583.1542
300015030 CemarChina2.933.554284.5792
300015037 ChagboChina3.233.362584.1958
300015058 RebangChina233.029280.6042
300015115 YaggainChina2.732.345887.3125
300015125 NaiqamChina2.932.320888.6958
300015130 ZhaxiChina332.195885.1208
300015151 Maysan WetlandsIraq1.631.929247.2958
300015160 Gopug lakeChina2.431.851483.1625
300015169 DaruChina2.531.662590.7375
300015175 Cuona lakeChina2.431.665382.3458
300015178 Gemang lakeChina2.831.584787.2514
300015197 Zigu lakeChina3.231.376487.8764
300015217 ChenghuChina2.631.2208120.8208
300015220 Al ManzalahEgypt1.731.312532.0625
300015240 Qoi'nyi lakeChina2.131.034784.5764
300015245 Argog lakeChina330.995882.2292
300015248 ShenChina2.331.020890.4875
300015252 MaerxiaChina2.530.962587.5375
300015257 Ringco OgmaChina3.430.929289.8292
300015260 Longkou Yezhu LakesChina1.630.8792114.0792
300015265 Garen lakeChina2.730.781984.9819
300015267 Dibu lakeChina3.130.795884.8125
300015268 BaidangChina1.930.8042117.3875
300015276 Kunggyu lakeChina2.630.634782.1431
300015283 ZzzzIran Islamic Republic of3.230.620848.1375
300015296 YoqagChina3.930.470888.6125
300015361 Ramganga reservoirIndia1.929.556978.7597
300015374 Wadi El RayanEgypt2.729.251430.4792
300015376 SiwaEgypt1.929.212525.4542
300015380 Wadi Al RayanEgypt2.229.187530.4042
300015405 Zhegu lakeChina2.628.668191.6764
300015419 Como ChamlingChina2.828.401488.2153
300015424 Duoqing lakeChina3.528.140389.3431
300015431 LuguChina2.427.7208100.7792
300015502 RajghatIndia3.724.670878.2708
300015520 MasanjoreIndia224.154287.2875
300015523 DharoiIndia3.524.020872.9208
300015536 Mahi Bajaj SagarIndia1.923.545874.5375
300015538 Halali damIndia1.923.481977.5014
300015552 BarnaIndia2.723.079278.0208
300015554 ChandilIndia1.723.004286.0292
300015557 NalsarovarIndia2.222.804272.0292
300015606 Upper WardhaIndia2.121.312578.0542
300015626 Inle lakeMyanmar2.320.590396.9069
300015630 MadhubanIndia1.520.195873.0792
300015638 IsapurIndia1.619.737577.3792
300015650 MajalgaonIndia2.219.137576.1542
300015655 DaguangChina1.918.9958108.9875
300015657 ZzzzMyanmar218.920895.5958
300015672 Lower ManairIndia2.118.370879.1292
300015696 Nam UmThailand217.2375103.7125
300015697 YeleruIndia2.217.320882.0708
300015714 JuralaIndia1.516.337577.6875
300015736 SupaIndia2.415.262574.5042
300015755 Ho Ya LiViet Nam1.914.2625107.8458
300015761 Bhadra reservoirIndia2.613.693175.5847
300015778 Naujan lakePhilippines3.413.1708121.3542
300015798 ZobeNigeria1.512.37087.4792
300015805 Challawa GorgeNigeria2.511.67928.0042
300015811 BhavanisagarIndia1.911.462577.0875
300015812 AfamboEthiopia1.511.454241.6708
300015815 AbbeEthiopia1.811.370841.5875
300015816 HaykEthiopia211.345839.7125
300015836 Hawal RiverNigeria2.69.754212.0208
300015839 LereChad29.620814.1875
300015857 Kampe OyiNigeria1.68.19585.6125
300015858 Ikere GorgeNigeria1.58.19583.7542
300015873 Maduru OyaSri Lanka1.97.604281.2042
300015875 Noung JurSudan1.97.420830.5792
300015880 Senanayake SamudraSri Lanka27.201481.4931
300015883 Melka-WakenaEthiopia1.77.162539.4208
300015892 lake BosomtweGhana3.76.5069-1.4097
300015900 Tasik PeduMalaysia1.96.2569100.8181
300015901 lac TogoTogo2.26.25691.4042
300015914 DanauIndonesia2.44.615396.9264
300015923 NyaguoUganda1.61.337533.7042
300015924 TeleCongo2.21.345817.1458
300015927 TondanoIndonesia2.41.2125124.8875
300015949 NabugaboUganda2.5-0.362531.9042
300015950 NakuruKenya2.4-0.370836.0875
300015953 lac AzingoGabon2.2-0.559710.0264
300015969 MutandaUganda1.5-1.237529.6708
300015975 IkimbaTanzania United Republic of2.2-1.479231.5542
300015976 lac BureraRwanda1.9-1.431929.7708
300015978 Crique de BangaCongo The Democratic Republic of the1.8-1.545818.7208
300015983 Crique d'ObekeCongo The Democratic Republic of the2.8-1.720818.8375
300015985 Crique de GongoCongo The Democratic Republic of the1.9-1.845818.7042
300015994 KerinciIndonesia3.1-2.1458101.4958
300016011 JipeTanzania United Republic of;Kenya1.5-3.612537.7625
300016017 BurungiTanzania United Republic of2.9-3.870835.8875
300016021 AmbusselTanzania United Republic of1.8-3.954237.2708
300016024 SidenrengIndonesia2.9-3.9875119.8708
300016034 Balangida LehuTanzania United Republic of2.1-4.679235.2375
300016040 Lagoa de MassabiAngola1.5-5.020812.1208
300016041 DakatauaPapua New Guinea1.7-5.0292150.0792
300016043 Wisdom lakePapua New Guinea4.2-5.3431147.1153
300016052 Waduk JatiluhurIndonesia2.5-6.5264107.3458
300016090 Waduk Gadjah MungkurIndonesia2-7.9125110.8875
300016109 QuilundaAngola2-8.895813.5958
300016110 lake Mweru WantipaZambia2.2-8.909729.7792
300016120 ZzzzCongo The Democratic Republic of the2.8-10.029227.2542
300016137 LusiwasiZambia1.6-12.970830.7625
300016144 ZzzzAustralia2.6-13.8375141.5125
300016145 Mita Hills damZambia1.5-14.195829.1153
300016205 ZzzzAustralia1.8-17.0292123.9625
300016223 lake ManyameZimbabwe2.4-17.823630.5319
300016225 ChiveroZimbabwe1.7-17.895830.7875
300016238 SebakweZimbabwe1.5-19.020830.2375
300016239 ItasyMadagascar1.9-19.070846.7875
300016252 ZzzzAustralia3.2-20.2375118.9458
300016266 Nkokwane PanBotswana2.5-21.054225.5375
300016302 MacleodAustralia11-24.1458113.6625
300016306 Nhangela Cudhui LakesMozambique1.5-24.345835.0042
300016309 HardapNamibia1.7-24.504217.8375
300016311 lagoa BambeneMozambique1.7-24.504233.3847
300016320 QuissicoMozambique1.5-24.762534.7125
300016372 KosiSouth Africa2.5-26.979232.8375
300016389 SibayiSouth Africa2.7-27.351432.6875
300016455 Albert FallsSouth Africa1.5-29.445830.4042
300016482 SaltAustralia2.9-30.1042142.1292
300016504 YounghusbandAustralia3-30.8625136.0625
300016505 PeeryAustralia2-30.8125143.5958
300016506 Deborah WestAustralia2.2-30.7792119.0875
300016507 Deborah EastAustralia2.6-30.9375119.4375
300016509 SeabrookAustralia2.7-30.8958119.6625
300016510 BaladjieAustralia1.8-30.8875118.9625
300016514 HansonAustralia2.8-31.0458136.2542
300016517 HartAustralia3.4-31.1792136.3875
300016537 DuttonAustralia3.4-31.7875137.1458
300016597 DumbleyungAustralia2-33.3458117.6708
300016602 lake BallyroganAustralia2.7-33.4764145.9681
300016632 Waranga basinAustralia2.7-36.5514145.0875
300016649 lake RotoruaNew Zealand3.1-38.0625176.2514
300016658 WaikaremoanaNew Zealand1.7-38.7708177.1042
300016665 Arthurs lakeAustralia2-42.0042146.9097
300016679 lake OhauNew Zealand2.5-44.2014169.8486
300016680 lake BenmoreNew Zealand2.1-44.4042170.2319
300016688 PoteriteriNew Zealand1.5-46.1042167.1292
300016781 ZzzzGreenland2.281.5375-51.0292
300118181 lago do PadreBrazil1.7-3.4347-61.0014
300136326 ToboyRussian Federation1.568.820859.0292
300140744 KorgovoyeRussian Federation1.567.462549.8458
300164228 ChebarkulRussian Federation1.553.379258.6542


Carrea, L., Embury, O. and Merchant, C. J. (2015) Datasets related to in-land water for limnology and remote sensing applications: distance-to-land, distance-to-water, water-body identifiers and lake-centre co-ordinates. Geoscience Data Journal, 2(2). pp. 83-97. ISSN 2049-6060

Carrea, L., Merchant, C. and Simis, S. (2022) Lake mask and distance to land dataset of 2024 lakes for the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Lakes v2 (Version 2.0.1). zenodo

Carrea, L., Crétaux, JF., Liu, X. et al. (2023) Satellite-derived multivariate world-wide lake physical variable timeseries for climate studies. Sci Data 10, 30.

MacCallum, S.N. and Merchant, C. J. (2012) Surface water temperature observations for large lakes by optimal estimation. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(1). pp. 25-45. ISSN 1712-7971

This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Contribution agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.

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