The THORPEX GIFS-TIGGE working group coordinates the development, maintenance and exploitation of the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) project.
- Objectives
- Working Group members
- Partners
- Reports from Working Group meetings and workshops
- The TIGGE-LAM project on high-resolution regional ensemble forecasting
The THORPEX GIFS-TIGGE working group coordinates two closely-linked aspects of the THORPEX research programme TIGGE and GIFS :
- The main aim of the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) project is to enhance international cooperation in ensemble prediction, between both operational NWP centres and the academic community. The TIGGE project facilitates research on ensemble prediction methods, especially methods to combine ensembles and correct systematic errors. This is achieved by coordinating the archiving of operational ensemble forecasts from ten global NWP centres, and making them available to the research community via three TIGGE data centres. A TIGGE-LAM team has also been established to facilitate collaboration in ensemble forecasting using limited area models. A further objective of TIGGE is to provide the basis for the development of a future Global Interactive Forecast System (GIFS).
- The objective of GIFS is the production of improved probabilistic forecasts of high-impact weather, using research & development based on the TIGGE data set and other aspects of the THORPEX research programme. The development of GIFS entails the development of prototype forecast products, initially focused on predictions of tropical cyclones, building on the experimental exchange of cyclone track forecasts during the THORPEX Pacific Asia Regional Campaign (T-PARC). Subsequent GIFS products will be aimed at improving forecasts of precipitation, and then other high-impact weather.