There are two categories of participant: existing CKD models with a fixed number of bands and spectral intervals, and CKD tools, which generate new CKD models with some control over the accuracy, efficiency (i.e. total number of spectral intervals) and range of applicability (e.g. gases treated and range of concentrations supported). The main purpose of CKDMIP is to evaluate and improve the way that CKD tools generate CKD models.

CKD tools

The entries in the final three columns link to results of the evaluation of each CKD tool against line-by-line reference calculations.  The FTP site contains all files from which the plots have been produced.

NameReferenceContactSummary pageLW results (PDF)SW results (PDF)

SOCRATES: Suite Of Community Radiation codes based on Edwards and Slingo

Edwards & Slingo (1996)

James Manners (Met Office)

ecCKD: ECMWF Correlated K-Distribution toolHogan and Matricardi (2022)Robin Hogan (ECMWF)v0.5/v0.6

v0.5: Limited-area NWP

v0.5: Global NWP

v0.5: Climate

v0.6: Limited-area NWP

v0.6: Global NWP

v0.6: Climate

ARTDECO-PyKdis (ARTDECO = Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Database for Earth Climate Observation) Lacis & Oinas (1991) and Edwards & Francis (2000).Mathieu Compiègne (HYGEOS)Results

PSLACKD: the Penn State/LAngley CKD WorksKato et al. (1999)Seiji Kato (NASA Langley)v5.002

CMA schemeZhang et al. (2003)Hua Zhang (CMA)v1.1/v1.2

mstrnXSekiguchi and Nakajima (2008)Miho Sekiguchi (Tokyo U. Marine Sci. & Tech.)v11

INSA-CNRS/LOA/HYGEOS modelNumerous papersFrédéric André (INSA Lyon), Mathieu Compiègne (HYGEOS), Laurent Labonotte (LOA)

KBIN: a k-distribution method without correlation assumptionDoppler et al. (2014)Nils Madenach, Juergen Fischer, Rene Preusker (FU Berlin)

CKD models

Entries under the "LW results summary" and "SW results summary" columns indicate versions of the datasets that have been uploaded and are present on the FTP site, and the links take you to a page summarizing the evaluation against line-by-line reference calculations.

NameReferenceContactLW results summarySW results summary
ecRad-RRTMG: Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for GCMs (ECMWF implementation)Mlawer et al. (1997), Iacono et al. (2008), Hogan & Bozzo (2018)Robin Hogan (ECMWF)v1.2.0v1.2.0
RRTMGP: RRTM for GCM applications - Parallel, both "full" and "reduced" spectral resolutionPincus et al. (2019)Robert Pincus (U. Colorado)

v181204 (full)

v1.5 (full vs reduced)

v181204 (full)

v1.5 (full vs reduced)

MODTRAN: Moderate resolution atmospheric transmissionBerk et al. (1998)Alexander Berk (Spectral Sciences Inc.)

 RRTMGP-NN: Neural-network version of RRTMGP gas optics scheme
Peter Ukkonen v1.0
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