- COSPAR Training and Capacity Building Course on Earth Observation, Fortaleza, Brasil. 01-12 November 2010:
- ”Soil moisture monitoring using SMOS data”. Seminar. Institut de Climatologia de Catalunya (IC3). Barcelona, Spain. 23 November 2010. ( under request)
- COSPAR Training and Capacity Building Course on Earth Observation, Beijing, China. 3-14 September 2012:
- ”Introduction to data assimilation. The NWP example”. 1 hour lecture. ( under request)
- “Operational surface analysis at ECMWF”. 1 hours lecture. ( under request)
- “Monitoring of SMOS brightness temperatures at ECMWF”. 1 hour lecture. ( under request)
- “Preparation for the assimilation of SMOS brightness temperatures at ECMWF”. 1 hour lecture. ( under request)
- “ERA5-Land: A state-of-the-art land surface reanalysis”. Seminar. NASA Goddard Flight Space Center. Washington DC, USA. 31 January 2017. ( under request)
- "Climate Change". Outreach presentation. Edelweis Secondary School, Valencia, May 2016 ( under request)
- "Copernicus C3S and CAMS Services for Ozone monitoring". Lecture, round table. Conmemoration 30th anniversary Montreal Protocol, 14 Sept 2017, Agencia Nacional de Meteorología, Madrid, Spain ( , .)
- Atelier: "Comment intégrer les services climatiques dans l’agenda du développement français". Presentation, working group table. 9 October 2017, AFD, Paris, France. (agenda: ; compte rendu (in french): )