ECMWF has released new versions of all its open source software packages. This release includes all versions of software necessary to decode, process and visualise the new octahedral reduced Gaussian grid which will be introduced into operations in 2016. We are currently working on some performance improvements for the new grid, which will be part of the next release of EMOSLIB.

Snapshot showing two new features in Magics/Metview: streamlines and clipping of winds at the subpage frame.

All these packages use the same build system based on CMake - simplifying and harmonising the installation experience. This is also the first time we also offer a so-called bundle for Metview. This is a tarball containing the source code for Metview and all its necessary software packages from ECMWF. This allows users who want to install Metview to just download one tarball and configure and build Metview and its dependencies in one go. We hope this will make the installation of Metview much easier. Since this is a new feature we are looking forward to hearing from users about their experiences with it.


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