The important target before full production archiving is to archive in MARS full UERRA samples from all already agreed datasets by the June/July 2016.
To be able to do that there is a need for full samples from UERRA systems containing all agreed parameters, levels, steps etc. One full sample from one day (and all specified runs as e.g. output frequencies vary) per each available dataset is required at this stage. In the following the instructions and tools how to convert and archive UERRA data in MARS will be provided to each provider.
The UERRA data sample format
- Only the agreed parameters should be included (all which will be produced) and only on the defined levels, with the defined frequency etc.
- If the data is already in GRIB2 format it is should be encoded as UERRA test data (productionStatusOfProcessedData=9)
- Each sample dataset should be split for given day only by
- forecasting system type(deterministic/ensemble)
- forecast type (analysis/forecast)
- vertical level (pl/ml/hl/sfc/soil)
- model run(00/06/12/18UTC)
- Regarding vertical level type follow exactly the defined groups of parameters as defined in the UERRA parameters page.
- Follow this naming convention of the sample files:
where- SYTEM TYPE = det/ens for deterministic or ensemble system
- LEVEL TYPE = ml/pl/hl/sl/sl for model/pressure/height/surface or soil levels
- GRIB ENCODING = grib1/grib2 depending on GRIB edition used
Conversion/archiving progress report pages
To track progress of the work on conversion to GRIB2 and test archiving in MARS the following pages have been created:
Once the data samples are available the providers will be asked to fill GRIB1 parameter numbers from their input data matching UERRA parameters in the conversion tables linked above.
This was already done for HARMONIE. The providers who produce GRIB2 files directly should follow the required encoding definitions and rules described at the following pages