Find below some remarks to activities related to the tigge-lam gathered from the meeting and discussions with Tiziana and other guys.
- new lam-eps in preparation - there seem to be many oncoming lam-eps in near future (cosmo-E, cosmo-IT, cosmo-ME, arome-eps, harmonEPS etc). There should be a clear strategy what could/should be included into the tigge-lam archive (question: Will we accept any newcomer before end of GEOWOW?) Some of those systems will be driven by the same model but on varying small domains with varying setup etc. (question: Which system would be preferably archived then?)
- fast changing lam-eps world - the life cycle of lam-eps will be very probably pretty short especially compared to tigge global systems which are at least always on the same domain.. We can expect more frequent and substantial changes of the whole systems (changing resolution, setup, domains..) especially towards higher resolutions and smaller domains. In this context it can be important again which system will be stored as per 1. even after the end of GEOWOW
- data recovery - it's one of the challenges for tigge-lam archive to keep it without gaps as much as possible. Due to many reasons not all lam-eps are fully recoverable in anything goes wrong. The questionnaire for data providers will be prepared to have a clear picture about the current situation with the data recovery and its possible improvement.
- tigge-lam data inter-comparability - due to an inherent nature of lam-eps (HR, smaller domains covering only areas of interest) it will be more difficult to use stored datasets for inter-comparison over the common domain which might not even exist in many cases. In this situation the time-series archive can be even of bigger importance as at least forecasts at some points can be more easily compared among more eps. The idea to archive also some case studies' data over the same domain and limited time (Sochi olympics, FROST..) would be also very useful from scientific point of view in this sense.
- lists of point locations and parameters for time-series archive - not progressed too much - only suggestion from Germany and Italy have been received already before the meeting about new potential points and parameters required for t-s archive
- tigge-lam data interpolation - it has been stressed already more times that the interpolation feature is not working fully (e.g. for cosmo-leps grid) on ECMWF's data portal. It makes difficulties for users to inter-compare various datasets. (question: When the full interpolation functionality can be expected? Should be it considered as a part of ECMWF's responsibility in the frame of GEOWOW?)
- tigge-lam promotion - many lam-eps activities were mentioned during various talks and especially in the frame of EUMETNET but only German guys mentioned their participation on tigge-lam archive in one talk. It should be probably more promoted in near future when there will be already very useful data for scientists provided in attractive form via user-friendly interface.
- archived model runs - it was suggested by Tiziana to archive at the moment only forecasts from the main synoptic times (00/06/12/18UTC). (Currently e.g. cosmo-de-eps is run already every 3h..)