A little later than previously announced, CPS3 hindcasts for February start dates are now available at the CDS. Description of this new forecasting system can be found here.
- Starting with February 2022 real-time forecast, JMA's contribution will be be from CPS3 forecasting system, while the contribution from CPS2 forecasting system will be discontinued.
- In this new system the horizontal resolution of the JMA data at C3S is upgraded to 1.25 x 1.25 degrees
NOTE: This is a different grid compared to the rest of C3S forecasting systems. You can retrieve a version of the data interpolated to the C3S 1-degree grid using the following CDS API keywords in your retrieval:
CDS API retrieval keywords for interpolation to C3S 1-degree grid"grid" : "1/1", "area" : "89.5/0.5/-89.5/359.5",