Horizontal resolution upgradeThe horizontal resolution upgrade is being developed with a trade-off in mind between resolution and computational costs. A number of options of how to produce the most effective combination of horizontal resolutions between 4D-Var, EDA, HRES and ENS have been tested to establish computing costs and to derive possible efficiency gains. A viable choice was found to employ the so-called cubic Gaussian grid (TC) instead of the current linear Gaussian grid (TL) where the shortest wave is represented by four rather than two grid points. By keeping the spectral truncation the same, more resolution is added in grid-point space to more accurately represent diabatic forcings and advection, which is then controlled through truncation in spectral space. In the current operational configuration the erroneous build-up of energy at the shortest scales is filtered by a lower-than-nominal resolution of the orography, strong horizontal diffusion and a de-aliasing filter. In the future this filtering will be able to be much reduced. The TC option also substantially improves mass conservation. In order to reduce the computational cost further, a grid modification has been investigated, the cubic, spectral octahedral grid (TCO). The octahedral grid applies a new rule for computing the number of points per latitude circle. It is based on a new mesh that also allows for future implementations of a hybrid spectral – grid point model. The computational cost is reduced by about 25% compared to the cubic grid as fewer grid point calculations are needed and this new grid will also be implemented in the coming high resolution model cycle. In summary, the anticipated upgrade will have a horizontal resolution that translates to about 9 km in the outer loop of 4D-Var as well as the high-resolution forecast and to about 16 km for the ensemble up to day 10. |
Some backgroundSpectral representation of the IFSThe IFS uses a spectral transform method to solve numerically the equations governing the spatial and temporal evolution of the atmosphere. The idea is to fit a discrete representation of a field on a grid by a continuous function. This is achieved by expressing the function as a truncated series of spherical harmonics:
where μ = sinθ with λ the longitude and θ the latitude of the grid point, T is the spectral truncation number and Ylm are the spherical harmonic functions. The spectral coefficients ψlm are computed from the discrete values known at each point of a Gaussian grid on the sphere by
At each time step in the IFS:
The representation in grid point space is on the Gaussian grid. The grid point resolution is determined by the spectral truncation number, T. |
Gaussian gridsNaming conventionThe Gaussian grids are defined by the quadrature points used to facilitate the accurate numerical computation of the integrals involved in the Fourier and Legendre transforms. The grids are labelled by N where N is the number of latitude lines between the pole and the equator. For example, for the N640 Gaussian grid, there are 640 lines of latitude between the pole and the equator giving 1280 latitude lines in total. The grid points in latitude, θk, are given by the zeros of the Legendre polynomial or order N: PN0(μk=sinθk) = 0. A consequence of this is that a Gaussian grid has:
Regular (or full) Gaussian gridA regular Gaussian grid has the following characteristics:
Reduced (or quasi-regular) Gaussian gridA reduced Gaussian grid:
Up to and including IFS cycle 41r1, ECMWF has used a standard reduced Gaussian grid. This has 4N longitude points at the latitude nearest to the equator, with the number of longitude points reducing in blocks as the latitudes approach the poles. With the horizontal resolution increase at IFS cycle 42r1, ECMWF introduces a slightly different form of the reduced Gaussian grid which is referred to as the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid or, more simply, the octahedral grid. |
Relationship between spectral truncation and grid point resolution - linear, quadratic and cubic gridsThe relationship between the spectral resolution, governed by the truncation number T, and the grid resolution depends on the number of points on the grid at the equator, 4N, at which the shortest wavelength field is sampled: linear: each wavelength is sampled by 2 grid points → 4N = 2(TL + 1) quadratic: each wavelength is sampled by 3 grid points → 4N = 3(TQ + 1) cubic: each wavelength is sampled by 4 grid points → 4N = 4(TC + 1) Until the implementation of IFS cycle 18r5 on 1 April 1998, the IFS used a quadratic grid. The introduction of the two-time level semi-Lagrangian numerical scheme at IFS cycle 18r5 made possible the use of a Linear Gaussian Grid reflected by the TL notation. The linear grid has been used since then, up to and including IFS cycle 41r1. At IFS cycle 42r1, the cubic grid will be used and will be indicated by the TC. |
By changing the number of points at which the shortest wavelength is sampled, the effective grid point resolution can be increased while keeping the spectral truncation number constant. Grid point computations, which are often non-linear, benefit from the higher resolution of the grid produced with cubic sampling. Such a grid has no aliasing, less numerical diffusion and more realistic surface fields. |
Increasing the horizontal resolutionThe relationship between the spectral truncation, T, the sampling (linear, quadratic or cubic) and the grid point resolution, N, allows for three possible approaches for increasing the horizontal resolution:
The horizontal resolution upgrade at IFS cycle 42r1 is achieved by:
This new grid will be referred to simply as a cubic octahedral grid. This will be indicated with the notation TCO. |
Frequently asked questionsWill the change to the cubic octahedral grid affect me if I use regular lat-lon data ?No, users of regular lat-lon data will be unaffected by the change of model grid. They will, however, benefit from the increase of the model horizontal resolution. Will ECMWF make data available on the standard regular and reduced Gaussian grids ?Yes, users will still be able to request data, both in dissemination and MARS, of the standard regular and reduced Gaussian grids. Note, however, that this will be interpolated from the values on the original model grid.See also I make computations involving flux parameters or accumulated fields (for example, to de-accumulate precipitation) and am advised to work on the model grid: which grid should I use ? I use point data (e.g., for meteograms, vertical profiles, etc) - what do I need to do ?Users of point data should not that the coordinates of the nearest grid point will have changed. Users should take particular care for coastal points for which the nearest grid point may have changed from a land point to a sea point or vise versa. Is the new land-sea mask and orography for the cubic octahedral grid available ?Yes, the new land-sea masks and orography fields for HRES at TCO1279 (N1280), ENS Leg A at TCO639 (N640) and ENS Leg B TCO319 (N320) can be downloaded from ... Do I need to upgrade the version of GRIB API I use in order to decode data on the cubic octahedral grid ?Version 1.12.3 of grib_api can decoded fields on the cubic octahedral grid correctly. At grib_api 1.14.0, a new computed key isOctahedral is introduced which allows users to query the grid type. For the cubic octahedral grid, isOctahedral=1; otherwise, isOctahedral=0. Can GRIBEX decode data on the cubic octahedral grid ?To be checked. But you should not use GRIBEX.