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In the previous exercise we showed how ecflow provides simple load management.

The limits can still allow several hundred jobs to be submitted at once. This can cause problems:

  • Excessive disk/io in job generation
  • Server busy in job generation, and slow to respond to the GUI.
  • Overload queueing systems like PBS/SLURM

Hence we need a load management that can limit the number of submission. When the Job becomes active the limit token is released.

Here is the simple illustration:


Let us modify our suite definition file:

# Definition of the suite test.
suite test
 edit ECF_INCLUDE "$HOME/course"
 edit ECF_HOME    "$HOME/course"
 limit l1 2

 family f5
     inlimit -s l1
     edit SLEEP 20
     task t1
     task t2
     task t3
     task t4
     task t5
     task t6
     task t7
     task t8
     task t9


import os
from ecflow import Defs,Suite,Family,Task,Edit,Trigger,Complete,Event,Meter,Time,Day,Date,Label, \
def create_family_f5() :
    return Family("f5",
            [ Task('t{}'.format(i)) for i in range(1,10) ] )
print("Creating suite definition")  
home = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),"course")
defs = Defs( 

print("Checking job creation: .ecf -> .job0")  

print("Checking trigger expressions and inlimits")
assert len(defs.check()) == 0,defs.check() 

print("Saving definition to file 'test.def'")

What to do

  1. Edit the changes
  2. Replace the suite definition
  3. In ecflow_ui , observe the triggers of the limit l1
  4. Open the Info panel for l1
  5. Change the value of the limit
  6. Open the Why? panel for one of the queued tasks of /test/f5
  7. Introduce an error in the limits and make sure this error is trapped. i.e. change the Limit.

    Check InLimit/Limit references
  • No labels