Data access
- Data portal
The simplest way how to get rather smaller ad hoc data samples (approximately up-to 20 000 retrieved fields per request) - Batch access
The ECMWF access in batch should be used for most common types of work (big data samples retrievals)
Data monitoring
- Visual data quality monitoring
For the purpose of simple visual data quality monitoring some maps and histograms are produced for every forecast date and chosen model outputs (see the link in the Resources section). Only the first perturbed eps member and control forecast (if exists) are monitored at two chosen forecast leading times (0 and the latest available one common for all monitored datasets) - History page
The data gaps caused by any kind of problems can be checked via so called TIGGE-LAM history web page linked in the Resources section.
External interpolation tool
At the moment the ECMWF's interpolation package cannot handle rotated latlon projection in which 4 TIGGE-LAM datasets are coded :
- COSMO model based LAM-EPS run by DWD (Germany)
- COSMO model based LAM-EPS run by ARPA-SIM (Italy)
- HIRLAM model based LAM-EPS run by DMI (Denmark)
- Unified model based LAM-EPS run by UK Met Office
It means that at the moment users cannot ask for other than default grid for those 4 datasets (situation will change by 2016 after new interpolation package MIR is finished and implemented). Till then users are advised to use any other external interpolation package which can handle the rotated latlon. One of them can be COSMO package versus described below (thanks to Unknown User (
COSMO open source verification/interpolation package versus
The package including installation and users' instructions can be downloaded at
In order to install the binary package, which will work on any reasonably recent linux x86_64 platform, you need to do the following operations:
# go to the directory where you wish to install the software
tar -zxvf path/to/versus_extra_software-1.4_unibin.tar.gz
cd ves
at this point the installation is complete and you will have, in your home directory, a file called "ves_profile". When you need to use the package in a terminal session or in a batch script you have to "source" once that file, assuming you use bash/ksh, in the following way:
. ~/ves_profile
after this operation you have access, within that session, to all the programs of the package. For interpolating grib data to a regular lat/lon grid you can use the following command:
vg6d_transform --trans-type=inter --sub-type=bilin \
--type=regular_ll --nx=... --ny=... \
--x-min=... --y-min=... --x-max=... --y-max=... \
inputfile outputfile
where, of course you have to fill the parameters of the target grid, just start vg6d_transform without arguments to see the instructions. The package contains many other tools and utilities for managing grib and observed data.