Metview webinars provide a means to receive some basic training in the usage of Metview over the internet. Registration and hosting are here:
Metview releases and virtual machines can be downloaded from the Releases page.
Upcoming webinars
2013-12-03 (Tuesday), 09:30am UK local time (09:30 UTC) : Overview of data handling with Metview
This webinar will give an overview of the data handling with Metview. It will cover GRIB, BUFR, Geopoints, NetCDF, ASCII Table Data and Lat-Long Matrix. It is scheduled to last around an hour. A follow-up question and answer session will be held on 2013-12-05.
The extended version of the webinar can be found here.
All the icons used for the webinar and referred to in the slides can be downloaded as a separate zip file:
- Instructions:
download the file into your main Metview directory (~metview)
- unzip the file:
cd ~/metview
- start up Metview, enter the uncompressed folder
- you will find some instructions in a set of .txt files in the folder
If you would like to try further Metview tutorials related to data formats, go to the Tutorials page and find the 'Using BUFR in Metview 4' section, which features a tutorial about the BUFR support in Metview.
You might also be interested in the 'Metview Macro' section under the 'Metview Introductory Material' section. Here Macro Tutorial 2 demonstrates how to deal with observation data and compare it with gridded field data. Macro Tutorial 3 shows some of the more advanced aspects of GRIB-handling, such as masking a field based on the values of another, extracting point data from a fieldset and retrieving meta-data from a fieldset.
Past webinars
2013-06-19 (Wednesday), 09:30am UK local time (08:30 UTC) : Introduction to Metview
This webinar gave an introduction to using Metview's interactive user interface, introducing the main concepts behind Metview and how to use it.
The slides can be found here.
If you would like to do the Metview introductory tutorial material, go to the Tutorials page and find the 'Metview Introductory Material' section. Now follow the instructions under 'Metview Interactive Usage'. This is the same material which is followed during the annual Metview training course at ECMWF, and takes 1.5 days to complete (dependent on personal speed). These exercises require a working Metview installation, but users with access to ECMWF's Member State server ecgate can log on and type metview4
to start Metview.
2013-06-24 (Monday), 09:30am UK local time (08:30 UTC) : Introduction to Macro
This webinar gave an introduction to using Metview's macro scripting language. It was based on the Macro training course - see Tutorials.
The slides can be found here.
If you would like to try the Metview introductory tutorial material, go to the Tutorials page and find the 'Metview Introductory Material' section. Now follow the instructions under 'Metview Macro'. An expanded version of the webinar slides can be found as 'mv_macro.pdf'.
Macro Tutorial 1 teaches the basics of the Macro language. We suggest you do only steps 1-8 and 11-12 (i.e., omit steps 9-10 and the section on expanding Macro with your own Fortran or C routines). Also, start on page 5 since the introduction was already covered in the webinar.
Macro Tutorial 2 demonstrates how to deal with observation data and compare it with gridded field data.
Macro Tutorial 3 shows some of the more advanced aspects of GRIB-handling, such as masking a field based on the values of another, extracting point data from a fieldset and retrieving meta-data from a fieldset.
2013-03-12 : Introduction to Metview
This was the first Metview webinar. It consisted of the introductory slides and demonstration as presented in the annual Metview training course at ECMWF (see Tutorials).
- recording of the session (approximately 47 minutes) :
[Direct download: introduction_metview.mp4]
2013-06-24 : Introduction to Macro
This webinar consisted an introduction to the Metview Macro language using slides adapted from the annual Metview training course at ECMWF and a short demonstration .
- recording of the session (approximately 41 minutes) :
[Direct download: introduction_to_macro.m4v]