- Created by Unknown User (moa), last modified by Carsten Maass on May 10, 2022
LATEST NEWS : Registration for ECMWF training courses in 2022 is now closed, except for the Online Computing Training Week
Introduction to ECMWF job scheduler: ecFlow
Course code: COM-ecFlow
Businesses and organisations, who are providing services to customers, know the importance of job schedulers which orchestrate the execution and facilitate the integration of processes that run on different computers. Such job scheduler, or workload automation, provides a point of control to monitor unattended computer programs.
ecFlow is the work flow package, developed at ECMWF, that enables users to run a large number of programmes (with dependencies on each other and on time) in a controlled environment. It provides reasonable tolerance for hardware and software failures, combined with good restart capabilities. It is used at ECMWF for most of our operational suites, across a range of platforms.
ecFlow executes tasks (jobs) and receives acknowledgements from the associated job when it changes status or when it sends events. It does this using using child commands embedded in the scripts.
ecFlow stores the relationship between tasks and is able to submit tasks dependent on triggers.
ecFlow is complemented by ecFlowview, its graphical interface that allow users to have immediate grasp, using colour coding, on the status of the various programs or processes handled by the scheduler.
The course will look at the various elements of the scheduler and its graphical interface. By the end of the course participants will have a good understanding of the various features of ecFlow and shall be capable of designing their own suite.
Use and Interpretation of ECMWF products
NOTE: if you have been accepted for the course apply for a login UserID and password here
Course codes: OP-I and OP-II
The objective of this course is to assist Member States and Co-operating States in advanced training on the operational aspects of the ECMWF forecasting system. The course is focussed on the operational aspects of the ECMWF forecasting system. The aim of the module is to increase the student's ability to examine and assess ECMWF output products. It is directed towards those staff who are (or will be) using ECMWF products either directly as forecasting staff, or in research and development work and to trainers and training champions. The course is aimed at maximising the benefits to the users of the Centre's products.
Lectures on aspects of ECMWF forecasting systems will be complemented with practical sessions where the students will use ECMWF in real case situations. Students will be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with recently developed web applications for data visualisation.
The ensemble prediction system (ENS) will be presented and the range of available products will be introduced. A large part of the module will be devoted to the interpretation of these products and to the evaluation of their quality. Potential benefits of the probabilistic formulation of the forecast for medium range to seasonal range applications will also be demonstrated.
There will be two editions of this course: the first for trainers and training champions and the second open to all.
Data Assimilation
Course code: NWP-DA
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation
Course code: NWP-SAF
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Predictability and ocean-atmosphere ensemble forecasting
Course code: NWP-PR
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Parametrization of subgrid physical processes
Course code: NWP-PA
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Moist Processes lecture note
Atmospheric Thermodynamics lecture note
Advanced numerical methods
Course code: NWP-NM
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
ecCodes: GRIB and BUFR data decoding and encoding software
Course code: COM-ecCodes GRIB
Large amounts of weather and satellite data are exchanged each day routinely in real-time around the world. Pre-defined and standardised data formats are essential to be able to make use of such weather information and observations. The GRIdded Binary format (GRIB) is the primary World Meteorological Organization format for the storage and transmission of two-dimensional weather and climate grids, including the all-important numerical weather forecasts.
ECMWF has developed ecCodes: a package developed by ECMWF which provides an application programming interface and a set of tools for decoding and encoding messages in the following formats:
ecCodes relies on a useful set of command line tools to provide quick access to the messages. C, Fortran 90 and Python interfaces provide access to the main ecCodes functionality.
By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with a set of command line tools which provide an easy way to access and modify information contained in a GRIB. They will also learn how to use encoding and decoding functions in their script
Introduction to ECMWF job scheduler: ecFlow
Course code: COM-ecFlow
Businesses and organisations, who are providing services to customers, know the importance of job schedulers which orchestrate the execution and facilitate the integration of processes that run on different computers. Such job scheduler, or workload automation, provides a point of control to monitor unattended computer programs.
ecFlow is the work flow package, developed at ECMWF, that enables users to run a large number of programmes (with dependencies on each other and on time) in a controlled environment. It provides reasonable tolerance for hardware and software failures, combined with good restart capabilities. It is used at ECMWF for most of our operational suites, across a range of platforms.
ecFlow executes tasks (jobs) and receives acknowledgements from the associated job when it changes status or when it sends events. It does this using using child commands embedded in the scripts.
ecFlow stores the relationship between tasks and is able to submit tasks dependent on triggers.
ecFlow is complemented by ecFlowview, its graphical interface that allow users to have immediate grasp, using colour coding, on the status of the various programs or processes handled by the scheduler.
The course will look at the various elements of the scheduler and its graphical interface. By the end of the course participants will have a good understanding of the various features of ecFlow and shall be capable of designing their own suite.
Use and Interpretation of ECMWF products
NOTE: if you have been accepted for the course apply for a login UserID and password here
Course codes: OP-I and OP-II
The objective of this course is to assist Member States and Co-operating States in advanced training on the operational aspects of the ECMWF forecasting system. The course is focussed on the operational aspects of the ECMWF forecasting system. The aim of the module is to increase the student's ability to examine and assess ECMWF output products. It is directed towards those staff who are (or will be) using ECMWF products either directly as forecasting staff, or in research and development work and to trainers and training champions. The course is aimed at maximising the benefits to the users of the Centre's products.
Lectures on aspects of ECMWF forecasting systems will be complemented with practical sessions where the students will use ECMWF in real case situations. Students will be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with recently developed web applications for data visualisation.
The ensemble prediction system (ENS) will be presented and the range of available products will be introduced. A large part of the module will be devoted to the interpretation of these products and to the evaluation of their quality. Potential benefits of the probabilistic formulation of the forecast for medium range to seasonal range applications will also be demonstrated.
There will be two editions of this course: the first for trainers and training champions and the second open to all.
Data Assimilation
Course code: NWP-DA
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation
Course code: NWP-SAF
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Predictability and ocean-atmosphere ensemble forecasting
Course code: NWP-PR
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Parametrization of subgrid physical processes
Course code: NWP-PA
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
Moist Processes lecture note
Atmospheric Thermodynamics lecture note
Advanced numerical methods
Course code: NWP-NM
Students attending any module of the NWP course should have a reasonable meteorological and mathematical background. Please go to the training pages of the main web site for more details on registering and introductory lecture material.
If you have any further questions please email us ( training@lists.ecmwf.int )
If you are interested in downloading slidecasts of lectures, recording of past webinars or simply electronic version of lectures, then click on the link below.
Please quote ECMWF, when using such resources for training purposes!
ESCAPE stands for Energy-efficient Scalable Algorithms for Weather Prediction at Exascale. The project will develop world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and future climate models.
Read the joint newsletter on new activities and resources in international meteorological training:
(to subscribe go to The Training Bulletin page and scroll to the bottom on the page)
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