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CDF Curve Example
#Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# define location
plotLst = nil
legendLst = nil

# get ENS data
g = read(source: "wgust_ens.grib")

# compute CDF and build curve for each timestep
steps = [78, 84, 90]   
for i=1 to count(steps) do  
    # get data for timestep
    f = read(data: g, step: steps[i])  
    # compute CDF
    v = nearest_gridpoint(f,lat,lon)
    y = vector(100)
    for k=1 to 100 do
        y[k]= k
    end for
    x = percentile(vector(v), y)

    # define curve
    vd = mgraph(
        graph_line_style     :  "solid",
  		graph_type           :  'curve',
  		graph_line_colour    :  linecolor[i],
  		graph_line_thickness :  10,
  		legend               : 'on'
    curve = input_visualiser(
    	input_x_values         : tolist(x), 
    	input_y_values         : tolist(y)
	plotLst = plotLst & [curve, vd]
	# define legend text
	legendLst = legendLst & [string(steps[i]) & "h"]
end for

# define title
title=mtext(text_line_1 : "Wind Gust - CDF for " & statName & 
            " (lat=" & lat & ", lon=" & lon & ")",
			text_font_size: 0.5) 
# define legend
legend = mlegend(
    legend_display_type         : "disjoint",
    legend_entry_plot_direction : 'column',
    legend_text_composition     : "user_text_only",
    legend_border_colour        : "black",
    legend_box_mode             : "positional",
    legend_box_x_position       : 2.5,
    legend_box_y_position       : 12,
    legend_box_x_length         : 5,
    legend_box_y_length         : 5,
    legend_text_font_size       : 0.5,
    legend_user_lines           : legendLst

# define horizontal axis
hor_axis = maxis(
    axis_position         : "left",
    axis_title_text       : "Wind gust (m/s)",
    axis_tick_interval    : 5,
    axis_minor_tick       : "off",
    axis_grid             : "on",
    axis_grid_colour      : "black",
    axis_grid_line_style  : "dot"
# define vertical axis
ver_axis = maxis(
    axis_orientation      : "vertical",
    axis_title_text       : "Percentile (%)",
    axis_tick_interval    : 10,
    axis_minor_tick       : "on",
    axis_minor_tick_count : 1,
    axis_grid             : "on",
    axis_grid_colour      : "black",
    axis_grid_line_style  : "dot"
# define Cartesian view
view = cartesianview(
    x_min              : 0,
    x_max              : 40,
    y_min              : 0,
    y_max              : 100,
    subpage_y_position : 12.5,
    subpage_y_length   : 75,
    horizontal_axis    : hor_axis,
    vertical_axis      : ver_axis
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'cdf_curve'))
# plot
plot(view, plotLst, legend, title)

CDF Curve Example
import numpy as np
import metview as mv

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# define location
lat = 51.5
lon = -1
stat_name = "Reading"
plot_lst = []
legend_lst = []
linecolor = ['red','blue','green','black','cyan','evergreen','gold',"pink"]

# get ENS data
g ="wgust_ens.grib")

# compute CDF and build curve for each timestep
steps = [78, 84, 90]   
for i in range(len(steps)):  
    # get data for timestep
    f =, step=steps[i])  
    # compute CDF
    v = mv.nearest_gridpoint(f, lat, lon)
    y = np.arange(0, 101)
    x = np.percentile(v, y)   
    # define curve
    vd = mv.mgraph(
        graph_line_style     =  "solid",
  		graph_type           =  'curve',
  		graph_line_colour    =  linecolor[i],
  		graph_line_thickness =  10,
  		legend               = 'on'
    curve = mv.input_visualiser(
    	input_x_values         = list(x), 
    	input_y_values         = list(y)
    plot_lst.append([curve, vd])
	# define legend text

# define title
title = mv.mtext(text_line_1 = 
            "Wind Gust - CDF for {} (lat={}, lon={})".format(stat_name, lat, lon),
			text_font_size = 0.5) 
# define legend
legend = mv.mlegend(
    legend_display_type         = "disjoint",
    legend_entry_plot_direction = 'column',
    legend_text_composition     = "user_text_only",
    legend_border_colour        = "black",
    legend_box_mode             = "positional",
    legend_box_x_position       = 2.5,
    legend_box_y_position       = 12,
    legend_box_x_length         = 5,
    legend_box_y_length         = 5,
    legend_text_font_size       = 0.5,
    legend_user_lines           = legend_lst

# define horizontal axis
hor_axis = mv.maxis(
    axis_position         = "left",
    axis_title_text       = "Wind gust (m/s)",
    axis_tick_interval    = 5,
    axis_minor_tick       = "off",
    axis_grid             = "on",
    axis_grid_colour      = "black",
    axis_grid_line_style  = "dot"
# define vertical axis
ver_axis = mv.maxis(
    axis_orientation      = "vertical",
    axis_title_text       = "Percentile (%)",
    axis_tick_interval    = 10,
    axis_minor_tick       = "on",
    axis_minor_tick_count = 1,
    axis_grid             = "on",
    axis_grid_colour      = "black",
    axis_grid_line_style  = "dot"
# define Cartesian view
view = mv.cartesianview(
    x_min              = 0,
    x_max              = 40,
    y_min              = 0,
    y_max              = 100,
    subpage_y_position = 12.5,
    subpage_y_length   = 75,
    horizontal_axis    = hor_axis,
    vertical_axis      = ver_axis
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'cdf_curve'))
# plot
mv.plot(view, plot_lst, legend, title)