OpenIFS is an ECMWF activity that provides an portable version of the IFS forecast model for use in research and education.
This user meeting brings together new, interested and established users of OpenIFS/IFS from Universities, National Met Services and other organisations to discuss topics on the workshop theme.
The workshop is open to all and young scientists are encouraged to apply. Please note that due to classroom size, numbers are limited.
The workshop programme will include keynote presentations and contributed presentations and hands-on practical sessions.
Abstracts on topics related to the workshop theme are welcome.
Abstracts on any other research or education use of IFS and OpenIFS are also welcome.
Visit ICTP OpenIFS 2017 workshop homepage for registration, programme, abstract submission, accommodation, travel and further information
Venue is ICTP, Trieste.
Registration and Abstract submission is now closed.
Deadlines: 31 March 2017 - if requesting financial support
30 April 2017 - final deadline for registration and abstract submission.
Note: places are limited.
EMS YSTA: A European Meteorological Society Young Scientist Travel Award is available for this meeting. Note the deadline is 1st March 2017. See:
Possible funding sources:
Members of the Royal Meteorological Society can try applying for travel awards from the RMS Legacy Fund.