By modifying this variable, it is possible to control where and how a job file will run.
The command should be used in conjunctions with the variable ECF_JOB and ECF_JOBOUT.
The ECF_JOB variable contains the job file path and ECF_JOBOUT contains
the path of a file where the output of the job will be written. The default command:
Let us run the tasks on a remote machine. For that we could use the unix command rsh.
We would like the name of the host to be defined by an variable called HOST.
We assume that all the files are visible on all the hosts, i.e. using NFS.
In the examples below replace the string ?????? with a host name of your choice.
The environment of a task running on a remote host is different from that of a task running locally.
This depends on how your system is set up. The head.h should already be using the correct PATH, to allow child command‘s to be used.
If not add the following line into your head.h file before the call to ecflow_client –init
> export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/apps/ecflow/%ECF_VERSION%
You may experience other problems using rsh, caused by standard unix issues.
Make sure that the file $HOME/.rhosts contains a line with your user ID and
the machine where your server is running.
Modify the family f5 so that all its tasks will run on another machine in the classroom
# Definition of the suite test suite test edit ECF_INCLUDE "$HOME/course" edit ECF_HOME "$HOME/course" limit l1 2 family f5 edit HOST ?????? edit ECF_JOB_CMD "rsh %HOST% '%ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 &'" inlimit l1 edit SLEEP 20 task t1 task t2 task t3 task t4 task t5 task t6 task t7 task t8 task t9 endfamily endsuite
In your login shell is csh, you should define ECF_JOB_CMD as:
edit ECF_JOB_CMD "rsh %HOST% '%ECF_JOB% >& %ECF_JOBOUT%'"
In python modify the function create_family_f5() created in the earlier page:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import os
import ecflow
def create_family_f5() :
f5 = ecflow.Family("f5")
f5.add_variable("HOST", "??????")
f5.add_variable("ECF_JOB_CMD", "rsh %HOST% '%ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 &'")
f5.add_variable("SLEEP", 20)
for i in range(1, 10):
f5.add_task( "t" + str(i) )
return f5
print "Creating suite definition"
defs = ecflow.Defs()
suite = defs.add_suite("test")
suite.add_variable("ECF_INCLUDE", os.getenv("HOME") + "/course")
suite.add_variable("ECF_HOME", os.getenv("HOME") + "/course")
suite.add_limit("l1", 2)
suite.add_family( create_family_f5() )
print defs
print "Checking job creation: .ecf -> .job0"
print defs.check_job_creation()
print "Saving definition to file 'test.def'"
What to do
- Modify PATH environment variable in head.h
- Change the suite definition
- Replace the suite definition
- It may not work immediately. Have a look in the file $HOME/course/host.port.ecf.log to see why.
- What do you need to do in order to have the task /test/f5/t9 run on another machine? Try your solution.