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Zonal Average Example
#Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read pressure level data
g = read("avg_tuv.grib")

# filter u (zonal wind component) and t
u = read(data: g, param: 'u')
t = read(data: g, param: 't')

# scale temperature to celsius
t = t - 273.16

# define horizontal axis
horiz_axis = maxis(
    axis_tick_label_height: 0.4

# define vertical axis
vertical_axis = maxis(
    axis_orientation        : "vertical",
    axis_type               : "position_list",
    axis_tick_position_list : [1000,925,850,700,500,400,300,250,200,150,100,70,50],
    axis_tick_label_height: 0.4

# define averaging area - one half of the Northern Hemisphere
area = [90,-90,0,90] #N,W,S,E

# define average view for zonal mean
view = maverageview(
    top_level        : 50,
    bottom_level     : 1000,
    vertical_scaling : "log",
    area             : area,
    direction        : "ew",
    horizontal_axis  : horiz_axis,
    vertical_axis    : vertical_axis

# define isoline shading for u
cont_u = mcont(
    legend                      : "on",
    contour_line_colour         : "charcoal",
    contour_highlight           : "off",
    contour_max_level           : 30,
    contour_min_level           : -30,
    contour_level_count         : 22,
    contour_label               : "off",
    contour_shade               : "on",
    contour_shade_colour_method : "palette",
    contour_shade_method        : "area_fill",
    contour_shade_palette_name  : "eccharts_black_red_21"

# define dashed contours for t
cont_t = mcont(
    contour_line_style           : "dash",
    contour_line_thickness       : 2,
    contour_line_colour          : "charcoal",
    contour_highlight_style      : "dash",
    contour_highlight_colour     : "charcoal",
    contour_highlight_thickness  : 4,
    contour_level_selection_type : "interval",
    contour_interval             : 10
title = mtext(text_font_size: 0.4)   
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'zonal_average'))

# generate plot
plot(view, u, cont_u, t, cont_t, title)

Zonal Average Example
import metview as mv

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read pressure level data
g ="avg_tuv.grib")

# filter u (zonal wind component) and t
u =, param='u')
t =, param='t')

# scale temperature to celsius
t = t - 273.16

# define horizontal axis
horiz_axis = mv.maxis(

# define vertical axis
vertical_axis = mv.maxis(
    axis_orientation        = "vertical",
    axis_type               = "position_list",
    axis_tick_position_list = [1000,925,850,700,500,400,300,250,200,150,100,70,50],
    axis_tick_label_height  = 0.4

# define averaging area - one half of the Northern Hemisphere
area = [90,-90,0,90] #N,W,S,E

# define average view for zonal mean
view = mv.maverageview(
    top_level        = 50,
    bottom_level     = 1000,
    vertical_scaling = "log",
    area             = area,
    direction        = "ew",
    horizontal_axis  = horiz_axis,
    vertical_axis    = vertical_axis

# define isoline shading for u
cont_u = mv.mcont(
    legend                      = "on",
    contour_line_colour         = "charcoal",
    contour_highlight           = "off",
    contour_max_level           = 30,
    contour_min_level           = -30,
    contour_level_count         = 22,
    contour_label               = "off",
    contour_shade               = "on",
    contour_shade_colour_method = "palette",
    contour_shade_method        = "area_fill",
    contour_shade_palette_name  = "eccharts_black_red_21"

# define dashed contours for t
cont_t = mv.mcont(
    contour_line_style           = "dash",
    contour_line_thickness       = 2,
    contour_line_colour          = "charcoal",
    contour_highlight_style      = "dash",
    contour_highlight_colour     = "charcoal",
    contour_highlight_thickness  = 4,
    contour_level_selection_type = "interval",
    contour_interval             = 10
title = mv.mtext(text_font_size=0.4)   
# define the output plot file

# generate plot
mv.plot(view, u, cont_u, t, cont_t, title)