The Offline Surface Model (HTESSEL) is licensed software and should not be used with an OpenIFS license. The license is free-of-charge and licenses are provided per institution not per person.
The OSM can be downloaded from the ECMWF ftp site. Only licensed users are provided with the username and password to access the ftp site.
To obtain the source code from the ftp site, change directory to the osm-htessel directory and retrieve the latest source code (filename may be different than shown):
Sample session
% ftp
user: openifs
cd src/osm-htessel
get surf_CY40R1_control.tar.gz
% tar zxf surf_CY40R1_control.tar.gz
The tarfile unpacks into a directory containing the following files (some differences may exist between versions):
% ls
LICENSE compile_fcm.ksh fcm surf
compile_fcm.ksh -- this is a script used at ECMWF to compile the OSM. It is provided for guidance only and cannot be used external to ECMWF without modification.
surf -- this directory contains all the source code and compilation scripts.