# Metview Macro # **************************** LICENSE START *********************************** # # Copyright 2013 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms # of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not # waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as # an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. # # ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Tags: mvl # Title: Split Contouring Metview 4 # Description: Demonstrates how to plot a line on any map # projection # --------------------------------------------------------------- # set up the shaded coastlines land_sea_shade = mcoast ( map_coastline_land_shade : "on", map_coastline_land_shade_colour : "RGB(0.98,0.95,0.82)", map_coastline_sea_shade : "on", map_coastline_sea_shade_colour : "RGB(0.85,0.93,1)" ) # define the geographic view view = geoview ( map_projection : "polar_stereographic", map_area_definition : "corners", area : [-5,-30,10,84], # S,W,N,E coastlines : land_sea_shade ) # create a geoline broken into 1-degree segments line_increment_in_degrees = 1 geoline = mvl_geoline(-40, 57, 16, 59, line_increment_in_degrees) # define the plotting attributes for the line line_visdef = mgraph ( graph_line_colour : "red", graph_line_thickness : "4", graph_line_style : 'dash' ) # Define the output media to_psfile = ps_output ( output_name : "plot" # extension is added automatically ) # Check the runmode and decide which media to putput the plot to mode = runmode() if (mode = "execute") then setoutput(to_psfile) else if (mode = "batch") then setoutput(to_psfile) else if (mode = "visualise") then print('screen') else fail("Only execute, batch and visualise allowed") end if # plot the line on the map plot(view, geoline, line_visdef)