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Hodograph from BUFR Example
#Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read BUFR data        
b = read("temp.bufr")

# define station id

# extract thermo profile
nc = thermo_bufr(
    data        : b,
    station :stations(
        search_key : "ident",
        ident      : statid

# get individual profiles as vectors
info = thermo_data_values(nc, 1)
p = info.p_wind
u = info.u
v = info.v

# define the hodograph background
hodo_incr = 5
hodo_highlight = [10,20,30]
hodo_labels = [10, 20, 30]
hodo_max = 35
hodo_colour = "black"

# define the wind speed bins and their associated colours
pres_bins = [1050,700,500,300,200,50]
pres_colours = ["red","kelly_green","sky","blue","magenta"]

# define horizontal and vertical  axes
h_axis = maxis(
	axis_position	:	"left",
	axis_tick_label_height: 0.4	
v_axis = maxis(
	axis_position	:	"bottom",
	axis_tick_label_height: 0.4	
# the view
view = cartesianview(
	x_automatic	:	"off",
	x_min: -hodo_max,
	x_max: hodo_max,
	y_automatic	:	"off",
	y_min: -hodo_max,
	y_max: hodo_max,
	horizontal_axis: h_axis,
	vertical_axis: h_axis,
	subpage_x_position: 10,
	subpage_y_position: 5,
	subpage_x_length: 80,
	subpage_y_length: 80

# define the plot page and superpage. 
# NOTE: In order to correctly render the hodograph (we want
# concentric circles instead of ellipses) we have to make sure
# that the physical width and height of the plot are the same. 
# Please note that while the page size is defined in % the
# superpage size is defined in cm! See also subpage size in the view.

# size is in % of the physical size of the superpage!
hodo_page = plot_page(
    top    : 0,
    bottom : 100,
    left   : 0,
    right  : 100,
    view   : view

# size is in cm!
dw = plot_superpage(
    layout_size   : "custom",
    custom_width  : 15,
    custom_height : 15,
    pages         : hodo_page

gr_lst= nil

# build the concentric circles
sp = hodo_incr
while sp <= hodo_max do
    xp = nil
    yp = nil       
    d = 2 * pi/180    
    for j=1 to 360/2 + 1 do       
        xp = xp & [cos(j*d) * sp]
        yp = yp & [sin(j*d) * sp]
    end for
    if find(hodo_highlight,sp) <> nil then  
        gr = xy_curve(xp, yp, hodo_colour, "solid", 3)
        gr = xy_curve(xp, yp, hodo_colour, "solid", 1)
    end if   
    gr_lst = gr_lst & [gr]  
    sp = sp + hodo_incr  
end while    
# build horizontal and vertical lines going
# throug the centre
gr_lst = gr_lst & [xy_curve(|-hodo_max,hodo_max|,|0,0|,
             hodo_colour, "solid", 1)]
gr_lst = gr_lst & [xy_curve(|0,0|,|-hodo_max,hodo_max|, 
             hodo_colour, "solid", 1)]

# build labels on the horizontal line
vis = input_visualiser(
    input_plot_type	:	"xy_point",
    input_x_values	:	-hodo_labels & hodo_labels,
	input_y_values	:   hodo_labels*0 & hodo_labels*0,
	input_values: hodo_labels & hodo_labels

sym = msymb(
    symbol_colour         : hodo_colour,
    symbol_text_font_size : 0.5,
    symbol_text_font_style: "bold",
    symbol_text_position: "bottom"

gr_lst = gr_lst & [vis, sym]

# build the graphical objects for the wind data (per bin)
gr_wind = nil
for i=1 to count(pres_bins)-1 do
    # collect wind data in bin
    u_val = nil
    v_val = nil
    for k=1 to count(p) do
        if p[k] <> vector_missing_value and 
           u[k] <> vector_missing_value and 
           v[k] <> vector_missing_value and
           p[k] <= pres_bins[i] and p[k] >= pres_bins[i+1] then
            u_val = u_val & [u[k]]
            v_val = v_val & [v[k]]
        end if
    end for
    # build graph object 
    if u_val <> nil and v_val <> nil then
        vis =input_visualiser(
            input_x_values  :   u_val,
            input_y_values  :   v_val

 	    gr = mgraph(
 	        legend: "on",
            graph_line_colour    : pres_colours[i],
            graph_line_style     : "solid",
            graph_line_thickness : 5
        gr_wind = gr_wind & [vis, gr]
    end if
end for

# define legend with custom labels
legend_text = nil
for i=1 to count(pres_bins)-1 do
    legend_text = legend_text & [pres_bins[i] & "-" & pres_bins[i+1]]
end for

legend = mlegend(
    legend_display_type     : "disjoint",
    legend_text_font_size   : 0.5,
    legend_text_composition : "user_text_only",
    legend_user_lines       : legend_text

# define title
title_txt = "HODOGRAPH Date: " & & " " & info.time & " UTC " & 
 " Station: " & info.station & " Lat/Lon: " & & "/" & info.lon 

title = mtext(
    text_lines: title_txt, 
    text_font_size: 0.5,
    text_colour:  "charcoal"
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'hodograph'))

# generate the plot
plot(dw, gr_lst, gr_wind, legend, title)
Hodograph from BUFR Example
import metview as mv
import math

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read BUFR data        
b ="temp.bufr")

# define station id

# extract thermo profile
nc = mv.thermo_bufr(
    data        = b,
    station = mv.stations(
        search_key = "ident",
        ident      = statid

# get individual profiles as vectors. Values are sorted by descending
# pressure, no missing values includes.
info = mv.thermo_data_values(nc,0)
p = info["p_wind"]
u = info["u"]
v = info["v"]

# define the hodograph background
hodo_incr = 5
hodo_highlight = [10,20,30]
hodo_labels = [10, 20, 30]
hodo_max = 35
hodo_colour = "black"

# define the wind speed bins and their associated colours
pres_bins = [1050,700,500,300,200,50]
pres_colours = ["red","kelly_green","sky","blue","magenta"]

# define horizontal and vertical  axes
h_axis = mv.maxis(
	axis_position	=	"left",
	axis_tick_label_height= 0.4	
v_axis = mv.maxis(
	axis_position	=	"bottom",
	axis_tick_label_height= 0.4	
# the view
view = mv.cartesianview(
	x_automatic	=	"off",
	x_min= -hodo_max,
	x_max= hodo_max,
	y_automatic	=	"off",
	y_min= -hodo_max,
	y_max= hodo_max,
	horizontal_axis= h_axis,
	vertical_axis= h_axis,
	subpage_x_position= 10,
	subpage_y_position= 5,
	subpage_x_length= 80,
	subpage_y_length= 80

# define the plot page and superpage. 
# NOTE: In order to correctly render the hodograph (we want
# concentric circles instead of ellipses) we have to make sure
# that the physical width and height of the plot are the same. 
# Please note that while the page size is defined in % the
# superpage size is defined in cm! See also subpage size in the view.

# size is in % of the physical size of the superpage!
hodo_page = mv.plot_page(
    top    = 0,
    bottom = 100,
    left   = 0,
    right  = 100,
    view   = view

# size is in cm!
dw = mv.plot_superpage(
    layout_size   = "custom",
    custom_width  = 15,
    custom_height = 15,
    pages         = hodo_page

gr_lst = []

# build the concentric circles
sp = hodo_incr
angle_incr = 2 * math.pi/180
while sp <= hodo_max:
    xp = [math.cos(i*angle_incr)*sp for i in range(1,182)]
    yp = [math.sin(i*angle_incr)*sp for i in range(1,182)]       
    if sp in hodo_highlight:  
        gr = mv.xy_curve(xp, yp, hodo_colour, "solid", 3)
        gr = mv.xy_curve(xp, yp, hodo_colour, "solid", 1)   
    sp += hodo_incr   
# build horizontal and vertical lines going
# throug the centre
             hodo_colour, "solid", 1))
             hodo_colour, "solid", 1))

# build labels on the horizontal line
vis = mv.input_visualiser(
    input_plot_type	=	"xy_point",
    input_x_values	=	[-v for v in hodo_labels] + hodo_labels,
	input_y_values	=   [0 for i in range(len(hodo_labels)*2)],
	input_values = hodo_labels + hodo_labels

sym = mv.msymb(
    symbol_colour         = hodo_colour,
    symbol_text_font_size = 0.5,
    symbol_text_font_style= "bold",
    symbol_text_position= "bottom"

gr_lst.extend([vis, sym])

# build the graphical objects for the wind data (per bin)
gr_wind = []
for i in range(len(pres_bins)-1):
    # collect wind data in bin
    u_val = []
    v_val = []
    for k in range(len(p)):
        if (not math.isnan(p[k]) and not math.isnan(u[k]) and 
            not math.isnan(v[k]) and 
            p[k] <= pres_bins[i] and p[k] >= pres_bins[i+1]):
    # build graph object 
    if u_val and v_val:
        vis = mv.input_visualiser(
            input_x_values  =   u_val,
            input_y_values  =   v_val

        gr = mv.mgraph(
            legend = "on",
            graph_line_colour    = pres_colours[i],
            graph_line_style     = "solid",
            graph_line_thickness = 5
        gr_wind.extend([vis, gr])

# define legend with custom labels
legend_text = []
for i in range(len(pres_bins)-1):
    legend_text.append(str(pres_bins[i]) + "-" + str(pres_bins[i+1]))

legend = mv.mlegend(
    legend_display_type     = "disjoint",
    legend_text_font_size   = 0.5,
    legend_text_composition = "user_text_only",
    legend_user_lines       = legend_text

# define title
title_txt = "HODOGRAPH Date: {} {} Station: {} Lat/Lon: {}/{}".format(
        info["date"], info["time"], info["station"], info["lat"], info["lon"]) 

title = mv.mtext(
    text_lines = title_txt, 
    text_font_size = 0.5,
    text_colour = "charcoal"
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'hodograph'))

# generate the plot
mv.plot(dw, gr_lst, gr_wind, legend, title)