A BUFR message can contain multiple subsets in either compressed or uncompressed format. The actual number of subsets is defined by the numberOfSubsets key in the message header. Whether a muti-subset message is compressed or not is determined by the compressedData key (also in the header).
No subsets
When numberOfSubsets = 1 the message does not have subsets and the message panel header looks like this.
Uncompressed subsets
When numberOfSubsets >= 1 and compressedData = 0 the message contains uncompressed subsets. The mode to navigate through these subsets is defined in the Settings menu:
By default this option is unchecked meaning that the data dump shows all the subsets in one go like this:
On the other hand, when this option is checked the subsets can be navigated through with the Subset interface in the message panel header. In this way the data dump only shows the values of the selected subset. This is how our message looks like for subset 1:
and this how it looks like for subset 2:
Compressed subsets
When numberOfSubsets >= 1 and compressedData = 1 the message contains compressed subsets and its data can be represented as a set of arrays or as a big data table. To navigate through the subsets use the Subset interface in the message panel header:
As the subset count changes the data damp always shows the values for the selected subset.