mcoast (macro/python) pcoast (fortran)
Magics will project coastlines and latitude/longitude grid lines onto requested areas, as defined by the user.
The coastline data used by Magics is the dataset maintained by Natural Earth.
This data allow the user to display political boundaries, rivers and capitals.
The plotting of coastlines, boundaries, rivers, cities and and grid lines is achieved by calling the action routine pcoast.
Parameters exist in Magics to enable users to control the plotting of coastlines. These parameters should be set before pcoast is called. Users can control the line style, colour, shading, resolution etc of coastlines as well as the number, colour and quality of grid lines. Users also have control over the plotting of grid line labels.
Magics default values for coastline, grids and labels ensure that users always achieve a reasonable plot. However, if these default values are not suitable, users can set any or all of the parameters to their own chosen value.
New in 2.35.0
Administrative layers
You can now use you own shape files ( restricted to some formats ) to display administrative information as background .
Imagine you have a set of shape files : prov10.dbf prov10.prj prov10.shp prov10.shx
You can visualise them using the following setting
mcoast(map_user_layer = "on",
map_user_layer_name = "mypath/prov10",
map_user_layer_style = "dash",
map_user_layer_colour = "navy"
Frame around Robinson or Mollweide projection
A set of parameters have been added to enable users to add a frame around the Robinson or Mollweide projections.
mcoast(map_grid_frame = "on",
map_grid_frame_line_style = "solid",
map_grid_frame_thickness = 2,
map_grid_frame_colour = "charcoal"