The GEWEX Global Energy Water cycle Exchanges Science Steering Group 33rd edition takes place as virtual meeting. The meeting agenda sees most of the week from Monday 3rd of May to Thursday 6th of May 2021 with talks (13:30-17:45 UTC). There were about 30 to 40 participants online during the 4 days.
The panels updates:
GDAP provides unique input on dataset assessment (eg. Precipitation linked with IPWG, Earth Energy Imbalance and role of clouds and ocean diffusion). The IESWG presented at CGMS can also link to GDAP activities
GLASS provides new model development aggregation projects with focus on the surface and surface-atmosphere coupling (eg.PLUMBER2, Urban-PLUMBER).
GHP wish to connect to EFAS/GLOFAS. Shared the HEPEX/ECMWF workshop
GASS progressed in all its project (significant advanced on the surface drag in COORDE). Precipitation remains a key focus.
The presentations of the LightHousesActivity aggregating research areas for the next decade and reports from Satellite Agencies have been very inspiring along with the a vision of GEWEX imbracing more processes including the coupled processes related to carbon cycle.