I am following example 2 of the instructions on this page How to change or add new code (although the actual code I am trying to change is ./src/surf/module/surfexcdriver_ctl_mod.F90) and have experienced some problems.

In the change-src.cfg file (in /oifs40r1v1_new/mymake directory) I only have 2 lines

use =../make/

build.source = $HERE/../mysrc/

The modified source is in


When I run the command

 fcm make -v -f change-src.cfg

I get the following

[init] make                # 2018-03-07T14:56:44Z
[info] FCM 2015.03.0
[init] make config-parse   # 2018-03-07T14:56:44Z
[info] config-file=/homeappl/home/sinclair/appl_taito/oifs40r1v1_new/mymake/change-src.cfg
[FAIL] make config-parse   # 0.0s
[FAIL] make                # 0.0s
[FAIL] use = ../make/: incorrect value in declaration
[FAIL] config-file=/homeappl/home/sinclair/appl_taito/oifs40r1v1_new/mymake/change-src.cfg:1
[FAIL] ../make/.fcm-make/ctx.gz: cannot retrieve cache
[FAIL] No such file or directory at /homeappl/home/sinclair/appl_taito/oifs40r1v1_new/fcm/bin/../lib/FCM/System/Make/Share/Dest.pm line 83, <$handle> line 1.

I get the feeling some paths are not correct as I searched for the ctx.gz file and it is in


and the Dest.pm file is here


I checked the original fcm config log file and it has


config-file= - /homeappl/home/sinclair/appl_taito/oifs40r1v1_new/make/cfg/intel_mkl-opt.cfg

Students in Numlab tried this first and got the same error as I do so (hopefully) it is not just me being stupid... Any ideas?

