Activities of scientific interest
- Occasional reviewer for:
- Journal of Hydrometeorolgy,
- Water Resources Research,
- Water,
- Remote Sensing of Environment,
- Remote Sensing,
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS),
- Meteorological Applications,
- Journal of Climate Dynamics,
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
- Hydrological Processes, Journal of Hydrology,
- Journal of Geophysical Research,
- International Journal of Digital Earth,
- Journal of Climate,
- Advances in Water Resources,
- Geophysical Research Letters,
- Geoscientific Model Development
- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
- International Journal of Geo-Information
- Thesis (PhD) Awarding Committees:
- Jury:
- M. Talone: “Contribution to the improvement of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) mission sea surface salinity retrieval algorithm”. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 22 November 2010.
- A.Benlloch Casaban: "Comparación de las Temperaturas de Brillo en Banda L Proporcionadas por SMOS y AQUARIUS sobre Distintas Zonas de La Tierra". Universitat de València, Spain, 29 September 2017
- Reviewer:
A. Coll Pajaron: "Distribución de la humedad del suelo mediante observaciones del satélite SMOS, modelización con SURFEX y medidas in situ sobre la Valencia Anchor Station". Universitat de València, Spain, June 2017.
A.Benlloch Casaban: "Comparación de las Temperaturas de Brillo en Banda L Proporcionadas por SMOS y AQUARIUS sobre Distintas Zonas de La Tierra". Universitat de València, Spain, July 2017
- Jury:
- Master thesis supervision:
- Pau Benetó Vallés: “Estudi del contingut en humitat del sòl en el País Valencià a partir de dades ERA-Interim de Reanàlisi del ECMWF”. Universitat de València, Spain, 2013.
- Scientific conferences:
- Organiser:
- IGARSS-2010 invited session FR1-2.L10: « SMOS: The Beginning of a L-band Generation of Global Remote Sensed Soil Moisture Observations». Hawaii, USA, 2010.
- Deputy organizer :
- Scientific Subcomission A-3 ”Remote sensing Observations of Land Processes, Resources and Natural Hazards”, COSPAR Assembly, July 2012, Mysore, India.
- Chairman / convener:
- TU3.O6 « Data Assimilation session into Numerical Models ». IGARSS 2009, Cape Town.
- HS6.2: « Remote Sensing of soil moisture », EGU Assembly, 2011, Vienna.
- A3.1: “Earth Observation of the Water Cycle. Water Resources, Soil Moisture and Precipitation”. COSPAR Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India.
- “Water Cycle: Assimilation and applications”. Understanding the carbon and water cycles using SMOS data and models Workshop, 13-14 Nov, CESBIO, Toulouse, France.
- “H-SAF and HEPEX workshops on coupled hydrology”. 3-7 Nov 2014, ECMWF, UK.
- Session-3 "Assimilation Methods". 2nd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) & 8th Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA-SAF)s Workshop, 26-28 June 2018, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Organiser:
- Memberships:
- SMOS Quality Working Group (2010-2016).
- SMOS-NEXT Scientific Advisory Group (Sept.2012 - Feb. 2013).
- Steering Committee Member of HYDRAS+ project, Gent, Belgium (from 2014)
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). (2008-2015)
- Chair and member of the cross Climate Data Record (CDR) of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) Group (since 2016)
- Participation in International Boards:
- EU Polar ....
- ESA CCI+ (phase I) Tender Evaluation Board for new ECVs: Snow, Permafrost, Land Surface Temperature, High-Resolution Land Cover, Above-Ground Biomass, Lakes
- Interviews:
- BBC Berkshire Radio, May 2011. “Exceptional drought in UK”,
- ABC journal, Feb 2016 "What is Copernicus?"
- Outreach presentations:
- "Climate Change", May 2016. Edelweis Secondary School, Valencia
- "Copernicus C3S and CAMS Services for Ozone monitoring". Conmemoración 30th anniversary Montreal Protocol, 14 Sept 2017, Agencia Nacional de Meteorología, Madrid, Spain
Youtube video here. Media article here. - "El Servicio de Cambio Climático (C3S) de Copernicus. Indicadores de Cambio Climático & Productos para medios de comunicación." VI Seminario de la Asociación de Comunicadores de Meteorología ACOMET: "La Comunicación del Cambio Climático en España: Atribuciones", 9-10 June 2018, Fundación CaixaForum, Madrid, Spain. (Full presentation webcasted: , Web article ).