Nick Klingaman - submitted : Needs to be on 10th in morning only. Nick will not stay for practicals.
Aneesh - asked, will confirm later.
Noureddine - will do a presentation on small planet. sent an abstract but asked him to submit.
Anne F (not asked yet)
Draft programme
Day 1:
(conflict with UEF meeting for lecture theatre - joint presentations?)
Council chamber
9.30: Erland: Welcome & introduction (note Erland can only make the first part of the morning as he has another meeting in Hamburg to attend)
9.50 : Glenn/Filip: Welcome, organisation matter workshop programme. (social events, wireless access, computer hall tours etc)
10:00 : Roberto : Ensemble modelling (keynote) OR Tim
Coffee 10.30pm
11.00 : Tim: Uncertainty keynote presentation (joint UEF meeting in lecture theatre) OR Roberto
11.30 : Peter Dueben
12.00 : Nick Klingaman (check with him about time)
12.30 : Aneesh ?
Lunch 1300 - 1400 + Computer Hall Tour group 1 (1345)
14.15 : Filip/Glenn : Introduction - computer accounts, login etc.
14.30 : Linus : Met briefing on St Judes storm (Weather room?)
14.45 : Sandor : Inrtroduction to metview
Glenn/Filip: Intro to OpenIFS practical sessions
Sandor: Intro to metview
Practicals Part 1 : including briefing by tim/linus on meteorology of the case study.
Ice-breaker drinks social + posters (invite some ECMWF scientists to this to mingle)
Concourse (outside lecture theatre 1)
Day 2
Presentations from OpenIFS/IFS people
(what about EC-Earth?)
Filip: Scm model and introduction to practicals
Sandor: more on metview?
Practical session 2: Diagnosing ensembles & SCM practical here?
workshop dinner - possible trip to Oxford (means leaving ECMWF early).
Alternately, do practicals in the morning and have the lectures in the afternoon at Oxford?
Day 3
Presentations - ?
Practical wrapup & group discussions
Workshop survey.