The OpenIFS team are excited to announce the
6th OpenIFS User Meeting from 22nd to 26th May 2023 at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Spain
This event is organised by ECMWF and hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
The scientific theme of this meeting will be Atmospheric Composition and impacts on Numerical Weather Prediction and the programme will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, as well as contributed presentations and posters, related to this theme or to wider research involving the OpenIFS model. Practical sessions are planned with a focus on introducing the new OpenIFS/AC model to the community, including a brief introductory session for new OpenIFS users on the first day. An important aspect of the user meeting is the opportunity for new and experienced OpenIFS users to meet and to network (with social events!) and to showcase their use of OpenIFS.
A second announcement will be sent in January 2023 when registration and abstract submission will open. Please note that due to classroom size the number of participants will be limited to 50.