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In ecflow Limits provide simple load management. The limits can still allow several hundred jobs to be submitted at once. This can cause problems:

  • Excessive disk/io in job generation
  • Server busy in job generation, and slow to respond to the GUI.
  • Overload queuing systems like PBS/SLURM

Hence we need load management that can limit the number of submissions. When the Job becomes active the limit token is released.

Here is the simple illustration:

Limit submission to a maximum of 2
suite test_limit_on_submission
    limit disk 2
    family anon    
        inlimit -s disk   # Inlimit submission
        task t1
        task t2
        task t3
        task t4
        task t5
        task t6
        task t7
        task t8
        task t9
        task t10
        task t11
        task t12

Hence we could have more than 2 active jobs since we only control the number in the submitted state.

If we removed the -s then we can only have two active jobs running at one time

This will allow the configuration of the suite, depending on the load the disk/io and queuing system can sustain.

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