From the 000400 version, Emoslib will be using CMake for its compilation and installation. This is part of our aim to achieve a set of homogenisation installation procedures for all ECMWF packages. CMake is a cross-platform free software program for managing the build process of software using a compiler-independent method.
As configure, CMake will run some tests on the user's system to find out if required third-party software libraries are available and notes their locations (paths). Based on this information it will produces the Makefiles needed to compile and install Emoslib.
Compilers | |||
C | | ||
Fortran | | If Fortran or BUFR support needed | |
Utilities | |||
make | | ||
cmake | | version 2.8.4 minimum | |
Ecmwf libraries | |||
grib-api | GRIB-API Home (Requires > 1.9) | for GRIB support |
At ECMWF, SLES11 & OpenSuSE 11.3/13.1 Linux systems (64bit) were used for testing.
If you plan to use Emoslib for higher level tools (Magics, Metview, ...) please consider to use the -fPIC option for linking. Also if you use the gfortran compiler please read our blog entry on the quadmath option. |
After changing into the build Emoslib directory, the user has to run CMake with his own options. The command gives feedback on what requirements are fulfilled and what software is still required. Table 1 gives an overview of the different options of configure. The default (without any options) will compile a share library only and install it in /usr/local/.
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | where you want to install your Emoslib library | /usr/local |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | to select the type of compilation:
| RelWithDebInfo |
GRIB_API_PATH | where to find grib-api ( if non-standard installation ) | |
ENABLE_SINGLE_PRECISION | enable single precision version of library (Caution for BUFR handling and interpolation!) | OFF |
ENABLE_FORTRAN90 | enable tools which need Fortran 90 (only required for FC=pgf77) | ON |
ENABLE_INSTALL_TABLES | enable the installations of BUFR/GRIBex tables and LSM | ON |
cmake options | doc | default |
The C and Fortran compilers are chosen by CMake. (This can be overwritten by setting the variables CC and FC, on the command line before you call cmake, to the preferred compiler). Further the variables CMAKE_C_FLAGSor CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS can be used to set compiler flags for optimisation or debugging.
After the CMake command has run successfully, the user can compile the library by typing make in the build directory.
After compilation you can test the build library by typing make test.
Once the build and tests have been successfully completed, the command make install copies the library into the correct location on the system. Administrator permission might be required, depending on the installation directory.
This is a list of commands needed to install Emoslib. It is assumed “>” is the shell prompt. The Emoslib version number may vary.
>tar -xzf libemos-4.0.0-Source.tar.gz
> cd libemos-4.0.0-Source
> mkdir build ; cd build
> cmake .. –DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/where/you/install/myEmoslib
> make
> make test
> make install