How to set up logging?

program main

use fckit_module

character(len=1024) :: msg
character(len=1024) :: filename

call fckit_main%initialise()

! All ranks printing:
write(msg,*) "hello from rank ", fckit_main%taskID()
call fckit_log%info(msg)

! Remove printing for all ranks except 0
if( fckit_main%taskID() /= 0 ) then
  call fckit_log%reset()

write(msg,*) "Only rank 0 saying hello";
call fckit_log%info(msg)

! Add printing to file per rank
write(filename,'(A,I0)') "log.p", fckit_main%taskID()
call fckit_log%add_file(filename)

write(msg,*) "Everybody writing this line to file";
call fckit_log%info(msg)

call fckit_main%finalise()

end program