The 5th edition of the IESWG meeting will be hosted at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, FMI Finland 26-28 Sep 2023. Previous editions are linked here (for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).
The International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG) was established to help gather requirements specific to surface observations and to enhance both our understanding and ability to monitor the components of the Earth system including land, vegetation, snow, ice, and coastal and open waters. The IESWG plenary sessions will be focused on preparing our recommendations and input to the CGMS WGII. Below the draft program.
Program of the IESWG-5 the 5th International Earth Surface Working Group | |||||
Day | Time | Name | Organization | Session | Title of Contribution |
Day-1 Tuesday
| 0900 - 0910 | Welcome | |||
0910 - 0930 | FMI Introduction | ||||
0930 - 1000 | Xiwu Zhan | NOAA NESDIS | Land Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model Development | Land Surface Satellite Data Products from NOAA NESDIS for Numerical Weather and Water Prediction Models and Societal Applications | |
1000 - 1030 | Darren Ghent | University of Leicester | Land Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model Development | Land Surface Temperature CCI: approaches to long-term data for climate | |
1030 - 1100 | Health Break | ||||
1100 - 1130 | Abigail Waring | University of Leicester/NCEO | Land Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model Development | Improving Ice Surface Temperature Observations from Space: Regional Climate Trend Analyses for Aqua MODIS Ice Surface Temperatures & Progress Towards a Merged Product | |
1130 - 1200 | Zied Sassi | CNRM | Land Surface Tempererature and its use in Assimilation and Model Development | Assimilation of IASI retirieved LST in the surface analysis sustem of ARPEGE global model | |
1200 - 1330 | Lunch | ||||
1330 - 1400 | Benjamin Ruston | UCAR/JCSDA | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Land Assimilation with JEDI Skylab | |
1430 - 1500 | Sophie Marimbordes | Météo-France | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Towards a 2DEnVar approach to surface analysis within AROME-France | |
1500 - 1530 | Camille Birman | Météo France | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Recent and ongoing developments in surface data assimilation for NWP at Météo France | |
1530 - 1600 | Health Break | ||||
1600 - 1630 | Ewan Pinnington | ECMWF | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Towards Ensemble Land Data Assimilation at ECMWF | |
1630 - 1700 | Cristina Charlton-Perez | Met Office | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | A review of current Met Office LSDA systems | |
Day | Time | Name | Organization | Session | Title of Contribution |
Day-2 Wednesday
| 0900 - 0930 | Samantha Pullen | Met Office (UK) | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Planning a new JEDI-based land surface DA system for the Met Office |
0930 - 1000 | Gernot Geppert | DWD | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Progress towards new variational surface analyses at DWD | |
1000 - 1030 | Patricia de Rosnay | ECMWF | Land Data Assimilation Methods, LDAS systems, and Coupled DA | Coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation at ECMWF | |
1030 - 1100 | Health Break | ||||
1100 - 1130 | Keiichi KONDO | Japan Meteorological Agency | Land Water Cycle Advances | Impact of microwave radiance assimilation over land using dynamic emissivity in the global NWP system of JMA | |
1130 - 1200 | Martin | Lange | Land Water Cycle Advances | Recent modifications in global Snow observation network | |
1200 - 1330 | Lunch | ||||
1330 - 1400 | Indira Rani S | NCMRWF | Land Water Cycle Advances | Validation of in-situ soil parameters over India | |
1400 - 1430 | Xiwu Zhan | NOAA NESDIS | Land Water Cycle Advances | All-sky Evapotranspiration Data Products from Satellite Observations for Taiwan Weather Models and Agricultural Drought Monitoring | |
1430 - 1500 | Pete Weston | ECMWF | Land Water Cycle Advances | Assimilation of VOD products into the ECMWF land data assimilation system | |
1500 -1530 | Health Break | ||||
1530 - 1600 | Yijian Zeng | ITC Faculty, University of Twente | Land Water Cycle Advances | Understanding Drought Response of Ecosystems with a Soil-Plant Digital Twin | |
1600 - 1630 | Hui Lu | Tsinghua University | Land Water Cycle Advances | Diagnosis and improvement of land surface models based on remote sensing | |
1630 - 1700 | Plenary Introduction Table Setting | ||||
Day | Time | Name | Organization | Session | Title of Contribution |
Day-3 Thursday
| 0900 - 0930 | Prensentation of survey of current systems | |||
0930 - 1030 | Plenary - Items of Concern largest gaps in knowledge, Group coordination/collaboration, | ||||
1030 - 1100 | Health Break | ||||
1100 - 1200 | Actions and Recommendation to bring forward to CGMS, election of IESWG rapporteur. | ||||
1200 | Adjourn |
Topics of particular focus include Earth Observations research & operational applications involving:
- Snow, ice, and cryosphere-atmosphere interactions
- Vegetation and land-atmosphere fluxes
- Soil moisture, river-discharge, and water cycle
Important dates: Registration for online participation only are still open at .
The International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG) will be a hybrid meeting with 2 full days on 26-27 September 2023, and the final day the 28 September for plenary, actions and outcomes.
The meeting will convene 0900-1700 UTC for the first two sessions, and as needed for the final day. We will continue to offer poster sessions, so please indicate if you would prefer talks / posters contributions.