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Contributors: N. Clerbaux (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB)), A. Velazquez Blazquez (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB))

Issued by: RMIB/Clerbaux

Date: 28/11/2023

Ref: C3S2_D312a_Lot1.2.2.5-v1.0_202303_ATBD_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1

Official reference number service contract: C3S_D312b_Lot1.1.5.1-v2.0_202003_ATBD_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1

Table of Contents

History of modifications



Description of modification

Chapters / Sections

 V1.0 31/03/2023First versionAll 
 V1.1 28/11/2023 Document revised following feedback from independent review All

List of datasets covered by this document

Deliverable ID

Product title

Product type (CDR, ICDR)

Version number

Delivery date

 D2.7.4 Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR v3.0 CDR V3.0 31/03/2023
 D2.7.6 Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA ICDR v3.1 ICDR V3.1 30/09/2023

Related documents

Reference ID



Dewitte, S. and Nevens, S. (2016): The total solar irradiance climate data record. The Astrophysical Journal, 830(1), p.25.    


Dewitte, S. and Clerbaux, N., 2017. Measurement of the earth radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere—a review. Remote Sensing, 9(11), p.1143.


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI
Service: Product Quality Assurance Document. Climate Change Service,
Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.1.2.5-v1.0_202212_PQAD_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1
Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI
Service: Product User Guide and Specification. Copernicus Climate Change Service,
Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.2.2.6-v1.0_202303_PUGS_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1
Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI
Service: Product Quality Assessment Report. Copernicus Climate Change Service,
Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.2.2.7-v1.0_202303_PQAR_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1
Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A., Baudrez, E. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI
Service: System Quality Assurance Document. Copernicus Climate Change Service,
Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.3.2.5-v1.1_202303_SQAD_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.3
Last accessed on 26/01/2024





Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor


Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document


Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science


Astronomical Unit


Copernicus Climate Change Service


Climate Data Record


Climate Data Store


Climate and Forecast


Compact Lightweight Absolute Radiometer


Climate Monitoring Satellite Application Facility


Davos Absolute Radiometer


Differential Absolute RADiometer


European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts


Essential Climate Variable


Earth Radiation Budget


Earth Radiation Budget Experiment


Earth Radiation Budget Satellite


European Retrievable Carrier


Feng Yung


Global Climate Observing System


Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager


Interim Climate Data Record


Solar Constant Gauge (instrument on Meteor satellite)


International Space Station


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics


Michelson Doppler Imager


Max Planck Institute


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


National Climatic Data Center


National Centers for Environmental Information


National Institute of Standards and Technology


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Norwegian Satellite


National Physical Laboratory


Naval Research Laboratory


Naval Research Laboratory's solar variability models for Total Solar Irradiance, version 2.


National Solar Observatory Photospheric magnetogram


Physikalisches und Meteorologisches Observatorium


Precision Monitor Sensor


PRoject for On-Board Autonomy


Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium


Root Mean Square


Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions


Solar Dynamics Observatory


Solar Irradiance Monitor


Solar Maximum Mission


Solar and Heliospheric Observatory


Solar Constant


Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment


Solar Variability


SOVA on Picard


Solar Variability Irradiance Monitor


Thematic Climate Data Record


Temperature Control Flux Monitor


Total solar irradiance Calibration Transfer Experiment


Total Irradiance Monitor


Top Of Atmosphere


Total Solar irradiance (TSI) Radiometer Facility


Total Solar irradiance


Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor


Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite


Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations


World Radiation Center

List of tables

Table 1: Total Solar Irradiance space instruments (acronyms definitions in footnote). The instruments used in the C3S v3.0 and v3.1 daily TSI composite are highlighted in bold.

Table 2 : Scaling factors and precision estimates (see Section 3.2) for the 12 input TSI timeseries.

Table 3: Instrument precision estimated as root mean square (RMS) difference with SATIRE-S.

Table 4: General characteristics of the C3S daily TSI composite CDR.

Table 5: Total Solar Irradiance parameter.

List of figures

Figure 1: SATIRE-S daily TSI values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² to illustrate the change in solar minima).

Figure 2: NRLTSI2 daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.45 W/m² to illustrate the stability of the solar minima). Only data onward of 1976 are shown.

Figure 3: Timeseries of SATIRE-S (red) and NRLTSI2 (black) TSI reconstruction models after 121-days running mean. The daily NRLTSI2 values are shown in grey. Horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² illustrates the change in solar minima.

Figure 4: (rescaled) ERB timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 5: (rescaled) ACRIM1 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 6: ERBS timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 7: (rescaled) ACRIM2 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 8: (rescaled) DIARAD timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 9: PMO06 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

Figure 10: (rescaled) ACRIM3 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. Some outliers are in red.

Figure 11: (rescaled) TIM/SORCE timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

Figure 12: (rescaled) SOVA/Picard timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

Figure 13: (rescaled) PREMOS timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

Figure 14: (rescaled) TIM/TCTE timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

Figure 15: (rescaled) TIM/TSIS-1 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

Figure 16: Timeseries of individual TSI measurements after selection and harmonization. A 121-day running mean is used to remove the short-term solar noise. The 1361 W/m² horizontal line is shown to illustrate the stability between the solar minima.

Figure 17: Illustration of the gap filling process. The black curve is an original TSI record with many data gaps (in this example the TIM/TCTE in 2014). The green curve is the SATIRE-S model. The red curve shows how the gaps can be filled by mixing the incomplete record with the (complete) SATIRE-S record.

Figure 18: C3S composite daily TSI values (grey) and 121-day running mean (red). The NRLTSI2 model, with an offset of 0.31 W/m² to match the curves, is shown in black.

General definitions



Earth Radiation Budget (ERB)

The difference between the incoming radiant energy to the Earth (directly dependent on the TSI) and the outgoing radiant energy due to reflection and thermal emission.

Electrical substitution cavity radiometer

Radiant energy measurement principle in which the radiant energy absorbed in a cavity is equilibrated with electrical power dissipated in a second non-illuminated equivalent cavity.


Image of the Sun showing the strength and the polarity of its magnetic fields. The image is taken by an instrument called magnetograph.

Scattering and diffraction

Change of light direction due to interaction with matter. The diffraction is a spreading of light without changing in the average direction, while scattering is the deflection of the light with a clear change of direction.

Astronomical Unit (A.U.)

Unit of length equal to the mean distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun.


Flux of radiant energy per unit area. The irradiance is usually expressed in W/m² unit.

Solar cycles

The solar cycles are nearly periodic 11-year changes in the Sun's activity.

Solar minima, quiet Sun

The 11-year solar cycle is characterized by periods of least solar activity called solar minima or quiet Sun. During these periods the average TSI is also minimum.

Bright facula

A solar facula is a bright spot in the photosphere. This part of the Sun disk has higher TSI than its surrounding area. 

Dark sunspot

Opposite to a facula, a sunspot is a part of the Sun disk that appears darker, i.e. with a lower TSI, than its surrounding area. The sunspots can be decomposed in two main regions: the central  umbra  (with the lowest TSI) and the surrounding  penumbra (with higher TSI than in the central umbra). The sunspots are often organized in network.


bias-corrected Root Mean Squared Difference

The bias (b) is the average value of the difference of the data (xi ) with respect to a reference dataset (ri ), where N is the number of data points: 

\[ b=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(x_i-r_i) \]

The bias-corrected Root Mean Squared Difference (bcRMSD) is the square root of the average of the square of the differences with respect to the reference dataset, once the bias (b) has been removed from the data points (xi ) (therefore the term "bias corrected"):

\[ bcRMSD=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(x_i-b-r_i)^2)} \]

Climate Data Store (CDS)

The front-end and delivery mechanism for data made available through C3S.

Climate Data Record (CDR)

Sufficiently long, accurate and stable time series of a climate variable to be useful to address climate variability and change.

Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR)

An interim CDR is an extension of a CDR that meets some timeliness requirements needed in some applications, e.g. for use in the "State of the Climate" reports. These preliminary data might not be fully validated and may need to be reprocessed before inclusion in the finale CDR.

Scope of the document

This document is the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for the generation of the version 3 of the Climate Data record (CDR) and Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) v3.1 of daily Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). 

The aim of this ATBD is to provide a full description of the algorithms used to generate the CDR of daily TSI products, including the scientific justification for the algorithms selected to derive the product, an outline of the proposed approach and a listing of the assumptions and limitations of the algorithm. 

Executive summary

The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) quantifies the amount of solar energy that is received by the Earth. It is defined as the amount of solar power that reaches the Earth’s top of the atmosphere per unit surface perpendicular to the Sun–Earth direction at the mean Sun–Earth distance. It is the most fundamental variable governing the climate system on Earth, and is recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), a long composite Climate Data Record (CDR) is constructed from timeseries of daily TSI measured by an ensemble of space instruments. Currently 12 instruments are used in the composite. 

The method can be summarized as follows:

•    First, the 12 individual timeseries are quality checked by comparison with 2 models of the daily TSI (namely SATIRE-S and NRLTSI2 models). 

•    Second, the measurements of the individual instruments are put on a common absolute scale using optimized radiometric correction factors.

•    Lastly, the composite is created as an average of the available measurements, on a daily basis. 

The method is an adaptation of (Dewitte and Nevens, 2016) [ D1 ]. This ATBD fully describes and justifies the successive steps implemented in the data processing. 

The document is presented as follows. Section 1 introduces the measurement principles and the main satellite missions that have been collecting TSI observations. Section 2 contains a detailed description of each of the 12 instruments’ records used to create the composite product. This section also presents important ancillary data such as the models and composites used for evaluation. Section 3 fully describes the algorithm used to create the composite. Finally, Section 4 briefly describes the output format for the TSI composite.

1. Introduction

The first Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) measurements from space were made with the Temperature Control Flux Monitor (TCFM) instrument on Mariner 6 and 7 (Plamondon, 1969). Continuous measurement of the TSI started with the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) instrument on Nimbus 7 (Hickey et al., 1980). Continuous monitoring with an ageing corrected TSI instrument started with the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM1) instrument on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) (Willson et al., 1980).  Since these early missions, TSI measurements have been continued with several space instruments listed in Table 1

The instruments used for the TSI measurement are electrical substitution cavity radiometers. Their core detector consists of a blackened cavity in which nearly all incident radiation flowing through a precision aperture is absorbed. The thermal effect of the absorbed optical power is measured by comparison with the thermal effect of known electrical power. When operated in space, any TSI radiometer ages by exposure to solar UV radiation. For ageing correction, a backup radiometer is usually used, for which the UV exposure is kept low such that its ageing is negligible.

As the Sun is nearly a point source, TSI radiometers use a view-limiting mechanism to eliminate the entrance of all except direct solar radiation into the cavity. Early TSI radiometers place a large view-limiting aperture in front of a small precision aperture. In this geometry, scattering and diffraction around the edges of the view-limiting aperture increase the amount of solar power flowing through the second precision aperture. When this effect is not estimated or underestimated, it may lead to an overestimation of the TSI value as in the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) or in the Differential Absolute RADiometer (DIARAD). 

New instruments, like the Total Irradiance Monitoring (TIM) radiometers, use an alternative geometry where the small precision aperture is put in front of the larger view-limiting aperture. In this geometry, scattering and diffraction around the edges of the precision aperture decrease the amount of solar power flowing through the view limiting aperture. When this effect is underestimated it may lead to an underestimation of the TSI. 

Relative variations of the TSI in phase with the 11-year solar cycle of the order of 1 W/m² are now well established, as summarized by Dewitte & Nevens (2016) [D1] and Dewitte & Clerbaux (2017) [D2]. Apart from these true TSI variations, differences in the absolute level well above 1 W/m² are observed between the different instruments indicating limitations of the absolute accuracy. For this reason, multiplicative correction factors are determined to scale all the timeseries to a same radiometric level. These factors are determined by optimizing the consistency over the overlap periods that exist between the different instruments. Still, a reference level must be defined and this is done in this work in such a way that the average of the correction factors for the 5 most accurately calibrated instruments is set to 1.0. These 5 instruments are: Physikalisches und Meteorologisches Observatorium 06 (PMO06), Precision Monitor Sensor (PREMOS), and the TIM instruments on the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (TIM/SORCE), on the Total solar irradiance Calibration Transfer Experiment  (TIM/TCTE), and on the International Space Station (TIM/TSIS1).

Table 1: Total Solar Irradiance space instruments (acronyms definitions in footnote). The instruments used in the C3S v3.0 and v3.1 daily TSI composite are highlighted in bold.

Instrument 1



Operation period(s)



Mariner-6 & 7



Plamondon (1969)


Nimbus 6



Hickey et al (1976)

Nimbus 7


1978 - 1993

Hickey et al (1980)





Willson et al. (1980)

Solcon 1

Spacelab 1



Crommelynck et al (1987)





ERBE (1986)








Willson (1994)

Solcon 2

Atlas 1



Crommelynck et al (1994)

Sova 1




Sova 2




Romero et al. (1994)


Meteor-3 No 7



Sklyarov et al. (1996)





Dewitte et al. (2004)





Froehlich et al. (1997)





Willson et al. (2003)





Kopp et al. (2005)





Mekaoui et al. (2010)





Fang et al. (2014)





Dewitte et al. (2013a)





Schmutz et al. (2012)





Fang et al. (2014)





Kopp et al. (2016)





Wang et al. (2017)




2018- present

Kopp, G. (2020),




2018- present

Walter et al. (2017)




To be launched

1 TCFM: Temperature Control Flux Monitor; ERB: Earth Radiation Budget; ACRIM: Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor; SMM: Solar Maximum Mission; SOLCON: Solar Constant; ERBE: Earth Radiation Budget Experiment; ERBS: Earth Radiation Budget Satellite; NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; UARS: Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite; ATLAS: Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science; SOVA: Solar Variability; EURECA: European Retrievable Carrier; ISP: Solar Constant Gauge; DIARAD: Differential Absolute Radiometer; VIRGO: Variability of Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations; SOHO: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory; PMO: Physikalisches und Meteorologisches Observatorium; TIM: Total Irradiance Monitoring; SORCE: Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment; SOVIM: Solar Variability Irradiance Monitor; SIM: Solar Irradiance Monitor; FY: Feng Yung; PREMOS: Precision Monitor Sensor; TCTE: Total Solar Irradiance Calibration Transfer Experiment.

2. Input and auxiliary data

This section describes the various daily TSI records used as input to create the C3S composite. In subsection 2.1, we start with the presentation of two different reconstruction models for the TSI: the Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions (SATIRE-S) and the Naval Research Laboratory’s solar variability models for Total Solar Irradiance, version 2 (NRLTSI2). These models are used for the quality check of the input satellite records. Then, subsection 2.2 presents and discusses the 12 input satellite records. 

The TSI exhibits large day-to-day variations. The downward spikes in the daily mean values are due to the passage of dark sunspots, temporarily decreasing the TSI values. This is called the sunspot deficit effect. For this reason, it is often interesting to show the 121-day running mean curve. This curve is obtained by replacing the daily TSI value by the average of the daily TSI from 60 days before until 60 days after (thus 121 days in total). The 121-day running mean shows the general increase of the TSI with solar activity due to the increase of long-living bright faculae during high solar activity periods. This is called the facular excess effect.

2.1    TSI reconstruction models 

It is possible to estimate the TSI as a regression against proxies coming from Sun observations such as the Sunspot number. Currently, the most used regression models are: (i) the Spectral And Total Irradiance Reconstructions (SATIRE-S, Yeo et al., 2014a and 2014b) and (ii) the version 2 of the Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) solar variability models for Total Solar Irradiance (NRLTSI2, Coddington et al., 2015, 2016). The last one is used as the official daily TSI record by the NOAA CDR program. There are different uses of the SATIRE-S and NRLTSI2 models in this ATBD: 

•    They are used for the quality check of the 12 individual timeseries (Section 2.2), in particular to check the record’s temporal stability and, for some records, define observation periods to be excluded from the composite (usually at beginning or end of mission). The models can also help in detecting outliers in early instruments timeseries.

•    The SATIRE-S model is used to interpolate short gaps (up to a maximum of 50 consecutive days) that exist in some of the individual timeseries. The gap filling method is described in Section 3.3

•    The SATIRE-S TSI model is finally ingested directly at the very beginning of the CDR, from 01.01.1979 to 06.11.1981. Indeed, before 07.11.1981 the ACRIM1 and the ERB/NIMBUS-7 observations appear significantly overestimated in comparison with the models. Keeping these first months in the C3S record is important for some users or services such as the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring  (CM SAF) that provides products starting on 01.01.1979.

•    The NRLTSI2 record is explicitly not used when constructing the C3S v3.0 and v3.1 daily TSI composites, so it can be used as independent source for the validation (see methodology and results in PQAD [D3] and PQAR [D5] documents).  

2.1.1    SATIRE-S

The SATIRE-S (Spectral And Total Irradiance Reconstructions, Yeo et al, 2014a and 2014b) is a reconstruction of the TSI over the 1974-present-day period using full-disc magnetograms and continuum images of the Sun. It uses the data from the National Solar Observatory Photospheric magnetogram (NSO KP) (1974-1999), SOHO/ Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) (1999-2009) and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) (since 2010). These observations allow for the estimation of the fractional coverage of: quiet Sun, sunspot umbrae, sunspot penumbrae, faculae and network. A regression between these indices and the TSI is then derived and used in the reconstruction. The SATIRE-S data starts on 23rd August 1974 and provides data until 8th July 2023 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries. 



Full name: Spectral And Total Irradiance Reconstructions

Organization: Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (MPI for Solar System Research)

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

23.08.1974 – 08.07.2023

01.01.1979 – 06.11.1980

Set to 1.00015

Data availability

C3S Data availability (filled)

C3S estimated noise level


100% (100%)

Set to 0.5 W/m²

Figure 1: SATIRE-S daily TSI values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² to illustrate the change in solar minima).


References: Yeo et al. (2014a), Yeo et al. (2014b).


  • The model shows marked differences in solar minima levels
  • The quality of the reconstruction is better when SDO/HMI is used, i.e. from 30.04.2010 onward (S. Dewitte, pers. comm.)

2.1.2    NRLTSI2

NRLTSI2 is the version 2 of the Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) solar variability models for Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). This CDR was created at the Space Science Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in collaboration with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) of the University of Colorado. The NRLTSI2 CDR is published as part of the NOAA CDR Program and is documented by Coddington et al. (2015, 2016).  In this model, the daily TSI is estimated from the observation of the bright faculae and the dark sunspots on the solar disk. A linear regression between these proxies of solar activity and the TIM/SORCE TSI was established and used in the reconstruction. The model assumes a quiet Sun TSI of 1360.45 W/m² (Kopp and Lean, 2011) as estimated from the TIM/SORCE measurement at solar minimum. The reconstruction starts on 1st January 1882 and provides data until 31st December 2022 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries, on a quarterly basis. 


Full name: Naval Research Laboratory Total Solar Irradiance version 2

Organization: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

01.01.1882 – 31.12.2022

Not used in the composite

(not applicable)

Data availability

C3S Data availability (filled)

C3S estimated noise level


100% (100%)

(not applicable)

Figure 2: NRLTSI2 daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.45 W/m² to illustrate the stability of the solar minima). Only data onward of 1976 are shown.


References: Coddington et al. (2015), Coddington et al. (2016).


  • The record is regularly updated with new data.
  • The last year data are preliminary (ICDR concept) and later incorporated in the final CDR.

2.1.3    SATIRE-S / NRLTSI2 intercomparison 

Figure 3 shows the SATIRE-S and NRLTSI2 timeseries over the 1975 – 2022 time period. The 2 models show very close agreement over solar cycle 23 (1996 – 2008) but otherwise exhibit significant differences, especially in the level of the solar minima in 1986, 1996 and 2019.

Figure 3: Timeseries of SATIRE-S (red) and NRLTSI2 (black) TSI reconstruction models after 121-days running mean. The daily NRLTSI2 values are shown in grey. Horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² illustrates the change in solar minima.

2.2    TSI timeseries

Summaries of the 12 instruments used for the C3S daily TSI composite are shown in following tables. Each table specifies the full name, organization responsible of the data/instrument, period of time in which the TSI data is available and period of time used in the C3S composite. The percentages of data availabilities are provided for the original record, as well as after gap filling. The C3S adjustment factor and noise level are also provided (see Sections 3.1 and 3.2). An illustration of the original data is shown, the source of the original data is provided and notes specific to each instrument are listed, including identified “outliers” for some input timeseries.

Note about the graphs in Figure 4 to Figure 15 : the graphs show the timeseries of the satellite record (in green the daily and orange the 121-days running mean) after rescaling to the C3S record (in black). The NRLTSI2 data is also shown (in brown) after a rescaling on the same overlap period. The parts of the satellite record which are discarded in the C3S composite are in red (daily) and blue (121-days running mean).

2.2.1    ERB on NIMBUS7

ERB on Nimbus 7

Full name: Earth Radiation Budget on NIMBUS7

Organization: NASA / NOAA

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

16.11.1978 – 13/12/1993

01.01.1981 – 31.12.1989


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


89.45% (100% )

0.318 W/m²

Figure 4: (rescaled) ERB timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

References: Hickey et al. (1980)


  • The ERB / NIMBUS-7 instrument has no aging monitoring capability.
  • Data before 1981 and after 1990 have been discarded due to marked differences with the TSI models. The problem affecting ERB/Nimbus 7 data during the so-called "ACRIM gap" period (in between ACRIM1 and ACRIM2) has been reported by other teams e.g. Lee et al. (1995) and Chapman et al. (1996).
  • During the selected period, there are many (332) gaps of 1 day in the record (they are interpolated).
  • Outliers (Julian day): 2447881, 2445468, 2445492

2.2.2    ACRIM1 on SMM


Full name: Active Cavity Radiometry Irradiance Monitor on Solar Maximum Mission

Organization: NASA

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

16.02.1980 – 14.07.1989

07.11.1980 – 14.07.1989


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level

90.14 %

90.00% (97.96%)

0.270 W/m²

Figure 5: (rescaled) ACRIM1 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.


References : Willson et al. (1981)


  • In general, the running mean shows a close agreement with the NRLTSI2 reconstruction, except over the very early period (1980).
  • The ACRIM1 instrument was launched on the SMM spacecraft in February 1980. From November 1980 to April 1984 the SMM attitude control was degraded, leading to the so-called "ACRIM1 spin period" (Willson, 1994).
  • In 1984, there are data gaps. These gaps are short enough to be interpolated before ingestion in the composite, except one gap of 63 consecutive days.
  • Outliers (Julian day) : 2444642, 2447772, 2444804, 2444856, 2444884, 2445473, 2445533, [2444589:2444598], 2447137, 2447138

2  Information retrievable from the serves as an interim solution due to ongoing issues with the ACRIM server. Future document versions will include updated links when available.

2.2.3    ERBS


Full name: Earth Radiation Budget Satellite solar monitor

Organization: NOAA

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

17.12.1984 – 23.04.2003

02.07.1987 - 06.02.2001


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


97.93% ( 100%)

0.270 W/m²

Figure 6: ERBS timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.

DATA SOURCE 3 : An application, such as FileZilla, WinSCP or Wget, might be needed to open FTP sites.:

References: ERBE (1986)


  • As the ERBS sampling period is 14 days, and as the ERBS measurements are relatively noisy, the "denoised" ERBS version from Mekaoui and Dewitte (2008) is used.
  • In general, the running mean shows a close agreement with the NRLTSI2 reconstructions, except over the very early period (before 02.07.1987) which has been discarded from the composite. At end of mission, from 06.02.2001 onward, there is also an apparent difference with respect to the models and the data are discarded from this date onward.
  • Outliers: none

3   An application, such as FileZilla, WinSCP or Wget, might be needed to open FTP sites.

2.2.4    ACRIM2


Full name: Active Cavity Radiometry Irradiance Monitor on Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite

Organization: NASA

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

04.10.1991 – 05.05.2001

04.10.1991 – 05.05.2001


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


93.35% (100%)

0.215 W/m²

Figure 7: (rescaled) ACRIM2 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.


References: Willson (1994)


  • Close agreement with NRLTSI2, except during the solar minimum on 1996, but in this case the agreement with SATIRE-S is correct.
  • Outliers (Julian day): 2451423, 2451539

4   Information retrievable from the serves as an interim solution due to ongoing issues with the ACRIM server. Future document versions will include updated links when available.

2.2.5    DIARAD / VIRGO on SOHO


Full name: Differential Absolute Radiometer on Variability of Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations

Organization: RMIB

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

18.01.1996 - present

01.01.1997 – present


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


93.78% (98.33%)

0.121 W/m²

Figure 8: (rescaled) DIARAD timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.


References: Dewitte et al. (2004)


  • In general, close agreement between DIARAD and the models except for the first months which have been discarded as in Dewitte and Nevens (2016) and in Froehlich (2003).
  • The aging monitoring cavity failed on 9 Oct 2017 and since then the aging is extrapolated. Although "at risk", the data is kept as it stays as long as it stays in agreement with NRLTSI2. This is justified by the few number of space instruments in the ICDR period (2021 onward).
  • Since 2010, there is an annual cycle apparent in the DIARAD/VIRGO record. This cycle has been corrected.
  • Two gaps are too long to be interpolated: one of 104 days (2008) and one of 53 days (2021).
  • Outliers (Julian day): 2452313, 2451093

5   As of 28.11.2023, the provided link to the dataset is not functional. This is the only data source in place for this dataset. The data provider has been alerted to this issue, and efforts are underway to resolve it for future accesibility.

2.2.6    PMO06 on VIRGO


Full name: Physikalich Meteorologisches Observatorium version 06

Organization: Physikalich-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

21.02.1996 – 13.05.2022

01.01.1997 – 13.05.2022


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


97.83% (98.88%)

0.173 W/m²

Figure 9: PMO06 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. The parts discarded are in red and blue.


References: Froehlich et al. 1997


  • As for DIARAD, close agreement with the models except for the first months (before 01.01.2017) which have been discarded. The early increase of the VIRGO radiometers is also discussed in Froehlich (2003).
  • However, there is a significant departure from the models during the recent solar minima of 2020. As for DIARAD, the PMO06 data is kept due to the few number of instruments in the ICDR period.
  • Outliers: none.

6   An application, such as FileZilla, WinSCP or Wget, might be needed to open FTP sites.

2.2.7    ACRIM3


Full name: Active Cavity Radiometry Irradiance Monitor on ACRIMSAT

Organization: NASA

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor




Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


97.44% (100%)

0.126 W/m²

Figure 10: (rescaled) ACRIM3 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. Some outliers are in red.


References: Willson et al. (2003)


  • In general, good agreement with the 2 models, except during the solar minimum of 2009 and also at end of mission in 2013.
  • A slow decrease of the TSI with respect to the 2 models is visible; this could indicate that aging is not fully corrected.
  • Outliers (Julian day): 2453165, 2454116, 2454117, 2454118, 2455212, 245513, 2455214, 2455213.

7   Information retrievable from the serves as an interim solution due to ongoing issues with the ACRIM server. Future document versions will include updated links when available.

2.2.8    TIM on SORCE


Full name: Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) on SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE)

Organization: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

25.02.2003 – 25.02.2020



Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


94.72% (96.62%)

0.089 W/m²

Figure 11: (rescaled) TIM/SORCE timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 


References : Kopp et al. (2005)


  • With respect to SATIRE-S (black curve), there is an apparent increase of the TIM/SORCE TSI. For this reason, a correction was applied in the version 2 of the C3S CDR. However, this increase is not visible with respect to NRLTSI2 and therefore, no correction will be performed in version 3.
  • There are 2 long data gaps of 144 days and 66 days in 2013-2014. They are not interpolated using the model.
  • Outliers: none.

2.2.9    SOVA on Picard

SOVA on Picard

Full name: SOlar VAriability Experiment on Picard

Organization: RMIB

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

27.08.2010 – 03.11.2013

27.08.2010 – 03.11.2013


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


80.43% (100%)

0.145 W/m²

Figure 12: (rescaled) SOVA/Picard timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 


Reference : Dewitte et al. (2013a)


  • The IDOC-PICARD website provide daily and hourly data. The daily data are less complete than the hourly, we have therefore reconstructed the daily from the hourly.
  • Outliers: none

2.2.10    PREMOS on Picard

PREMOS on Picard

Full name: Precision Monitor Sensor on Picard

Organization: Physikalich-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

27.07.2010 – 20.08.2013

27.07.2010 – 20.08.2013


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


90.19% ( 100%)

0.086 W/m²

Figure 13: (rescaled) PREMOS timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

DATA SOURCE: (daily and hourly data, see note here after)

References : Schmutz et al. (2012)


  • Short record but with excellent agreement with both the SATIRE-S and NRMTSI2 models.
  • The daily data is less complete than the hourly one. In the C3S composite we have recomputed the daily values from the hourly ones.
  • Outliers: none

2.2.11    TIM on TCTE


Full name: Total Irradiance Monitoring on Total Solar Irradiance Calibration Transfer Experiment

Organization: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)

Period covered

C3S period selected

C3S adjustment factor

16.12.2013 – 15.05.2019

16.12.2013 – 15.05.2019


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


83.46% (93.98%)

0.092 W/m²

Figure 14: (rescaled) TIM/TCTE timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 


References : Kopp et al. (2016), (TCTE 2014)

Notes and references:

  • Good agreement with the 2 models.
  • During 2014 there are frequent gaps of 6-days duration that have been interpolated.
  • End of 2018-early 2019 there is a 119 days long gap that is not interpolated.
  • After the gap, and until end of mission, the decrease of the TSI is not supported by the 2 models (period 02.02.2019 – 15.05.2019).
  • Outliers: none

2.2.12    TIM on TSIS-1


Full name: Total Irradiance Monitor on TSIS

Organization: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Period covered

C3S period selected

adjustment factor

11.01.2018 – present

11.01.2018 – present


Data availability

Data availability (gap filled)

C3S estimated noise level


86.30% (100%)

0.076 W/m²

Figure 15: (rescaled) TIM/TSIS-1 timeseries (green and orange) with C3S CDR (black) and NRLTSI2 (brown) models. 

DATA SOURCE:  (version 4 is used)

References : Kopp (2020)


  • Good agreement with the NRLTSI2 model, but apparent increase with respect to SATIRE-S
  • The TIM/TCTE is providing near real time data with a latency of about 5 days.
  • Outliers : none.

3. Algorithms

3.1 Radiometric correction factors

The difference in absolute scale between TSI instruments is larger than the intrinsic TSI variability. Therefore, a harmonization to remove the differences is needed. Such a harmonization has been adopted in all the previous TSI composite attempts e.g. by Dewitte and Nevens (2016)[D1], Dudok de Wit et al. (2017), Montillet et al. (2022).

In this work, single correction factors are determined for each of the 12 instruments. The 12 factors  \( (α_i) \)  are determined by minimizing the root mean squared difference between the corrected daily TSI for each pair of overlapping instruments, namely

\[ ε =\sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{12}\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\sum_{d=1.1.1979}^{31.12.2020} δ_i(d) δ_j(d)(α_i F_i (d) - α_j F_j (d) )^2 }{ \sum_{i=1}^{12}\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\sum_{d=1.1.1979}^{31.12.2020} δ_i (d) δ_j (d) }} (Eq. 1) \]

where the summations are done on all the pairs of instruments  \( (i,j) \) and on all the days d in the CDR record (v3.0 CDR period : from 01.01.1979 to 31.12.2020). The delta function \( δ_i(d) \) has a value of 1 if the instrument i provides a TSI observation for the day \( F_i (d) \) , and a value of 0 otherwise 8 .

There is a total of 34 overlapping periods (average length of 1873.3 days) between the 12 input records, which is sufficient to determine the 12 unknowns \( (α_i) \) . During the minimization process, a constraint must be added to avoid that all the correction factors tend to \( ε→0 \) (as in this case the residual error 

would also tends to \( α_i → 0 \)

). This constraint is that the average correction factors for the TIM instruments on SORCE (i=8), TCTE (i=11) and TSIS-1 (i=12), PMO06 on VIRGO (i=6) and PREMOS on PICARD (i=10) is equal to 1, namely:

\[ \frac{α_6 + α_8 + α_{10} + α_{11} + α_{12} }{5}=1   (Eq. 2) \]

The minimization is performed using a least mean square software 9 . Table 2 summarizes the obtained scaling factors \( α_i \) . The last column gives an estimate of the instruments’ precision as explained in the next section. As shown in the table, a scaling factor is also determined for SATIRE-S that is used in early months of the CDR (1979 and a large part of 1980).

Table 2 : Scaling factors and precision estimates (see Section 3.2) for the 12 input TSI timeseries.

\( i \)


 Scaling factor \( α_i \) (unitless)

 Precision \( ε_i \)  (W/m²)

3ERBS0.997149(0.039) 0.270
SSATIRE-S in 1979-19801.000150-

Figure 16 shows the resulting scaled TSI records for the individual instruments. For clarity we use a 121-days running mean to remove the short term solar noise, and to highlight the instrumental differences. After scaling, the instruments agree in general quite well, except at the very beginning of the record and for 2018 onward. Figure 16 also shows that the ERBS instrument is critical to fill the so-called ACRIM gap (15.07.1989 – 03.10.1991), it is the only TSI instrument that was monitoring the TSI during this period.

Figure 16: Timeseries of individual TSI measurements after selection and harmonization. A 121-day running mean is used to remove the short-term solar noise. The 1361 W/m² horizontal line is shown to illustrate the stability between the solar minima.

8   In mathematics, such function is sometime called an indicator function that maps elements of a subset to one (1) and all other elements to zero (0). That is, if A is a subset of some set X, then 1 A (x)=1 if x , and 1 A (x)=0 otherwise, where 1 A is the indicator function. In our case, the set X is the ensemble of days from 01.01.1979 to 31.12.2020 (i.e. the period covered by the CDR) and A is the subset of these days for which we have valid TSI measurement with instrument i

9   The software performs an explicit matrix inversion to find the least square solution of Eq.(1). To implement the constraint of Eq.(2), one of the instrument factor ( \( α_6 \) the one of PMO06, the longest time serie) is set to 1 in a first step and the least square is performed to determine the remaining 11 free unknowns \( {α} \) . In a second step, all the 12 factors  \( {α_i} \)  (including the one that was first set to 1.0) are rescaled with a same multiplicative factor to comply with the constraint of Eq.(2).

3.2    Estimating the instrument precision

The precision of the instruments is estimated by the root mean square difference with SATIRE-S, after removing the 365-days running mean for both the instrument and for the SATIRE-S. This RMS difference is given in the column ‘all’ in Table 3. This value is however dependent on the TSI variability when the instrument was operated, as illustrated by the columns ‘max’ and ‘min’ that report the same RMS difference, but respectively over the periods of high (low) solar activity. The high solar activity periods are defined as: 01.01.1984 to 31.12.1987, 01.01.1995 to 31.12.1998, 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2009, and 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2020. The periods of low solar activity are the complement.

As some instruments (PREMOS and SOVAP) have not observed during low activity periods, it is decided to use the ‘RMS max’ column as an estimation of the instrument precision. For the ERBS timeseries, the estimated precision is not realistic (due to the use of SATIRE-S in the gap filling). It is then decided to use the ACRIM1 precision as estimate for the ERBS record, as both missions used the same radiometric cavity.  

Table 3: Instrument precision estimated as root mean square (RMS) difference with SATIRE-S. The columns 'max' and 'min' correspond respectively to periods of high and low solar activity. The column ‘all’ does not involve any selection based on solar activity.

\( i \)

InstrumentsRMS maxRMS allRMS min













(0.039) 0.270

(0.037) 0.184

(0.035) 0.128














































3.3    Gap filling

Many of the input records have gaps in the daily TSI values. It is the case with the ERB (Nimbus7) and ERBS (ERBE) measurements at the beginning of the composite and also of the TSIS-1 instrument at the end of the composite. In the C3S v3.0 and v3.1 daily TSI composite, a gap filling mechanism is implemented as a preprocessing of the original timeseries. A gap is filled provided it extends over less than 50 days.

The gap filling exploits the SATIRE-S reconstruction which is tuned to the observations made just before and just after the gap. In practice, the ratio between the observed TSI and the SATIRE-S reconstruction is evaluated for the last day before the data gap and for the first day following the gap. This ratio is then temporally interpolated for each day within the data gap. The TSI for this day is obtained from the SATIRE-S reconstruction corrected with this interpolated ratio. The gap filling process is illustrated in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Illustration of the gap filling process. The black curve is an original TSI record with many data gaps (in this example the TIM/TCTE in 2014). The green curve is the SATIRE-S model. The red curve shows how the gaps can be filled by mixing the incomplete record with the (complete) SATIRE-S record.

3.4    Construction of the composite timeseries

From the individual time series, the composite daily TSI value \( F(d) \) F(d) for the day d is constructed as the mean of the available TSI values \( F_i(d) \) weighted by the inverse of the estimated accuracy level \( \varepsilon_i \) and homogenized using the factor \( α_i \) :

\[ F(d)=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{12} δ_i (d) \alpha_i F_i (d) \frac{1}{\mathrm{\varepsilon}_{2}^{i}} }{ \sum_{i=1}^{12} δ_i (d) \frac{1}{\mathrm{\varepsilon}_{2}^{i}} }   (Eq. 3) \]

where the summations are made over the 12 input instruments i.

3.5    Results

The method has been applied on the data described in Section 2.2. Figure 18 shows the resulting TSI composite. The grey curve is the daily value while the red curve shows the 121-days running mean. For evaluation, the 121-days running mean of the (independent) NRLTSI2 record is also shown with an offset of 0.31 W/m² to scale them to the same level. 

Figure 18: C3S composite daily TSI values (grey) and 121-day running mean (red). The NRLTSI2 model, with an offset of 0.31 W/m² to match the curves, is shown in black.

This preliminary C3S composite of daily TSI agrees very well with the corresponding NOAA/NCEI CDR (NRLTSI2), when applying an offset of 0.31 W/m² to the latter. Close agreements are observed as well for the level of the solar minima as for the periods of high solar activity. The CDR stability and accuracy is fully addressed in the PQAD [D3] and PQAR [D5] documents.   

3.6    Limitations and future works

Thermal effect in DIARAD/VIRGO: Since 2010, there is an annual cycle apparent in the DIARAD/VIRGO record. This is likely a thermal effect that could be better corrected using the backup cavity (contact has been taken with the DIARAD science team). In the meantime, an empirical correction has been implemented to limit this effect.

Failure of the DIARAD/VIRGO backup cavity: The aging monitoring cavity failed on 9 Oct 2017 and since then the aging is extrapolated, assuming a constant aging rate. Although “at risk”, the data is kept as it stays as long as it stays in agreement with NRLTSI2. This is justified by the small number of space instruments in the ICDR period (2021 onward).

ACRIM3 apparent aging: The ACRIM3 record shows an apparent aging with respect to the SATIRE-S and NRLTSI2 models (see Figure 10). The impact of this apparent aging on the C3S composite could be investigated.

Overlaps periods: 34 overlap periods exist between pairs of instruments. These periods are used to determine the scaling factors. A comprehensive analysis of these overlaps would be interesting to consolidate this work and possibly estimate the precision and accuracy of the instruments based on these overlaps.

Running mean software: A better handling of the missing data in the running mean software would be welcome. This will not directly impact the C3S composite timeseries but will improve the quality check of the input records.

Gap filling strategy: When there is a data gap, the data for the last day (just before the gap) and the next day (when the acquisition resumes) should be considered “at risk”, in particular because these daily TSI values may be based on only a part of the 24h. The current gap filling strategy (Section 3.3) uses the TSI from these last and next days to scale the SATIRE-S model to fill the data gap. There is therefore a high sensitivity on these “at risk” TSI observations.

SOVAP and PREMOS records on Picard satellite: These are very short records. The interest to keep them in the composite could be assessed.

TIM/TCTE in 2019: From 02.02.2019 (resumption after TIM/TCTE gap) to 15.05.2019 (end of mission) there is a decrease of the TSI that is not supported by the models and the other available observations. Investigations should be carried out to determine if these 100 days should be kept in the C3S composite.

4.    Output data format

The output format is fully described in the Product User Guide and Specifications document [D4] for this data record. Here, only the main characteristics are provided.

 Table 4: General characteristics of the C3S daily TSI composite CDR.

General characteristics of the CDR

Temporal resolution

daily mean

Time period

CDR v3.0: 1st January 1979 to 31st of December 2020

ICDR: 1st January 2021 onward

v3.1: 1st January 2021 – 30th September 2023






The Total Solar Irradiance is the spectrally integrated total amount of radiant energy coming from the Sun per square meter of surface, perpendicular to the sunlight, at 1 astronomical unit.

 Table 5: Total Solar Irradiance parameter.

Total Solar Irradiance


Total Solar Irradiance, daily Means


Total Solar Irradiance






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This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation Agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.

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