The OSTIA (Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis) high-resolution sea surface temperature, produced by the Met Office, and corresponding sea ice analysis (from EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice SAF)
Conserving interpolation scheme for trajectory fields in 4D- Var
New variational bias correction ( VARBC) bias predictors to allow the correction of infrared shortwave channels affected by solar effects
Cleaner cold-start of AMSUA channel 14 bias corrections
Changes to physics for melting of falling snow, albedo of permanent snow cover (e.g. over Antarctica), diurnal variation of sea surface temperature, and linear parametrization schemes
Convective contribution added to wind gusts in post-processing
Monitoring of MERIS total-column water vapour data
Neutral scores for the extra-tropics, and improved scores for upper tropospheric winds in the tropics.
Improvement in both hemispheres for the late medium range.
Meteorological impact
Improvements to the handling of melting snow as it falls
New sea-surface temperature analysis product
more frequently updated information, in particular in cloudy situations, based on a range of satellite and in-situ observations.
significant ice differences in the areas with broken ice
largest SST differences in the Polar Regions and meanders of the major currents such as the Gulf Stream