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The following MARS requests can be used as a tutorial. The links into the MARS Catalogue might be helpful to create a valid retrieve script. However, the dates might need to be adapted.

As one can very easily retrieve large amounts of data it is best to start mars in a location where plenty of disk space is available, e.g. in $SCRATCH:


The solutions below provide valid MARS requests which can be passed to the mars command as

% mars < myrequestfile
% mars myrequestfile

Simple retrieves

Retrieve 1000,850,700 and 500 hPa temperatures from the 15th of February 1999 12 UTC Analysis  > see in MARS Catalogue 

    class    = od,
    type     = an, 
    expver   = 1,
    date     = 19990215,
    time     = 12,
    param    = t, 
    levtype  = pressure level,
    levelist = 1000/850/700/500,
    target   = "t.grb"

Retrieve wind components for tomorrow at 12:00 and 18:00 from yesterday's 12Z forecast at all 137 model levels  > see in MARS Catalogue

    type     = forecast, 
    param    = u/v, 
    levtype  = model level,
    levelist = 1/to/137,
    date     = -1,
    time     = 12,
    step     = 48/54, 
    target   = "wind"

Retrieve geopotential and surface pressure for yesterday's analysis cycles (00,06,12,18)  > see in MARS Catalogue

    class   = od,
    type    = analysis,
    levtype = surface,
    date    = -1,
    time    = 00/06/12/18,
    param   = z/sp,
    target  = ""

Retrieve surface pressure and surface thermal radiation downwards at every 12-hour time-step for the 12Z forecast from two days ago  > see in MARS Catalogue

    type    = forecast,
    param   = sp/str,
    date    = -2,
    step    = 12/to/240/by/12,
    time    = 12,
    levtype = sfc,
    target  = "sfc.grb"

Retrieve the operational monthly mean model level temperature (all levels) from the 06:00 analysis for February 1997  > see in MARS Catalogue

    class    = od,
    stream   = mnth,
    type     = analysis,
    time     = 06,
    date     = 19970200,
    levtype  = model level,
    param    = t,
    levelist = 1/to/31, 
    target   = "monthly"

Retrieve the temperature on model levels 1, 2 and 3 for yesterday's 12 hour forecast. > see in MARS Catalogue

    type    = fc,
    date    = -1,
    time    = 12,
    step    = 12,
    levtype = ml,
    level   = 1/2/3,
    param   = t,
    target  = "t_ml_1_2_3"

Time and step

Retrieve the 1000 hPa geopotential from yesterday's 12 UTC forecast (> see in MARS Catalogue) for:

  • the 12 hour forecast

        type    = fc,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
        step    = 12,
        levtype = pl,
        level   = 1000,
        param   = z,
        target  = "z1000_a"
  • the 6, 12, 24 and 48 hour forecasts

        type    = fc,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
        step    = 6/12/24/48,
        levtype = pl,
        level   = 1000,
        param   = z,
        target  = "z1000_b"
  • the 12 hour to 240 hour forecasts at 12 hour intervals

        type    = fc,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
        step    = 12/to/240/by/12,
        levtype = pl,
        level   = 1000,
        param   = z,
        target  = "z1000_c"
  • all forecast time-steps

        type    = fc,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
    #   step    = all, # The value "all" is convenient to use but MARS can only report on missing steps if 
    # the full list of steps is specified:
    step = 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43/44/45/46/47/48/49/50/51/52/53/54/55/56/57/58/59/60/61/62/63/64/65/66/67/68/69/70/71/72/73/74/75/76/77/78/79/80/81/82/83/84/85/86/87/88/89/90/93/96/99/102/105/108/111/114/117/120/123/126/129/132/135/138/141/144/150/156/162/168/174/180/186/192/198/204/210/216/222/228/234/240,
    levtype = pl, level = 1000, param = z, target = "z1000_d"

ENS Overlap

Retrieve Total Precipitation, perturbed forecast overlap

  CLASS   = OD,
  DATE    = -1,
  TIME    = 00/12,
  EXPVER  = 1,
  STEP    = 240,
  TYPE    = PF,
  NUMBER  = 1/TO/50

See also FAQ: "How can I compute the accumulation using data from the overlap stream?"


Retrieve the 1000,500 and 300 hPa temperatures for today at noon from the 12 UTC forecast of two days ago on an N48 Gaussian Grid  > see in MARS Catalogue

    type     = forecast, 
    param    = t, 
    date     = -2,
    time     = 12, 
    step     = 48, 
    grid     = N48, 
    levelist = 1000/500/300, 
    levtype  = pl, 
    target   = ""

Retrieve the same on a latitude/longitude grid, 1.5 by 1.5 degrees. > see in MARS Catalogue

    type     = forecast,
    param    = t,
    date     = -2,
    time     = 12,
    levelist = 1000/500/300,
    levtype  = pl,
    step     = 48,
    grid     = 1.5/1.5,
    target   = "t.ll.grb"

Retrieve Europe in the same way as in the previous retrieval. Compare the size of the resulting file with the previous one. > see in MARS Catalogue

    type     = fc,
    param    = t,
    date     = -2,
    time     = 12,
    levelist = 1000/500/300,
    levtype  = pl,
    step     = 48,
    grid     = 1.5/1.5,
    area     = e,
    target   = "t.europe"

Retrieve the 1000 and 500 hPa geopotential for 1200 yesterday from the analysis in the formats below (one job for each form): > see in MARS Catalogue

  • leaving the data in its original form

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • reducing the truncation to T106

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        time    = 12,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        resol   = 106,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • converting the data to a global N48 Gaussian grid

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        grid    = N48,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • converting the data to a regular 5.0 by 5.0 degree global latitude/longitude grid

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        grid    = 5.0/5.0,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • converting the data to an N80 Gaussian grid for the European area

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        grid    = N80,
        area    = europe,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • converting the data to an N80 Gaussian grid for the area from 50 degrees North to 10 degrees North, and 20 degrees West to 20 degrees East

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        grid    = N80,
        area    = 50/-20/10/20,
        target  = "myfile1"
  • converting the data to the same area but convert it to a 2.5 degree by 2.5 degree latitude/longitude grid

        type    = an,
        date    = -1,
        param   = z, 
        levtype = pressure level,
        level   = 1000/500,
        grid    = 2.5/2.5,
        area    = 50/-20/10/20,
        target  = "myfile1"

Retrieve surface winds for yesterday's 24 hour forecast on the European area converting to a 0.57 by 0.57 degrees latitude/longitude grid. > see in MARS Catalogue
What happens to the conversion?

    type    = fc,
    date    = -1,
    time    = 12,
    step    = 24,
    levtype = sfc,
    param   = 10u/10v,
    area    = europe,       # As the area is not compatible with the grid,
    grid    = 0.57/0.57,    # MARS will expand the area to make it fit.
    target  = "10u_10v"



Retrieve all the sea surface observations for the 1st February 2015.  > see in MARS Catalogue

    type    = ob, 
obsgroup= con, obstype = ssd, date = 20150201, time = 00, range = 1439, target = "obs.bufr"

Ensemble forecasts

Retrieve the surface temperature fields of the first 10 members of yesterday's 12 UTC ensemble prediction (type: perturbed forecast) for the next 3 days at noon. > see in MARS Catalogue

    class    = od,
    stream   = ef,
    type     = perturbed forecast,
    levtype  = sfc,
    repres   = gg,
    date     = -1,
    time     = 12,
    ensemble = 1/to/10,
    step     = 48/to/96/by/24,
    param    = st,
    target   = "ensemble"

Retrieve the same for the control forecast. > see in MARS Catalogue

    class   = od,
    stream  = ef,
    type    = control forecast,
    levtype = sfc,
    repres  = gg,
    date    = -1,
    time    = 12,
    step    = 48/to/96/by/24,
    param   = st,
    target  = ""

ERA 40

Retrieve the vertical integral of eastward and northward heat flux as monthly means of daily means on a 1.125 by 1.125 degree latitude/longitude grid over Europe from the ERA 40 archive for January 1964 > see in MARS Catalogue

    class   = e4,
    stream  = moda,
    type    = an,
    levtype = sfc,
    date    = 19640101,
    param   = 69.162/70.162,
    area    = europe,
    grid    = 1.125/1.125,
    target  = "e4_moda_fluxes.grb"

Retrieval of snow depth from the ERA-40 archive for November 1993, for all analysis base times > see in MARS Catalogue. How many fields are requested?

  class   = e4,
  stream  = oper,
  expver  = 1,
  date    = 19931101/to/19931130,
  time    = 00/06/12/18,
  type    = an,
  levtype = sfc, 
  param   = sd,
  repres  = gg,
  target  = ""
#                                  It retrieves 30 x 4 = 120 fields.


See also these Web API retrieve examples for ERA-Interim, S2S, TIGGE, ERA-20C etc.

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