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The script will automatically set up and start your ecflow_server.
If you started an ecFlow manually then your server will start in a halted state.
In this case, you will have to “restart” your server before you can use it.
In a halted state the server will not schedule any tasks.
To check the status of the server, type the following at the UNIX prompt:
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ecflow_client --stats |
Examine the output. If the ecflow_server is halted you would restart with:
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ecflow_client --restart |
Once the ecflow_server is running you have to start the suite by typing:
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ecflow_client --begin=test |
Modify your file and then run it.
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import ecflow
ci = ecflow.Client()
ci.sync_local() # get the defs from the server, and place on ci
defs = ci.get_defs() # retrieve the defs from ci
if len(defs) == 0:
print("No suites in server, loading defs from disk")
print("Restarting the server. This starts job scheduling")
print("read definition from disk and replace on the server")
ci.replace("/test", "test.def")
print("Begin the suite named 'test'")
except RuntimeError as e:
print("Failed:", e) |
What to do
- Restart the ecflow_server
- Begin the suite, python3
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<div id="starting-the-suite">
<span id="starting-suite"></span><span id="index-0"></span>
<p>The <strong>ecf_start</strong> script will automatically set up and start your <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-ecf-server"><em >ecf_server</em></a>.</p>
<p>If you started an ecFlow manually then your server will start in a <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-halted"><em >halted</em></a> state.</p>
<p>In this case you you will have to “restart” your server before you can use it.</p>
<p>In a <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-halted"><em >halted</em></a> state the server will not schedule any tasks.</p>
<p>To check the status of the server, type the following at the unix prompt:</p>
<div ><pre>> ecf_client --stats</pre>
<p>Examine the output. If the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-ecf-server"><em >ecf_server</em></a> is <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-halted"><em >halted</em></a> you would restart with:</p>
<div ><pre>> ecf_client --restart</pre>
<p>Once the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-ecf-server"><em >ecf_server</em></a> is <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-running"><em >running</em></a> you have to start the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-suite"><em >suite</em></a> by typing:</p>
<div ><pre>> ecf_client --begin test</pre>
<p>Restarting and begin’ing the suite can also be done with the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/ecFlow+Python+Api#python-api"><em>ecFlow Python Api</em></a></p>
<div ><div ><pre><span >ci</span> <span >=</span> <span >ecflow</span><span >.</span><span >Client</span><span >();</span> <span ># Uses localhost:3141 by default</span>
<span >try</span><span >:</span>
<span >ci</span><span >.</span><span >restart_server</span><span >()</span>
<span >ci</span><span >.</span><span >load</span><span >(</span><span >defs</span><span >)</span>
<span >ci</span><span >.</span><span >begin_suite</span><span >(</span><span >"test"</span><span >)</span>
<span >except</span> <span >RuntimeError</span><span >,</span> <span >e</span><span >:</span>
<span >print</span> <span >"failed: "</span> <span >+</span> <span >str</span><span >(</span><span >e</span><span >);</span>
<p>What to do:</p>
<ol >
<li>Restart the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-ecf-server"><em >ecf_server</em></a></li>
<li>Begin the <a href="/wiki/display/ECFLOW/Glossary#term-suite"><em >suite</em></a></li>