Setting the environment is done calling
module load ecflow
When module is not available on a platform, use is the original way to set PATH and PYTHONPATH variables
use ecflow
It is possible to setup a specific version with
module unload ecflow; module load ecflow/4.0.2
Server can be started with
Client command can be called to get the self-contained documentation
ecflow_client --help
and the graphical interface is started with
ecflowview; # line below shall add localhost as part the ecflowview->Servers list grep localhost $HOME/.ecflowrc/servers || \ echo "localhost $(uname -n) $(( 1500 + $(id -g))) \ >> $HOME/ecflowrc/servers
Server administrator directory is $HOMEecflow_server/ which will containt the server log file, the check point file (binary snapshot of the server content). It is defined as variable ECF_HOME on the top node.