Find in this page technical specification of the required input data and processing workflow.
Output type: forecast
only one forecast product per centre is expected for verification - the best available one for the common inter-comparison
- Output time:00, 6, 12, 18 UTC (depending on availability)
Output frequency: between 1 and 6 hours (including step 0 encoded as forecast type as well)
- the model output steps should be the shortest available
- Wave parameters should be obtained from the full 2-D spectrum (we stress this fact as there seems to be some confusion about wave parameters' names and definitions even in the latest WMO GRIB2 code tables)
name | units | paramId*1 | shortName*1 | |
Atmospheric forcing | 10 metre U wind component | m/s | 165 | 10u |
10 metre V wind component | m/s | 166 | 10v | |
Wave fields | Mean wave direction | degree true | 140230 | mwd |
Mean zero-crossing wave period | s | 140221 | mp2 | |
Peak wave period | s | 140231 | pp1d | |
Significant height of combined wind waves and swell | m | 140229 | swh |
- Follow the links for exact GRIB2 WMO compliant definitions
- *1 valid in ECMWF's ecCodes only
All details about the required data format can be found in the page Encoding details.
Sample data
- Providers are asked to provide full sample data from one model run containing all expected parameters, steps, forecast types etc.
- Naming convention for sample data:
acronym listed in the table below
prod/test ... production or test version of the data
fc ... forecast (step 0 should be also encoded as of forecast type) - Merge all parameters from all steps for given model run and output type into one file:
e.g. wave test forecasts from ECMWF on the 1st of September 2017, 12Z => wave_ECMWF_2017090112_test_fc.grib2 - Put sample data on ecgate to a directory with reading permission
- alternatively use any other downloadable location (e.g. google drive)
alternatively use this ftp:
- The naming convention for future production data might change
Production data acquisition
- The data will be pulled via ftp from an agreed server location at the data producer's site.
- The ECMWF's acquisition system will be used for handling the production data exchange.
- Participants are committed to guarantee a steady and reliable provision of their data and to communicate any relevant changes.
- The support mailing list on provider's side will be required to allow smooth communication related to common production issues in the future.