ERA5-Land data is now available trough the C3S CDS Catalogue.
It provides the evolution of 50 key variables related to the water and energy cycles over land surfaces. When completed it will provide these data for the period 1950-present.
The data are provided at hourly time step and on a 0.1° resolution regular latitude-longitude grid which makes this dataset very useful for all kind of land surface applications such as flood or drought forecasting.
The temporal and spatial resolution of this dataset, the period covered in time, as well as the fixed grid used for the data distribution at any period enables decisions makers, businesses and individuals to access and use more accurate information on land states.
The following link gives access to the CDS Catalogue for the downloading and discovering of the data and related documentation of the ERA5-Land dataset:!/search?text=bare&keywords=((%20%22Product%20type:%20Reanalysis%22%20)%20AND%20(%20%22Spatial%20coverage:%20Global%22%20)%20AND%20(%20%22Temporal%20coverage:%20Past%22%20))
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