This documentation focuses on access to s3 using Python libraries, specifically on the use of boto3 library.
Install package in Python environment
In order to run the following example you need to have the following packages in your environment:
- boto3
You can check this documentation for Install package in Python environment and handle python environments for reproducibility.
Now that you have an environment with the required packages and Python version, we can move to prepare and run the actual code.
Configure client
Access private buckets that require s3 credentials
Make sure you have both Python 3 and the access keys to your S3 bucket ready. Typically you'll find your access key and secret key in Morpheus under Tools -> Cypher.
Take a look at this code segment, which allows you to access the bucket, list its objects and upload/download files from it.
Before running any Python code, install the boto3 library:
Start by declaring some initial values for boto3 to know where your bucket is located at. Feel free to copy paste this segment and fill in with your own values.
If you're connecting to buckets hosted at the EUMETSAT side of the European Weather Cloud, the endpoint is:
import os import io import boto3 # Initializing variables for the client S3_BUCKET_NAME = "MyFancyBucket123' #Fill this in S3_ACCESS_KEY = "123asdf" #Fill this in S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "123asdf111" #Fill this in S3_ENDPOINT_URL = "" #Fill this in
Lets start by initializing the S3 client with our access keys and endpoint:
# Initialize the S3 client s3 = boto3.client( 's3', endpoint_url=S3_ENDPOINT_URL, aws_access_key_id=S3_ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY )
Access public buckets (no credentials required)
import os import io import boto3 from botocore import UNSIGNED from botocore.config import Config # Initializing variables for the client S3_BUCKET_NAME = "MyFancyBucket123" #Fill this in S3_ENDPOINT_URL = "" #Fill this in
Lets start by initializing the S3 client with our access keys and endpoint:
# Initialize the S3 client s3 = boto3.client( 's3', endpoint_url=S3_ENDPOINT_URL, config=Config( signature_version=UNSIGNED ))
List objects
As a first step, and to confirm we have successfully connected, lets list the objects inside our bucket (up to a 1.000 objects).
#List the objects in our bucket response = s3.list_objects(Bucket=bucketname) for item in response['Contents']: print(item['Key'])
If you'd want to list more than 1000 objects in a bucket, you can use paginator:
#List objects with paginator (not constrained to a 1000 objects) paginator = s3.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucketname) #Lets store the names of our objects inside a list objects = [] for page in pages: for obj in page['Contents']: objects.append(obj["Key"]) print('Number of objects: ', len(objects))
Where an obj looks like this:
{'Key': 'MyFile.txt', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 11, 0, 39, 23, 320000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'ETag': '"2e22f62675cea3445f7e24818a4f6ba0d6-1"', 'Size': 1013, 'StorageClass': 'STANDARD'}
Read objects
Now lets try to read a file from a bucket into Python's memory, so we can work with it inside Python without ever saving the file to our local computer:
#Read a file into Python's memory and open it as a string filename = '/folder1/folder2/myfile.txt' #Fill this in obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucketname, Key=filename) myObject = obj['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') print(myObject)
Download objects
But if you'd want to download the file instead of reading it into memory, here's how you'd do that:
# Downloading a file from the bucket with open('myfile', 'wb') as f: #Fill this in s3.download_fileobj(bucketname, 'myfile', f)
Upload objects
And similarly you can upload files to the bucket (given that you have write access to the bucket):
#Uploading a file to the bucket (make sure you have write access) response = s3.upload_file('myfile', bucketname, 'myfile') #Fill this in
Create a bucket
And lastly, creating a bucket (this could take some time):
Related examples
- Streaming large file in Python from s3 bucket.
Other Resources
If you're interested in more, I recommend taking a look at this article, which gives you a more detailed view into boto3's functionality (although it does emphasize on Amazon Web Services specifically, you can take a look at the Python code involved):
Check out a full code example at the official boto3 website:
You can also see a differently styled tutorial at: