Full documentation on NetCDF functionality in Metview is here.
Navigate into the 4_netcdf folder within Metview where you will find some data files and other icons.
Examine the netCDF file
Right-click on the file era5_2000_aug.nc and choose examine to see the structure of the file:
For more complete information, click on the NcDump tab.
Visualise the netCDF file
You will need to tell Metview how to visualise this data, as there are multiple variables. Create a new NetCDF Visualiser icon, edit it and set the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Netcdf Data | Drop the era5_2000_aug.nc icon into this box |
Netcdf Plot Type | Geomatrix |
Netcdf Latitude Variable | latitude |
Netcdf Longitude Variable | longitude |
Netcdf Value Variable | t2m |
Save the icon and visualise it. For fun, drop the supplied icons contour_t2m and mollweide into the plot window to obtain the following: