Lionel Jarlan, Clément Albergel, Bertrand Bonan, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Patricia de Rosnay, Catherine Ottlé et Philippe Peylin, "Assimilation de données de télédétection pour le suivi des surfaces continentales " p45-72, chapter-2 of "Inversion et assimilation de données de télédétection", ISBN papier : 9781789481426 ; ISBN ebook : 9781789491425 - https://www.istegroup.com/fr/produit/inversion-et-assimilation-de-donnees-de-teledetection/ 2023
Calvet J.-C., P. de Rosnay, S. Penny (Editors) "Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Earth System Models" Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Remote Sensing, MPDI ISBN 978-3-03921-640-6 (Pbk) ISBN 978-3-03921-641-3 (PDF), 226p, 2019
Helmert J., A. Sensoy Sorman, P. de Rosnay, M. Lange, D. Finger, V. Potopová, E. Kurzeneva, D. Pulido-Velazquez, D. Vikhamar-Schuler, S. Pullen, M. Dumont, C. De Michele, R. Salgado, E. Shevnina, M. Derkova, A.N. Arslan, "Snow Data Assimilation and Evaluation Methods for Hydrological, Land Surface, Meteorological and Climate Models – A COST Action HarmoSnow Assessment Questionnaire", Haberkorn, A. (Ed.), 2019. European Snow Booklet, 363 pp., doi:10.16904/envidat.59.
Pirazzini R., L. Leppänen, G. Picard, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Marty, G. Macelloni, A. Kontu, A. von Lerber, C.M. Tanis, M. Schneebeli, P. de Rosnay, A.N. Arslan "Overview of European in- situ Snow Measurement Practices", Haberkorn, A. (Ed.), 2019. European Snow Booklet, 363 pp., doi:10.16904/envidat.59.
Calvet J.-C., de Rosnay, Barbu A., Boussetta S.: "Assimilation de données satellitaires : application au cycle de l’eau et du carbone", Book Chapter in Baghdadi N. et Zribi M. (eds), Observation des Surfaces Continentales par Télédétection: Hydrologie continentale, Volume 4, ISTE Editeur, in press, 2016.
Calvet J.-C., de Rosnay, Barbu A., Boussetta S.: "Satellite data assimilation: application to the water and carbon cycle",Book Chapter in Baghdadi N. et Zribi M. (eds), Land Surface Remote Sensing in Continental Hydrology, Volume 4, ISTE Press, London and Elsevier, Oxford, ISBN :9781785481048, 2016
De Lannoy, G. J. M., P. de Rosnay, and R. H. Reichle: "Soil Moisture Data Assimilation" In: Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting, edited by Q. Duan, F. Pappenberger, J. Thielen, A. Wood, H. Cloke, and J. C. Schaake, Springer Verlag, New York, 2016
Albergel C., Luca Brocca, Wolfgang Wagner, Patricia de Rosnay, and Jean-Christophe Calvet" Selection of Performance Metrics for Global Soil Moisture Products: The Case of ASCAT Soil Moisture Product."
Chapter 18, pp 427-444, In Petropoulos, G.P. (Ed), " Remote Sensing of Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content", by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, ISBN 978-1-4665-0578-0 (October 2013)
doi: 10.1201/b15610-22 (preview),
Wagner W., S. Hahn, J. Figa, C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay, L. Brocca, R. de Jeu, S. Hasenauer, and W. Dorigo " Operations, Challenges, and Prospects of Satellite-Based Surface Soil Moisture Data Services "
Chapter 20, pp 463-488, In Petropoulos, G.P. (Ed), "Remote Sensing of Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content", by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, ISBN 978-1-4665-0578-0 (October 2013) doi: 10.1201/b15610-25 (preview),
de Rosnay P., Wigneron J.-P., Holmes T., Calvet J.-C., "Parameterizations of the effective temperature for L-band radiometry. Inter-comparison and long term validation with SMOSREX field experiment, Radiative Transfer Models for Microwave Radiometry"
In Mätzler, C., P.W. Rosenkranz, A. Battaglia and J.P. Wigneron (eds.), "Thermal Microwave Radiation - Applications for Remote Sensing", IET Electromagnetic Waves Series 52, London, UK, (2006). (Christian Matzler (Ed.)) Product code: EW 052 ISBN: 0-86341-573-3 and 978-086341-573-9
Wigneron J.P., Pellarin T., Calvet J.-C., de Rosnay P., Saleh K., Kerr Y., "L-MEB: A simple model at L-band for the continental areas - Application to the simulation of a half-degree resolution and global scale data set" In Mätzler, C., P.W. Rosenkranz, A. Battaglia and J.P. Wigneron (eds.), "Thermal Microwave Radiation - Applications for Remote Sensing", IET Electromagnetic Waves Series 52, London, UK, (2006). (Christian Matzler (Ed.)) Product code: EW 052 ISBN: 0-86341-573-3 and 978-086341-573-9