- ECMWF support: for any questions related to S2S archive at ECMWF contact the support team.

Data providers Organization | Scientific contact | Technical contact |
BoM (ammc) | | |
CMA (babj) | | |
CNR-ISAC (isac) | | |
CNRM (lfpw) | | |
ECCC (cwao) | | |
ECMWF (ecmf) | | |
HMCR (rums) | | |
JMA (rjtd) | | |
KMA (rksl) | | - Duk-Jin Won
- Hyunjun Ham (hindcasts)
NCEP (kwbc) | | |
UKMO (egrr) | | |
Technical committee Organization | Contact |
ECMWF | - Manuel Fuentes (chair)
- Frederic Vitart
BoM | |
CMA | |
ECCC | |
HMCR | |
JMA | |
KMA | |
Meteo-France | - Michel Deque
- Constantin Ardilouze
NCEP | |
CNR | - Piero Malguzzi
- Daniele Mastrangelo
UKMO | |