We have arrived at ISSI-BJ and joined the Chinese Colleagues participating in this Asian-European working group on Himalaya-Tibetan-Plateau (HTP) snow.
Anna Yang has introduced the ISSI-BJ history, focus and finalities and the ISSI-BJ Team reporting and aknowledgement agreement.
Yvan Orsolini and Gianpaolo Balsamo, leading the initiative, have given the welcome Team Members which is composed of Chinese-European scientists that have travelled to Beijing to participate to this first Team meeting. A variety of expertise is collected in this team:
- Land surface, model & data assimilation
- Land-related predictability
- Use of EO-observation for snow
The main score is to initiate a collaboration and dwell into the impact of the cryosphere on weather and climate with particular focus on the HTP.
The team had a round-of-table and include Chinese Academy of Sciences at various level in their research path (from Professors to Master Students and include 3 ECMWF staff, including Patricia De Rosnay (ECMWF Team-leader of Coupled-Data Assimilation) and Emanuel Dutra (Land Modeller, recently affiliated with Lisbon University as Associated Researcher).