- Set-up a cartesian projection for the Cross section
- Configure the axis
- Load a Netcdf file, and understand the information needed by Magics.
- Apply a shading
- Position the legend box
- Add a text.
You will need to download
- The Xsection Netcdf Data
- and later
... the full solution
Setting of the cartesian projection
We want to show our Cross section in the following cartesian system:
- The vertical coordinate system is a logarithmic axis from 1000 hPa to 200 hPa.
- The horizontal coordinate system is a geoline axis from [50oN, 90oE] to [30oN, 60oE]
Have a look at the subpage documentation to learn how to setup a cartesian projection .
We just have to add 2 axis (1 vertical, 1 horizontal ) to materialise it on the plot. For backward compatibility, we have only one maxis object, the orientation is defined using the parameter axis_orientation.
Parameters to check
Useful subpage parameters |
subpage_map_projection |
subpage_x_axis_type |
subpage_y_axis_type |
subpage_x_min_latitude |
subpage_x_min_longitude |
subpage_x_max_latitude |
subpage_x_max_longitude |
subpage_y_min |
subpage_y_max |
Adjusting the axis
By specialising the axis, you can improve your axis visualisation.
Have a look at the Axis Documentation to browse the possibilities.
Now, try to improve the readability of the line by specialising the horizontal axis.
Parameters to check
Useful axis parameters |
axis_type |
axis_tick_label_height |
axis_tick_label_colour |
axis_grid |
axis_title |
Loading the NetCDF data
In this exercise, we want to visualise a matrix stored in a Netdef file. Netcdf is a very generic format, and can contain a lot of data. The user needs to set up some information in order to explain to Magics which variable to plot, and how to interpret it.
To do that, the mnetcdf defines a parameter list that can be found in the Netcdf Input Page.
Now, tet's see what is inside our Netcdf Data
netcdf section { dimensions: levels = 85 ; longitude = 144 ; latitude = 144 ; p15220121030000000000001_1 = 2 ; p15220121030000000000001_2 = 144 ; orography_x_values = 144 ; orography_y1_values = 144 ; orography_y2_values = 144 ; variables: double levels(levels) ; double longitude(longitude) ; double latitude(latitude) ; double p13820121030000000000001(levels, longitude) ;
We want to display the variable p1382012103000000000000, and inform Magics that the dimensions of th ematrix are described in the 2 variables levels and longitude.
The range of the vorticity values is quite small, then we would like to apply a scaling factor of 100000.
We will then just apply a basic contouring.
Parameters to check
Useful Netcdf parameters |
netcdf_filename |
netcdf_value_variable |
netcdf_field_scaling_factor |
netcdf_y_variable |
netcdf_x_variable |
netcdf_x_auxiliary_variable |