Hi everyone,
I am having problem with OpenIFS installation(tried with both oifs38r1v04 and oifs40r1v2.tar.gz ). I have following configuration:
OIFS_GRIB_LIB="-L$OIFS_GRIB_DIR/lib -leccodes_f90 -leccodes”
I did use ecCodes instead of grib_api, and followed the installation guide, but I am stuck very soon after I did run following command.
fcm make -f oifs.cfg
with following error.
[init] make # 2019-04-12 10:32:14Z
[init] make config-parse # 2019-04-12 10:32:14Z
[info] config-file=/home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/oifs.cfg
[info] config-file= - /home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/cfg/gnu-noopt.cfg
[info] config-file= - /home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/cfg/oifs-depend.cfg
[FAIL] make config-parse # 0.1s
[FAIL] make # 0.1s
[FAIL] build.prop{class, no-dep.f.module} = grib_api ifcore: incorrect modifier in declaration
[FAIL] config-file=/home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/oifs.cfg:34
[FAIL] config-file= - /home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/cfg/oifs-depend.cfg:21
Looks to me that I am missing something obvious or making very simple mistake, but I just can't find it.
I did try to comment out this two option inside /home/user/oifs38r1v04/make/cfg/oifs-depend.cfg
build.prop{no-dep.f.module,class} = grib_api ifcore
build.prop{no-dep.include,class} = mpif.h
But then I am getting some other errors as well.
Any help or tips are very much appreciated.